Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting of the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society of Philadelphia, The.

[Judaica]. (Gratz, Rebecca, Secretary). The Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting of the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Printed for the Society, 1869.

8vo.; single folded leaf, printed on pages one and three; creased; two nicks; adhesive stains on four corners of page four. In a specially made cloth slipcase.

This report of the Society, Matilda H. Cohen, made on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary and shortly after the death of Rebecca Gratz, includes minutes from the meeting, opened by Reverend S. Morais, a list of newly elected Officers and Managers, and reports from the Secretary and Treasurer. Among the resolutions are the following tributes to the founders:

That the Secretary be directed to make an extract of that portion of her report relating to our late esteemed friend and coadjutor, Miss Rebecca Gratz, and forward the same to her Executor, Horace Moses, Esq.

That on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of this Society, the names of those pious and benevolent women its Founders, are specially and reverentially recalled. [A list of Officers and Managers for 1819 and 1820 follows.]

In addition, a paragraph of the Secretary’s report is devoted to eulogizing Gratz:

Since our last meeting, it has pleased our Heavily Father to call hence our well beloved sister in faith, Miss Rebecca Gratz, one of the Founders of this Society, and for forty-five years its honorary Secretary. Thus we have a retrospect of nearly half a century of faithful and successful labor; she advocated and adorned every good and noble cause. To her constant and untiring appeals, we are indebted for that admirable Institution, “The Jewish Foster Home.” Every call of Duty, of Charity, or of Patriotism, met at her hands a ready and willing response. The many tributes of respect paid to the memory of our lamented friend, tell of the estimation in whose example may be commended to the imitation of the Daughters of Israel. During the past year, the Society has cheered many desolate homes, relief has been afforded to 48 families, numbering about 215 persons, there are some whose condition is improved, 16 families are assisted in paying their rent, others required but temporary aid during sickness, an occasional wayfarer has been helped on his journey to some distant point.


Item ID#: 4054

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