Proceedings of the Woman's Rights Convention.

The Proceedings of the Woman's Rights Convention, Held at Worcester, October 15th and 16th, 1851. New York: Published for the Committee by Fowlers and Wells, 1852.

8vo; 112 pp.; lacks original wrappers, disbound, else fine.

First edition, The second National Woman's Rights Convention had as officers: Paulina W. Davis, president; Angelina Grimke Weld, Lucretia Mott, et al., vice presidents; Ernestine L. Rose. Abby K. Foster, Harriet K. Hunt, Lucy Stone, Antoinette L. Brown, Stanton, Elizabeth Oakes Smith and others on committees. Male officers or committee persons included Garrison, Channing, and May. Included are printed addresses by Paulina Davis, Abby H. Price, Lucy Stone, Ernestine Rose, Wendell Phillips, Harriet K. Hunt, Mrs. C. I. H. Nichols, Antoinette L. Brown, Abby K. Foster, Channing, and remarks by others. Also includes a long letter from Harriet Martineau and reports from the committees on industrial matters, civil and political functions, education, and social relations.

At the second National Right Women's Convention, the dominant woman was Ernestine L. Rose. A Jewess who had fled from Poland to escape religious persecution, she was beautiful and cultured, with liberal views and great oratorical powers. On this occasion she spoke eloquently, advocating the following resolution:

We ask for our rights not as a gift of charity, but as an act of justice; for it is in accordance with the principles of republicanism that, as woman have to pay taxes to maintain government, she has a right to participate in the formation and administration of it; that as she is amenable to the laws of her country, she is entitled to a voice in their enactment and to all the protective advantages they can bestow; that as she is as liable as man to all the vicissitudes of lie, she ought to enjoy the same social rights and privileges.


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