MANUSCRIPT: Four Carbon Typed Manuscripts of Short Stories.

WELTY, EUDORA. 1909-2001.

Four Carbon Typed Manuscripts of short stories, comprising "The White Pig," "The Penalties of Writing 'Delta Wedding'," "The Visit," and "In the Station," together 19 pp rectos only, 4to, n.p., n.d. [before 1941?], with a few manuscript corrections. Intermittently yellowed, some brittle, all housed in plastic sleeves.
Provenance: Hubert Creekmore (accompanying ephemera including three gift tags SIGNED by Eudora Welty with her first name).

UNPUBLISHED EUDORA WELTY STORY? Three of the stories present here are found in Welty's collected works. "The Visit" was published as "A Visit of Charity" and "In the Station" as "The Key." These typescripts represent early versions. However, the longest story, "The White Pig," we do not locate elsewhere. The story relates how Jenny Franklin and her father Toe take in and eventually slaughter a white pig. In Jenny's mind the pig is the ghost of her recently murdered mother.

Welty and Creekmore were close friends—his sister married her brother, they had two nieces in common and lived on the same street. Creekmore was also an editor and agent for New Directions.

Item ID#: 4658843

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