Women of the Future.

Lilienthal, Meta Stern. Women of the Future. New York: The Rand School of Social Science, (1916).

12mo.; brown printed wrappers; covers darkened; occasionally chipped at edges; discrete de-accession stamp to front cover.

First and only edition of a fragile 31-page pamphlet which discusses women’s life to come under socialism. By the author of From Fireside to Factory. In part:

Women of the future will work as surely as women of the past and present. They only will work differently. Their work will be lighter, more pleasant, more rational, more conducive to human health and happiness than the work of the majority of people is at present...


Public Life: The administration of things and whatever other functions the state of the future may have to perform, will of course by jointly conducted by men and women. In the Socialist state sex privilege will be as inconceivable as class privilege. In fact, the political equality of women, one of the present-day demands in the platforms of all Socialist parties, will be one of the corner-stones in the foundation of the new social order. A perfect political democracy will have to be realized before an industrial democracy will become possible. In the Socialist state women will vote on all public questions, will be eligible to all offices, and will enjoy the equal rights and perform the equal duties of unrestricted citizenship. No work for the public good will be regarded as too high or too low to be performed by any citizen suited to the task, be it man or woman. (pp. 10, 15)

The Rand School of Social Science later became The New School, a center for Jewish emigrant scholars and left-wing activists.


Item ID#: 4736

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