My Further Disillusionment in Russia.

Goldman, Emma. My Further Disillusionment in Russia. Being a Continuation of Miss Goldman’s Experiences in Russia as given in “My Disillusionment in Russia” Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1924.

8vo.; edges foxed; endpapers lightly offset; maroon cloth, stamped in gilt; spine rubbed; white, black and red dust-jacket.

First edition of this continuation of My Disillusionment in Russia which had appeared the previous year. A publisher’s note, along with a highly charged Preface written by the author, explains the mistake made by Doubleday, Page, & Company in publishing the original 1923 edition without, what Goldman believed to be, “the most vital part” of her story, told in these twelve chapters. Goldman describes this additional publication, detailing her adventure through Russia up until her exile in March, 1921, as a “justice to myself and to my readers”.

This edition includes an exquisite textual dust-jacket, including advertisements from Emma Goldman’s My Disillusionment in Russia, and The Letters of Archie Butt on the flaps, as well as an advertisement for The World’s Work:A History of Our Time which covers the back panel.


Item ID#: 5338

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