Subjection of Women, The.

Mill, John Stuart. The Subjection of Women. With a forward by Carrie Chapman Catt. New York: Federick A. Stokes Company, (1911).

8vo.; discreet book ticket to rear pastedown; blue cloth, stamped in gilt; grey printed dust-jacket; spine browned; light wear to extremities; small hole in spine, not removing any text.

Second Edition of this influential essay by Mill, with a foreword by suffrage advocate and political writer, Carrie Chapman Catt. Catt argues in the foreword for the continued relevance of Mill’s The Subjugation of Women, as a “clear vision and an analytical power”. Catt praises the new addition as, “a happy incident [whose] accessibility to the masses will prove of untold value to the movement”. Decades later, Mill’s arguments for equality of the two sexes, continues to be relevant to readers around the world and Catt’s hope for “accessibility to the masses” has been realized.

This edition includes a detailed textual dust-jacket, including a publisher’s review of The Subjection of Women, as well as publisher’s advertisements on the rear panel and inside flaps.


Item ID#: 4937

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