Coiffure Manuscript.
Manuscript, 18th Century French (ca: 1780) An anonymous verse manuscript with 51 mounted engravings of fancy coiffures, most hand-colored. The manuscript is written in one hand, composed of polite verse on the elegance of women. Square 12mo, contemporary boards, scuffed.
The 51 engravings come from different sources, some probably from Galleries des modes et costumes Française (1778-1788). Some have captions Baigneuse en marmotte ; Chapeau à la Jokeis ou Jaquet surmonté d’un pouf élégant ; Chapeau au Traineau ; Bonnets anglais, demi-négligé, à la Belle-Poule, à la Cornette de France, à la Glorieuse, etc.
The 35 pages of manuscript verse are written on the verso of an engraving and often refer to the engraving adjacent. The prints themselves are occasionally annotated with a girl’s name referred to in the verse adjacent: Ie: Chloe, Maria Corys deGarde; Hortense.
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