FDR: The Tribute of the Synagogue.

[Roosevelt, Eleanor]. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The Tribute of the Synagogue. Compiled and edited by Max Kleiman, Rabbi. With a foreword by the Rev. Dr. Stephen S. Wise. New York: Bloch Publishing Company, 1946.

8vo.; frontispiece of Franklin Delano Roosevelt; green cloth stamped in gilt, one scuff mark at lower spine, tips bumped.

First edition. Inscribed by Eleanor to her son and his wife: To Faye & Elliott Roosevelt With love Eleanor Roosevelt. Includes contributions from, among others, Rabbi Jacob Bosniak, Max Bressler, Justice Felix Frankfurter, and Rabbi Moses Mesheloff. The contributions are in the form of poetry, prayers, speeches, and essays. Stephen S. Wise says in his foreword:

...the American Jewish community did not think of Roosevelt as one to whom, for any special reason, it was indebted. The reverent admiration and love that inform these pages, derive not from any feeling that Roosevelt was friendly to Jews or partial to Jews or helpful to Jews. They derive from something deeper and truer; namely, the sense of all men, who cherish freedom, that Roosevelt was the greatest servant of democracy of this century; that he stood above every thought of racial and religious difference, insofar as he was a friend of man. (p. vii)

The troubled marriage between Faye Emerson and Elliott (named for Eleanor’s father) ended in divorce. Faye wrote to Eleanor that year: “I shall always be grateful for the things you gave Scoop [Faye’s son by a previous marriage] and me—the privilege of knowing you and the happiness of being with you” (Lash, p. 315).


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