Woman Suffrage in New Jersey.

Stone, Lucy. Woman Suffrage in New Jersey. An Address at a Hearing Before the New Jersey Legislature, March 6th, 1867. Boston: C. H. Simonds & Co., Printers, [ND but 1867].

8vo; 24 pp.; disbound; fine.

First Edition.Lucy Stone's address included the following,

Gentlemen will see it is no new claim that women are making. They only ask for the practical application of admitted, self-evident truths. If "all political power is inherent in the people," why have women, who are more than half the entire population of this State, no political existence? Is it because they are not people?... Women are even held to be citizens without the full rights of citizenship, but to bear the burden of "taxation without representation," which is "tyranny."

...Women ask you to submit to the people of New Jersey amendments to the Constitution of the State, striking out respectively the words 'white' and 'male' from article 2, section 1, thus enfranchising the women and the colored men, who jointly constitute a majority of our adult citizens. You will thereby establish a republican form of government...

Scarce with OCLC locating 5 copies. Not in Kirchmar nor Franklin.


Item ID#: 9591

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