Inscribed brief for Woman Suffrage in education matters; two calling cards, one inscribed.

[Legal] Foltz, Clara S. Brief. Constitutionality of Senate Bill No. 366, being an act entitled “An
Act to enable Women to Vote at Elections for School Officers, and in Matters pertaining solely to
Schools, and to Qualify them to hold all Educational Offices.” Presented by the request to the
Senate Committee on Elections of the 25th Session of the California Legislature. Sacramento:
Lewis & Johnson, Printers, 1883.

Slim 8vo.; pink printed wrappers, sewn.

Together with:

Foltz, Clara S. Personal Calling Card. Inscribed on the verso: Faithfully yours, Clara Foltz.

Together with:

Foltz, Clara. Professional Calling Card. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Temple Court, Cor.
Nassau & Beekman Street. New York.

A brief, in printed pamphlet form, documenting an attempt to gain woman suffrage and elected
position eligibility for educational issues and posts. “Presented to the Senate Committee On
Elections (25th Session of the California Legislature - Sacramento)” by Clara S. Foltz, was the
first woman accepted to the California State Bar, and one of the most important advocates for
social change of her time. Inscribed by Foltz on the cover, in pencil: Inscribed on the cover, in
pencil: Compliments of the Author.
Together with two of Foltz’s calling cards: one is personal, with just her name, and is inscribed,
Faithfully yours, Clara Foltz. The other is her professional card, noting her title (“Attorney and
Counselor at Law”) and the New York City address of her office.

Item ID#: 4659039

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