LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Sarah O. Jewett," to "My dear Mr. Osgood," Decemeber 5, 1876, Smith Ber[ ].

ALS, "Sarah O. Jewett," to "My dear Mr. Osgood," Decemeber 5, 1876, Smith Ber[ ].

8vo.; one leaf, three pages.

Jewett writes to her publishers about a collection of stories at this stage called "Deephaven Cronies." Her first book, this was ultimately published as Deephaven in 1877. She writes to ask if her previous letter outlining the book had been received, if there was any scheduling information that would of be of use to her; that "Mr. Howells has the last chapter of the Cronies" but there is much work—rearranging—to be done with the material.

Item ID#: 9465bb

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