International Council of Women. Report of Transations during the Third Quinquennial Term…
(Sewell, May Wright, editor). International Council of Women. Report of Transactions during the Third Quinquennial Term Terminating with the Third Quinquennial Meeting Held in Berlin, June, 1904. Boston: [May Wright Sewell], 1909.
8vo.; frontispiece photograph of female meeting participants, including Susan B. Anthony; other photographs throughout; green cloth, stamped in gilt; few pages lightly darkened, else good.
First and only edition of this report on a series of inaugural meetings held by the International Council of Women, of which May Wright Sewell, editor of this volume, was President. A presentation copy, inscribed to a feminist colleague: To Gertrude Waldeman with loving memories of many dear associations in the past which I hope may be continued into a distant future. May Wright Sewell, October, 1910.
May Wright Sewell was a feminist activist, a friend of many leading suffrage figures, and a regular member of Sorosis, the foremost women’s club of New England. The International Council of Women, launched at the National Woman Suffrage Association of 1888, was intended to consolidate the international feminist contacts generated by Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s many visits to Europe and by Susan B. Anthony’s tour of Britain in 1883. Anthony was a member of the original team of American representatives to the International Council, and her words and actions are recorded in this book of minutes. Anthony died before the later meetings transpired.
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