Catalogue and Directory.
[Labor]. New York Exchange for Woman’s Work. Catalogue and Directory. New York: 334 Madison Avenue, 1899.
8vo.; printed light green wrappers, stapled; page 19 detached but included; upper wrapper illustrated in Art Nouveau style; ownership signature in top right corner of upper wrapper; wrappers lightly soiled; staples rusted.
First edition. The first page of the catalogue explains the mission of the New York Exchange for Woman’s Work, to “furnish salesrooms to women educated with no idea of making their varied accomplishments remunerative, but who can do skilled work” (p. 1). A directory of officers and managers, all women, and the advisory board, comprised of both men and women, follows, as well as a list of the committees that make up the Exchange: Housekeeping Department, Infants’ Department, Fancy and Useful Articles, and Old Furniture, Old Laces and Bric-a-Brac. The bulk of the catalogue contains pricing information for the items on sale, including produce, baked goods, clothing and accessories. Ads appear throughout for milliners, cobblers, antique dealers, and other specialty retailers. The inside of the upper wrapper contains an advertisement for E.G. Anthony, Ladies Tailor and Importer, the inside of the lower wrapper includes a plea for donations from the President of the NY Exchange for Woman’s Work, and the outside of the lower wrapper lists trustees and financial statistics of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. OCLC and RLG locate no other copies.
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