LETTERS: Dare Wright - Linda Ruskoski Correspondence archive.

Nine ALS (4 - 1980, 4-1981, 1-nd),

- plus one Christmas Card featuring the doll and bears decorating a tree
- and three 5"x 7" photos: two of the dolls on a couch and a third of Wright with one doll.


Lona: A Fairy Tale, inscribed, "A fairy tale for Linda - Dare."


Notes from Faye Chiao from her examination:



ϖ Latin Homework and School books from when Dare was younger
ϖ Letters to Linda and Eric Rusowski, seems to trace the beginning of the friendship (March 1980)
ϖ File of 3 photos of doll Edith
¬ Edith & Bears at Christmas
¬ Edith and horse
¬ Edith and Little Bear Opening Gift

ϖ 10315a No Other Man, a novel
Dedication by Edie to Dare 1946
ϖ 1031b Nursery Rhymes of London Tower by Eleanor Farjeon
Dedication to Dare by Eleanor Fanjeon, 1947
ϖ 10316a Little Rivers
ϖ 10316a Kenieth Jane Abbott
Contains sketches making a “flip book” of a stick figure shooting an arrow (pp. 169-173)
ϖ 10314 Lonely Doll, almost coffee size table book
ϖ Handmade books:
¬ Sherwood, play by Alfred Noyse, fake vellum, beautiful handwritten
¬ A Minuet, by Louise A Parker

ϖ Tennyson: Idylls of the King
Contains school notes, dated March 3, 1930, 2 sheets, one listing a series of books including PRIDE AND PREJUDICE
ϖ Glass Menagerie
ϖ The Rubaiyat of Mazar Khayzam
Inscription by Edit “To Dare from Mother” Xmas 1934
ϖ End and Beginning, by John Mansfield
ϖ Thelma: A Norwegian Princess by Marie Corelli
Inscription “To Dare” Christmas 1939 (a book from Edie’s girlhood)
ϖ A Child’s History of the World by VM Hillyer
Two pages of notes
Xmas gift tag to Dare from Edie at p. 208: “To educate, Edie”
Note paper with pictures and sketches

ϖ Essays for Discussion
p. 37, random blank post it
ϖ 103172a Cisero
Dare’s name etched into cover in pencil
ϖ 8 pages of latin notes

ϖ A Piece of String, by George Mendoza – a children’s picture book
Inscription: “For Dare, From Dick, May 28 1968”
ϖ Lonely Doll, hardcover
With book plate From the library of Linda M. Rusowski
Inscription to Linda from Dare, Christmas 1979
ϖ Lona, hardcover
Inscription to Linda from Dare
ϖ Redgauntlet by Sir Walter Scott, labeled “Dare Wright, freshman” (Dare’s schoolbook)
ϖ Lettres de Mon Moulin
Contains school notes page dated March 14, 1933
Notebook page paper clipped to the back
ϖ Shelley & Keats, labeled “Dare Wright, junior” (Dare’s schoolbook)
ϖ Shakespeare’s Predecessors (Dare’s schoolbook)
ϖ Romola by George Elliott (Dare’s schoolbook)
Paper book mark on p. 276-277
“frightened Tessa into silence about the circumstance…and then I awoke and it was true”
ϖ Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner (Dare’s schoolbook)
ϖ La Tulipe Noire, Dumas (Dare’s schoolbook)
page of French homework tucked into the back
ϖ Wordsworth and Coleridge
Some kind of receipt slip slipped into p. 47
A page with a Shakespeare sonnet and rhyme scheme tucked into back cover
ϖ Captain Blood, by Rafael Sabatini
ϖ Audrey, by Mary Johnston
ϖ Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
Bookplate suggest this is a book from Dare’s childhood
ϖ The Name and Nature of Poetry
With the inscription “For my precious Dare, This is the finest thing I know about poetry. With love and Merry Christmas.” (Likely from Edie?)
ϖ Shadow and Substance, by Paul Vincent Carroll (a play)
Inscribed beautifully and carefully with “Dare Wright”, likely by Dare
ϖ The Story of the Greek People, by Eva March Tappan
Notebook page with school notes tucked in
Judging by the handwriting this may have been an earlier schoolbook

Item ID#: 4658713a

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