Broadside: To-night, Mrs. Mary A. Livermore will lecture at the South Church..

[Broadside, Women's Suffrage.] Livermore, Mary A. To-night, Mrs. Mary A. Livermore will lecture at the South Church, Laconia, this Friday evening, December 28, under the auspices of the Adelphi Club. Subject: "A dream of to-morrow." Reserved seas, 35 cents; general admission, 25 cents. Tickets at Foster's drug store. Doors open at 7; lecture at 7:45. Laconia [New Hampshire]: Lewis, Vaughan, & Co., ca. 1880s. $150
Broadside (292 x 127 mm.); toned, a few shallow chips and one 1-inch tear along edges not affecting text; good. Mary Livermore was one of the most prominent campaigners for women's rights in nineteenth-century America. Her colleagues included Julia Ward Howe and Lucy Stone. Livermore was also a radical abolitionist, and founded the Agitator, a newspaper with broad reach that spread word about women's rights. She was one of Abraham Lincoln's campaigners during his presidential bid in 1860, and a warship was named after her in WWII, many years after her death: the SS Mary Livermore. As often with such advertizement posters, the year is not given. The name of the local printers in New Hampshire, however, are given at the foot of the poster, "Lewis, Vaughan & Co., Printers, Laconia", and records show that they began trading under that firm name about 1880 and that the partnership dissolved around 1897, which furnishes a firm place of publication and an approximate dating
See Lilian Whiting, Women Who Have Ennobled Life (1915), for commentary on the impact this lecture had on its hearers '... Mrs. Livermore did not limit her repertoire to these addresses that had chiefly to do with the life of women. There was her eloquent prose poem, "A Dream of Tomorrow," a prophetic vision, delivered with the spell of a sibyl' (p. 69). No copy in WorldCat.

Item ID#: 4656969

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