For My People.

With A Letter from Alice Walker

Walker, Margaret. For My People. With a foreword by Stephen Vincent Benet. New Haven...: Yale University Press, 1968.

8vo.; black and white photographic wrappers; lower hinge faintly browned on lower cover; lightly edgeworn. In a specially made cloth slipcase.

Together with:

Walker, Alice. Autograph letter signed, “Love, Alice,” March 8, 1970, Jackson, Mississippi, one leaf of Alice Walker Leventhal letterhead, recto only.

First edition; sixth printing. For My People won the Yale Series of Younger Poets Award in 1942; in explaining its reissue a quarter-century later, the publisher quote from the foreword, by Stephen Vincent Benet: “Mr. Benet also said, ‘She has spoken of her people so that all may listen.’ Because in 1968 another generation, both black and white, is eager to listen, we take pleasure in making this volume available once more. Margaret Walker’s voice deserves hearing in these new times.” Indeed, Walker is often cited as a “friend and inspiration” younger black writers like Alice Walker.

An intimate association copy, linking two of the most important black female voices in American literature: this copy started off in the library of Alice Walker Leventhal, who signed it in black ink on the half title, Mel & Alice Leventhal / Jackson, Jan. 2, 1969. At a later date Alice circled their names in red ink, drew an arrow to a space below, and inscribed it to Jane Cooper, one of her professors at Sarah Lawrence: For Jane. / And I wish you could meet Margaret – she is not a timid sort & has raised 4 children & wears hats with brims. / From …

The accompanying letter reads in full,

Jane - 3/8/70

Thanks very much for June [Jordan]’s book which is of the beauty that will last, and for your wonderful letter and the yellow card.

We are well. Rebecca loved her kiss under the ear— & sends this photograph to you. (But return it if you don’t mind – Mama poses rarely)


Cooper must have followed through on Walker’s request to return the photograph; it is not included here.


Item ID#: 9432

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