To the Women Voters…

[Addams, Jane]. To the Women Voters of the United States from the Women in Political Bondage. Vote the Progressive Ticket and Make Us Free. [New York: Progressive Party, 1912].

8vo.; one leaf, folded to make 4 pages; printed on all sides; lightly used, small closed tear to fold.

Together with:

[Addams, Jane]. To the Women Voters of the United States from the Women in Political Bondage. Vote the Progressive Ticket and Make Us Free. [New York: Progressive Party, 1912].

8vo.; one leaf, folded to make 4 page; printed on all sides.

Two first editions of Jane Addams’s speech seconding the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt for President on the Progressive ticket; also print a list of reasons for progressive women to support Roosevelt, such as his pledge to work for “an eight hour day for women and young persons” and for “the organization of the workers–men and women–as a means of protecting their interests and promoting their progress”; and reprint in full a Roosevelt letter to Addams, affirming his support for woman’s suffrage. Addams’s statement is brief but eloquent, ending with a convincing appeal: “I second the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt because he is one of the few men in our public life who has responded to the social appeal, who has caught the significance of the modern movement. Because of that, because the programme will require a leader of invincible courage, of open mind, of democratic sympathies, one endowed with power to interpret the common man and identify himself with the common lot, I heartily second the nomination.”


Item ID#: 4378 a-b

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