Woman's Journal, The. (2 bound vols)

[Suffrage]. Blackwell, Alice Stone, editor. The Woman’s Journal. Volumes XXXIV, XXXVI, Numbers 1-52 for each (1903, 1905).

2 vols., 4to.; printed on newsprint; 52 issues bound-in to each; three-quarter cloth, marbled boards.

Two complete editions of this exceedingly rare and seminal weekly, founded by Lucy Stone, edited by her husband Henry Blackwell and their daughter Alice Stone Blackwell, and brought out on Saturdays from 1870 to 1917, when it and several smaller papers merged with the Woman Citizen. The motto is printed at the head of every issue: “Devoted to the Interests of Woman—to her Educational, Industrial, Legal and Political Equality, and especially to her Right of Suffrage.” From the library of Henry Bailey Stevens, with his bookplate to the front pastedown of the 1903 volume, along with a black and white photograph of Mrs. Emmaline Pankhurst. Individual issues of The Woman’s Journal are uncommon; runs that encompass complete years are virtually unprocurable and in the past decade only two similar compilations have appeared in the market.

As the political arm of the National American Woman Suffrage Organization, The Woman’s Journal “reprinted meeting and convention addresses and notes, reported on national and international political and social news, and published columns and editorials concerning suffrage issues, as well as poems, stories, and book reviews. Letters to the editor would often provoke serious debates on education, voting rights, and social equality that would last for months” (HAWH, p. 672) Regular contributors included Julia Ward Howe, William Lloyd Garrison, T.W. Higginson, and, of course, Stone and her husband Blackwell.


Item ID#: 3768

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