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134 Portraits of Women by a Female Photographer.14000 Miles: A Carriage and Two Women.
1913 Parade Book.
1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Bulletin of Information Concerning the International Conference of Women Workers to Promote Permanent Peace to be held in the First Congregational Church, San Francisco July 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th, 1915.
20 Hrs. 40 Min. Our Flight in the Friendship…
21st Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary and Female College for the Academic Year 1865.
23 amateur photographs of the May 3, 1960 anti-nuclear demonstration at City Hall Park, New York City.
28 Techinot.
39 Photographs.
4 Pamphlets and 2 Books.
40 years of manuscript journals.
400 Outstanding Women of the World.
6th Congressional District.
A Book.
"A Brief and Argument in Favor of the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution and Its Effect on Alimony, Custody of Children, Differential Age of Marriage and Protective Labor Legislation for Women".
A Child's History of the World.
A Free Bed.
A Piece of String.
A Shelf of Old Books.
A Vindication of the Character and Condition of the Females Employed in the Lowell Mills.
A Way of Seeing.
A Woman is Talking to Death.
Abby Smith and Her Cows, with a report of the law case decided contrary to law.
Abby Smith and Her Cows, with a report of the law case decided contrary to law.
Abolitionist and Women's Rights Autograph Album compiled by Lucy Colman and her daughter Gertrude with inscribed copy of Lucy Colman's Reminiscences.
Abortion is a Woman's Right.
About a dozen items.
About Voting.
About Voting.
Abridgement of the History of New England, for the Use of Young Children, An.
Abuse of Power Comes as No Surprise: Truisms and Essays.
Account of the Proceedings of the Trial of Susan B. Anthony…, An.
Account of the Proceedings of the Trial of Susan B. Anthony…, An.
Account…, with a catalogue of the scholars.
Accounts and Papers: Thirty Volumes. Army. Health of the Army in Turkey and the Crimea.
Act for the Protection of Widows, and Comparative Law, An.
Act in Respect to Insurances on Lives for the Benefit of Married Women, An.
Adam's Breed.
Adam's Breed.
Additional Manuscript / typescript / mimeo poetry drafts.
Address Adopted by the Woman's Rights Convention…
Address Book.
Address delivered before the Managers and Pupils of the Hebrew Sunday School, on the Life and Character of Miss Rebecca Gratz…
Address from Haverhill Equal Suffrage League.
Address in Favor of Universal Suffrage.
Address of Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Address on Moral Reform.
Address on the Divorce Bill.
Address on Woman's Rights…
Address to the Christian Public.
Address to the Legislature of New York, 1854.
Address to the Legislatures of the United States, An.
Address to the Public, An; …Proposing a Plan for Improving Female Education.
Address to the Public, particulary to the members of the Legislature of New York proposing a Plan for improving Female Education.
Address to the RNC in Chicago.
Address…Before the Legislature of PA…
Address…In Aid of German Jewish Women and Children. (With TLs by Anna Freud, #5302)
Addresses and Reports of Mrs. Potter Palmer, President of the Board of Lady Managers, World's Columbian Commission.
Addresses at the Memorial Service for Lucy Maynard Salmon.
Addresses to Young Children.
Admetus and Other Poems.
Adult Life of Toulouse Lautrec, The.
Advancement of Female Education.
Adventures in Women's Music.
Adventures of a Greek Lady… 2 vols.
ADVERTISEMENT: "Votes for Women". Two million women will have a right to vote in the next Presidential election. Twenty million women have voted for the emancipation of American womanhood by serving Shredded Wheat in their homes.
ADVERTISEMENT: Elizabeth Cady Stanton Endorsement of "Fairy Soap".
Advice from Women: Incoming correspondence from various women authors to James Harmon.
Advocate, The.
Aesthetic Papers.
Africa: Opportunities and Arrangements for Women Settlers.
African American WAAC Photo Album (photos in binder).
African Journey.
After All.
After Such Pleasures.
Against Interpretation.
Against Interpretation.
Age of the Fish, The.
AIDS and Its Metaphors.
Aids and Its Metaphors.
Aims of Woman Suffrage, The.
Album of Black Sorority and Family Life.
Album of photographs and cyanotypes.
Album of Photographs taken by a British nurse serving in Egypt during WWII.
Alexander's Bridge; 2 copies, variant jackets and bindings.
All in the Day's Work.
All Passion Spent.
All-of-a-kind Family.
Allyn Diary, 1803-06 (and Kingsbury Diary, 1785-1806).
ALS and AL (third-person) to Rev. Tuckwell
ALS and TLS to "My very dear friends," May 6th, 1881.
ALS to Mrs. Briggs from Sally Delano.
Altorf, A Tragedy.
Ambitious Woman in Business, The.
Amelia Earhart: Image and Icon.
America and Alfred Stieglitz; First Person Plural; A Franz Kafka Miscellany.
America and Woman Suffrage.
America Is Worth Saving.
America Through Women's Eyes.
America's First Woman Chemist: Ellen Richards.
American Arts.
American Beauties.
American Daughter.
American Female Patriotism.
American Female Poets, The.
American Frugal Housewife, dedicated to those who are not ashamed of economy.
American Hebrew Almanac, The.
American Men of Letters: Margaret Fuller Ossoli.
American Painting Today.
American Roundabout, working typescript and inscribed book.
American Slavery As It Is: Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses
American Woman's Home, The: Or, Principles of Domestic Science…
Among The Isles of Shoals.
Among the Tibetans.
Amongst the Aristocracy of the Ghetto.
Amy Lowell, A Critical Appreciation.
An Address on the Horrors of War, Taken in shorthand, as delivered by Mrs. General Gaines, before the saint Louis Mechanics' Institute, in Concert Hall, November 17th, 1840.
An American Exodus.
An American in Paris.
An Expert's Opinion.
An Island Garden.
Anarchism and Other Essays.
Anarchism and Other Essays.
Anarchism and Other Essays.
Anatomical Atlas.
And 22 Million Very Tired Very Angry People.
And Still I Rise.
Angel of Mercy, The.
Angel of Mercy.
Anglo-Saxon Review, 10 vols.
Ann Bailey. Trilling Adventures of the Heroine of the Kanawha Valley. Truth stranger than fiction as related. By writers who knew the story.
Anna Howard Shaw Memorial of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.
Anni Albers: Brooklyn Museum Catalogue. Slipcased with #4259.
Anniversary Discourse, Pronounced Before the Society for the Education of Orphan Children…
Annotated typescript: Rahel Varnhagen.
Announcement of the Episcopal Female Institute.
Annual Catalog of Millboro Springs College.
Annual Commencement of Howard University Law Department.
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association, Held At Hartford, September 9, 1870. Report of the Executive Committee.
Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association.
Annual Report of the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society, with a Sketch of the Obstacles thrown in the way of Emancipation by certain Clerical Abolitionists and Advocates for the subjection of Women, in 1837.
Annual Report of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society of the City of New York.
Annual Report of the Women's National Indian Association.
Annual Reports, 1902-06, 1910-12, 8 vols.
Another Hitherto Undescribed Disease of the Ovaries and eight other titles.
Another Part of the Forest (with inserted original playbill).
Another Part of the Forest.
Answer of the Lord to the Hebrews, The.
Answer to Some Charges Against the Catholic Worker.
Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1915.
Anthology: Pacific Coast Women's Press Association.
Anti-Climax, The": the concluding chapter of My Russian Diary "The Bolshevik Myth.
Anti-Slavery Alphabet, The.
Anti-Slavery Cause in America and its Martyrs.
Anti-Suffrage Pledge Form.
Anti-Vivisection Review, The. Volume II, June 1910 - July 1911.
Antiphon, The; uncorrected Proof and first ed.
Antonin Artaud, Selected Writings.
Appeal in Favor of That Class Called Africans, An.
Appeal of One Half the Human Race.
Appeal to the Christian Women of the South.
Appeal to the Legislature of the state of Connecticut for the Protection of Women.
Appeal to the Wives, Mothers, and Daughters of our Land.
Appeal to the Women of New York.
Appeal to the Women of the North-West.
Appeal to the Women of the United States by the National Woman Suffrage and Educational Committee…, An.
Appeal to Working Men and Women, An.
Approaches to the Great Settlement.
April Twilights.
Apropos of Women and Theatres.
Arabia, Egypt, India.
Archive Additions.
Archive folder.
Archive of a Department Store Fashion Director.
ARCHIVE: The Writer in America. Annotated unpublished interview transcript, with film and audio reels. [3 bankers boxes]
ARCHIVE: 2 boxes
ARCHIVE: 2 Letters and 2 typescript versions of “Economy.”
ARCHIVE: additions.
ARCHIVE: Amateur, The. Manuscript journals and correspondence. (5 slipcases)
ARCHIVE: American Hospital of Paris.
ARCHIVE: Amy Robinson Archive.
ARCHIVE: Anais Nin Correspondence and Interviews.
ARCHIVE: Archive of letters, documents and clippings, bulking to 1920s-50s.
ARCHIVE: Archive of letters, programs, and ephemera.
Archive: Colonization and Abolition.
ARCHIVE: Correspondence (A): Sketches of Life on an Ante-Bellum Louisiana Plantation. WITH: Family Scrapbook (B).
ARCHIVE: Correspondence and Ephemera.
ARCHIVE: Correspondence and manuscripts.
ARCHIVE: Correspondence and manuscripts. (six bankers boxes)
ARCHIVE: Correspondence and notebooks.
ARCHIVE: Correspondence and Other Materials Relating to Birth Control Advocacy.
ARCHIVE: Correspondence and personal material.
ARCHIVE: Correspondence and printed matter.
ARCHIVE: Correspondence, manuscripts, and documents.
ARCHIVE: Correspondence, Photographs, and Printed Matter.
ARCHIVE: Correspondence, photographs, and printed matter.
ARCHIVE: Correspondence.
ARCHIVE: Corset-related material.
ARCHIVE: Editorial Correspondence with Little Brown, with typescripts and printed material.
ARCHIVE: Emergency Peace Federation / American Conference for Democracy and Terms of Peace archive.
ARCHIVE: Empire State Campaign Committee Documents.
ARCHIVE: Estate Files.
ARCHIVE: Ethel Adamson Archive of Correspondence and related material.
ARCHIVE: Evelyn Irons Archive. (five large slipcases)
ARCHIVE: Female OSS officer.
ARCHIVE: Film Heralds.
ARCHIVE: German Émigré Family
ARCHIVE: Hunter Correspondence and related documents.
ARCHIVE: Including signed and dated 1962 typescript of "Rope", several ALS, etc.
ARCHIVE: JB PInker Publishing correspondence.
ARCHIVE: Kohn Archive of Hannah Arendt/Mary McCarthy material.
ARCHIVE: Letters and ephemera of the Gideon Family of Yonkers, New York.
ARCHIVE: Letters and photographs relating to the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry in Southeast Asia.
Archive: Letters documenting the experiences of female Mennonite missionaries in China during the Chinese Civil War.
ARCHIVE: Letters, an interview with Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, and related correspondence.
ARCHIVE: Literary agency files
ARCHIVE: Literary agency files (one bankers box).
ARCHIVE: Manhattan Industrial High School for Girls Archive - 4 card boxes.
ARCHIVE: Manuscript archive.
ARCHIVE: Manuscript material and printed matter.
ARCHIVE: Manuscripts and correspondence.
ARCHIVE: Manuscripts by Women of the National Poetry Project.
ARCHIVE: Manuscripts, correspondence, and related material.
ARCHIVE: Manuscripts, correspondence, photographs.
ARCHIVE: Manuscripts.
ARCHIVE: Manuscripts.
ARCHIVE: Manuscripts.
ARCHIVE: Manuscripts.
ARCHIVE: Manuscripts. [Six oversized slipcases, numbered 1-6 with Roman numerals]
ARCHIVE: Martha Jefferson Democratic Club of Gloversville, NY.
ARCHIVE: Material from Mrs. Richard Henry Libbey, Newport, Maine (one binder).
ARCHIVE: Material issued by Buffalo, N.Y. branch of the Women's Educational and Industrial Union
ARCHIVE: Material relating to archeological studies in Brittany and the Channel Islands.
ARCHIVE: Miami Herald Modeling Ad - Correspondence.
ARCHIVE: New York Suffrage Campaign Archive, 1914-1917.
ARCHIVE: Original dust-jacket art for The Wizard of Earthsea Trilogy - three drawings, appx. 15 x 21 inches each. With related correspondence.
Archive: Part II.
ARCHIVE: Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Archive of Abbie B. Rice and Maud R. Stuckert. Literature is itemized herein. 3 large slipcases.
ARCHIVE: Printed matter and photographs.
ARCHIVE: Questionnaire Project.
ARCHIVE: SCUM archive.
ARCHIVE: Shakers.
ARCHIVE: Simone de Beauvoir interviews and correspondence.
ARCHIVE: Simone de Beauvoir interviews and correspondence.
ARCHIVE: Societe Anonyme.
ARCHIVE: Suffrage Archive of Ellen Cornelia Morse.
ARCHIVE: The Hot Dog Picnic: Royal Visit Correspondence.
ARCHIVE: The Novel of the Future.
ARCHIVE: Theater material including manuscripts, photographs, letters, and printed matter, from Sarah Bernhardt, Ellen Terry, and more. (four bankers boxes and one bubble-wrapped package of oversized framed items.)
ARCHIVE: Union Women's Alliance to Gain Equality: Periodical Archive.
ARCHIVE: Unique original and scarce material.
ARCHIVE: Up Your Ass
ARCHIVE: Victor Gollancz Publishing Files. (4 files)
ARCHIVE: Virginia Dwan Gallery Archive.
ARCHIVE: Wellesley College.
ARCHIVE: Wellesley College.
ARCHIVE: Western Female Seminary: 22 items; boxed with 10755 a-b.
ARCHIVE: Western Photographs and correspondence.
ARCHIVE: Women's Army Corps.
ARCHIVE: Women's Baseball Magazines and Photos.
ARCHIVE: Women's Land Syndicate Archive.
ARCHIVE: Women's Railroad Magazine.
ARCHIVE. (5 bankers boxes)
ARCHIVE. (eight bankers boxes)
ARCHIVE. (six bankers boxes)
ARCHIVE. (two bankers boxes)
Are Women People?
Are You With Us?
Argument in Favor of Equal Suffrage Constitutional Amendment.
Arguments of Counsel and Opinion...Woman Suffrage Question.
Arlington W.C.T.U. Cook Book.
Armenian Poems.
Armoured Virgin, The.
Army Hospital Services Inquiry
Army Sanitary Administration and Its Reform Under the Late Lord Herbert.
Army Sanitary Administration…
Arnold Bennett.
Arrogant Beggar.
Art as Experience.
Art of This Century: The Women. (leaflet)
Art of This Century.
Art Program and Price List: My first true Drawings were Crazy Janes.
Art-Student in Munich, An. 2 vols.
Art, Literature, and The Drama.
Art] Diary and Sketchbook; with Sketches of Franklin and Marshall Academy (1927).
Artist portfolio.
Artists' Bookplates.
Artwork: "Community Chest Rally - 1952" - Red Feather painting.
ARTWORK: Original Artwork for dust-jacket of The Second Sex and The Blood of Others.
ARTWORK: Two Pen and Ink wash drawings… re "Maedchen in Uniform," with original movie program.
ARTWORK: Votes for Women.
ARTWORK: Woolf drawing of Eleanor Roosevelt.
As He Saw It.
As I Know Them.
As I Live and Breathe.
As They Were.
Asher/Kunitz: Publishing Correspondence with William Claire.
Assorted Articles.
Astrology for Everyone: What it is and How it Works.
Atalanta's Garland
Attention! Visit the Equal Suffrage Tent, located on the Adee lawn for self Denial Day.
Audio - 33 rpm record] Songs of the Suffragettes.
Aunt Mary's New England Cook Book.
Aunt Sally; Or, The Cross the Way of Freedom. A Narrative of the Slave-Life and Purchase of the Mother of Reverand Isaac Williams, of Detroit, MI, 1859.
Australia, the land of hope and sunshine : how women can get there, and what they say of it
Auszug Synagogen-sik-protokolle der brekburger israel. Cultusgemeinde. Document recording the purchase of a seat in women's section of the synagogue. Germany.
Author’s Questionnaire with related correspondence.
Authors and Friends.
Autobiography and Reminiscences.
Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, The.
Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, The.
Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt, The.
Autobiography of Mother Jones, The.
Autobiography of Mother Jones.
Autobiography, An: The Story of the Lord’s Dealings with Mrs. with, the Colored Evangelist
Autobiography, An.
Autobiography, An.
Autograph album, registry/day book, including Stowe and others.
Autograph Album.
Autograph book of Anna McDowell from the Troy Female Seminary.
Autograph Book.
Autograph journal of a continental tour.
Autograph Manuscript Signed: Book of the Ancestry of Rosalie Gardiner Jones. Illustrated with watercolors.
Autograph manuscript speech on suffrage.
Autograph poem signed: "The History of a Blue Sweater."
Autograph sentiment, signed photograph, memorial card, and Obituary of Una Troubridge.
Autumn Garden, The.
Aventuras de Diofanes.
Award certificate broadside: Medaille de la Reconnnaissance Francaise. `axx
B. and M. Gratz Merchants in Philadelphia 1754-1798.
Baghdad Sketches.
Balance, The.
Balanced Recipes.
Ballad of Sexual Dependency, The.
Ballad of the Sad Café, The.
Ballad of the Sad Café, The.
Bank Notes for Women.
Banquet Menu.
Bapu's Letters to Mira, 1929-1948.
Barbara Fritchie; A Study.
Baron and Feme.
Baron de Hirsch Trade School material. (1 large slipcase, 1 slim folder)
Bart'lemy Fair. BOUND WITH Some Reflections Upon Marriage.
Bayou Folk.
Bayou Folk.
Bayou Folk.
Bearer's Companion, The. First Aid to the Injured and Management of the Sick; An Ambulance Handbook and Elementary Manual of Nursing for Volunteer Bearers and Others.
Beauties of Rousseau, The.
Beecher-Tilton War, The.
Before the Flowers of Friendship Faded, Friendship Faded. With ALS to Rene Crevel.
Being Geniuses Together: 7 rounds of typescript notes and drafts for the preface.
Bell Street Chapel Discourses.
Benefactor, The - galleys and first edition
Benefactor, The.
Bertha and Lily.
Beside the Still Waters.
Best Short Stories by Negro Writers.
Betty Leicester.
Betty Leicester's English Xmas.
Between Past and Future.
Between War and Peace.
Bible and Woman Suffrage, The.
Bible for Children, The.
Bible Position of Woman.
Bicycling for Ladies.
Bill, The.
Binny's Women.
Bio-Bibliography of Florence Nightingale.
Biographical Notices of the Portraits at Hingingbrook. All Faithfulls in 2 large slipcases.
Biological and Medical Aspects of Contraception.
Birds and Flowers; or, The Children's Guide to Gardening and Bird-Keeping. All Faithfulls in 2 large slipcases.
Birds of America.
Birth Control Bill S. 2290.
Birth Control File: TLS, "Emma Goldman," to "Friend," January 29, 1917, one leaf of Mother Earth publishing Association letterhead, discussing Ben Reitman and birth control.
Birth Control Laws. Shall We Keep Them Change Them or Abolish Them.
Birth Control News.
Birth Control Review, The.
Birth Control Review, The. Vol. VIII No. 6 and Vol. IX No. 9, boxed with inaugural issue (Feb. 1917). slipcased with 4507
Birth Control Review, Vol. I, No. 3.
Black Book, The; Or, A Continuation of Travels, in the United States. (3 vols.)
Black Chicago: Poems.
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon.
Black Man and White Ladyship.
Black Man and White Ladyship.
Black Reconstruction.
Black Souls: A Play in Six Scenes.
Blackout, 5 leaves and an Autograph Envelope.
Blind Girl, The.
Blithedale Romance, The.
Block of Lottery Tickets] The Purchaser or holder of this Card is a member of The Women's Economical Garden Homestead League.
Bloodshed and Three Novellas.
Bohemia. A Magazine of Literature and Art.
Book Borrower, The.
Book for a Cook, A.
Book of Common Sense Etiquette.
Book of Dialogues, 6 vols.
Book of Documents submitted to the General Assembly of the United Nations relating to the establishment of the National Hom for the Jewish People.
Book of Jade, The.
Book of Repulsive Women, The. 8 Rhythms and 5 Drawings.
Book of the Camp Fire Girls, The.
Book of the Class of 1927 of The Ogontz School.
Book of the New Moral World, The.
Book of Wonders…
Book, Journal and Letters.
Bookbinder's archive (two volumes).
Booke of Pylgremage of the Sowle.
Books in General, on Virginia Woolf.
Borough, The.
Bosnian and Herzegovinian Fugitives and Orphans Relief Fund.
Botanical Collection]. Flora collected by an affluent English botanical enthusiast.
Bowen - Gollancz files.
Bowl of Cherries, A.
Box of Monkeys, A, and other farce-comedies.
Boy Meets Girl.
Boys in White, The; the Experience of a Hospital Agent in and around Washington.
Brandeis Avukah Annual of 1932.
Braodside: Reject the Susan B. Anthony Amendment: Woman Suffrage in Action!
Bread and Bread Making.
Bread and Wine.
Bread Givers.
Bread upon the Waters.
Breaking Into the Human Race.
Breaking Open.
Brewsie and Willie.
Bride of Fort Edward, The.
Brief Life... in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (foreign edition).
Brief of Title.
Brief Sketch of the Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Bright Ideas for Money-Making.
Brightness Falls From the Air.
British Hospitals in the Crimea.
Broadsheet advertisement for bustle skirt supporter.
BROADSIDE: "Don't Forget to Vote for Woman Suffrage First."
BROADSIDE: "Success: The Map Proves It".
BROADSIDE: "We, the undersigned voters petition the men of Oklahoma to vote Yes, on the woman Suffrage Amendment, Nov. 5th, 1918."
BROADSIDE: A Reading of Poems by Patti Smith, Victor Bockris, Gerard Malanga, Andrew Wylie.
BROADSIDE: A Woman's Right to Choose.
BROADSIDE: Abortion Action Week.
Broadside: Abortion! A woman's right to choose.
Broadside: Abraham Lincoln Endorsed Woman Suffrage. If you believe in Lincoln, vote "yes" Nov. 2.
BROADSIDE: Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale will deliver an address under the auspices of Eastern Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association.
Broadside: Bella Abzug Speaks on E.R.A.
Broadside: Do Men Represent Women.
BROADSIDE: Enemies of Votes for Women, The.
Broadside: Freshman Frolic, 1917.
BROADSIDE: Frustration.
Broadside: Grand Suffrage Rally.
BROADSIDE: I am a Woman Giving Birth to Myself.
BROADSIDE: International Women's Day, alliance against women's oppression.
BROADSIDE: International Women's Day, Where have we come? Where are we going?
BROADSIDE: International Women's Day. Sunday - March 9.
BROADSIDE: International Women's Year 1975.
Broadside: Memo to Junior Hostesses re. Dancing with Negro Servicemen at the Stage Door Canteen.
BROADSIDE: Moving Forward Together.
BROADSIDE: National Women's Conference - Atlanta. Opposing the Vietnam War.
BROADSIDE: New York, Circle of Friends.
BROADSIDE: Nice Work If You Can Get It.
BROADSIDE: No More Rape and Repression!
BROADSIDE: Open Air Suffrage Meeting. (3 copies)
BROADSIDE: Our Strength is in Our Health. Berkeley Women's Health Collective.
Broadside: Ours is a government 'of the people, by the people, and for the people,' or it is not."
BROADSIDE: Paris, Circle of Friends.
BROADSIDE: Pittsburgh NAACP says Don't Shop at A&P.
BROADSIDE: Public Meeting.
BROADSIDE: Repeal all abortion laws!
BROADSIDE: Ten Thousand Petitioners Appeal for a Sixteenth Amendment.
BROADSIDE: The Age of Iron. Man as he expects to be.
BROADSIDE: The Sperm Bank of Northern California.
BROADSIDE: The Suffrage Planks.
BROADSIDE: There is a choice! March on Washington.
BROADSIDE: To the Women of Legal Age in Vineland.
Broadside: To-night, Mrs. Mary A. Livermore will lecture at the South Church..
BROADSIDE: Why Women Want to Vote. Women Are Citizens. And Wish to do their Civic Duty.
BROADSIDE: Woman is Rising.
Broadside: Woman's Day Program: Ebenezer AME Church.
BROADSIDE: Women need not always keep their mouths shut and their wombs open!
BROADSIDE: Women Voters Vote Against Wilson.
Broadside: Woodhull Presidency Broadside and Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly.
BROADSIDE: Woodhull Will Speak at Huntington Hall.
BROADSIDE: WSP Supports McGovern: Women for Peace Urged to Work Actively in Political Campaign to Defeat Nixon.
BROADSIDES: Silent Speech to Men (twenty-two broadsides).
Brochure Soliciting for the Alice Stone Blackwell Fund Committee.
Broken Gloom: Sketches of the History, Character, and Dying Testimony…
Bronze: A Book of Verse.
Brooklyn Jewish Center Review, The.
Brown Americans.
Brown Girl, Brownstones
Bryn Mawr Summer School for Women Workers in Industry.
Buffer, The.
Bulletin of the Pennsylvania League of Women Voters, Vol. 3, No. 7. (cover only)
Burden and the Glory, The.
Burden of Mothers, The.
Burden of Our Time, The.
Burlesque Archive.
Burning Lights.
Bus Companies Are More Enlightened than NYC Art Galleries.
Business Girl Magazine. Vol. 1, no. 11.
Business Openings for Girls.
BUTTON: Youth Today Tomorrow Power.
By Cecile."
By-laws and Regulations of the Girls' Industrial Home.
Bye-election Policies Compared.
Ca. 19 periodicals, mimeographs, and more.
Cabaret Ads.
Cabinet Photograph.
Caledonian Bee.
Calendar. 21 issues.
California In-doors and Out.
Call for a Congress of Women.
Call to Action, A.
Call Yourself Alive?
Camp Glenrochie for Girls, Twenty Seventh Season.
Camp Life. As Seen By A Civilian. A Personal Narrative.
Camp Log.
Campaign Ribbon and Sentiment.
Camping for Girls.
Can't Get a Red Bird.
Canadian Ladies Book.
Cannibal Galaxy, The.
Cannibals and Missionaries.
Captain Blood.
Captain Gray's Company; Or, Crossing the Plains and Living in Oregon.
Captive, The.
Carcinoma on the Floor of the Pelvis and eight other titles.
Carnival Strippers.
Carrie Chapman Catt.
Carter - Gollancz publishing files.
Cartes and MANUSCRIPT: "Resolved - That the Establishment of Womans Suffrage would be for the Good of the Country." Arguments in favor of Women's Suffrage.
Casa di Correzione per le Donne Condannate.
Case for Birth Control, The.
Case for Women's Suffrage, The.
Casting of Lots.
Cat's Eye.
Catalog and Price List of Woman Suffrage Literature and Supplies, January 1914.
Catalog: What a Home Should Be.
Catalogue and Directory.
Catalogue of Articles contained in the Museum of Military Surgery attached to the Army Medicine School at Netley.
Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Leeds Anti-Slavery Association. Depot, Town Mission Room, No. 1, Park Lane.
Catalogue of Singer Sewing Machines for Family Use.
Catalogue of the Bettie Stuart Institute, Springfield, Illinois.
Catalogue of the Library Collected by Miss Richardson Currer.
Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Mount Pleasant Academy, and of the Instructers and Pupils of Mount Pleasant Female Seminary, in the Village of Sing-Sing, Westchester County, N.Y. for the year ending December 31st, 1831.
Catalogue of the Pictures at Sherborne Castle.
Cathedral of Compassion: Dramatic Outline of the Life of Jane Addams 1860-1935.
Cause, The.
Celebration of Pop-up and Movable Books.
Celia Thaxter letter extolling the virtues of Theosophical literature and the search for truth
Centennial Hand Book.
Central Committee… Annual Report.
Certificate of Scholarship.
Cezanne: She was a Great Painter. New York: Carolee Schneeman, 1975.
Chaim Nachman Bialik: Poems from the Hebrew.
Change, The: Women, Aging, and the Menopause.
Changing Culture of an Indian Tribe, The.
Chap-T-her Won.
Chapters from a Life.
Charles Dudley Warner.
Charlotte: Life or Theater?
Charmed Life, A.
Charter and Constitution of the Providence Female Charitable Society.
Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice. CONFIRM # ON BOOK
Charter to the members of the Reading, PA branch of the NAACP.
Check signed by Susan B. Anthony and Alice Stone Blackwell.
Chekhov and the Theater.
Chekhov on the West Heath.
Child of Nature, The.
Child of Our Time, A.
Child of the Islands.
Childhood Comfort.
Childlike Life of the Black Tarantula, The.
Children of Loneliness.
Children of Scorn and A Short History of Marriage.
Children of the Albatross.
Children Out-of-doors, The.
Children's Monthly: a little book full of original poems and stories for the children.
China At War.
Choruses from Iphigeneia in Aulis.
Choruses from Iphigeneia in Aulis.
Christian Social Reformers of the Nineteenth Century.
Christmas Story, A.
Church League for Woman Suffrage.
Churchill Biography -- setting copy.
Cicero; Essays for Discussion (2 books); WITH several pages of manuscript notes.
Circle Game, The.
Circular: The People Are Coming!
Cities of the Interior.
Clara Raphael. Tolv Breve, udgivne af Johan Ludvig Heiberg.
Climbing Mt. Kinabalu in British Borneo. Unpublished manuscript journal.
Clock Without Hands (book and promotional pamphlet).
Clock Without Hands.
Co-Ge-We-A, The Half-Blood.
Coelebs in Search of a Wife.
Coffee Through the Camera's Lens.
Coiffure Manuscript.
Colette: The Difficulty of Loving, two editions.
Collages: Typescript mimeo, brad-bound, signed. House of Incest, 1964 French translaton from the American, proof and first edition. Two ALS and One TLS, 1964, 1973.
Collected Poems, The. 2 vols.
Collected Poems.
Collected Works: Mother's Recompense (1890); Days of Bruce (1890); Woman's Friendship (1889); Women of Israel (1889); Vale of Cedars (1889); Home Scenes (1889).
COLLECTION - Comprising item #10864-10881, and #11166.
Collection of over 700 Film Scripts by Women Screenwriters.
Collection of postcards featuring images of women's fashion, specifically pants.
Collection of Scriptural and Miscellaneous Poems.
Collection of works by Pollitt, including NYC MTA Poetry in Motion poster of "Wild Orchids."
Collection, including dozens of polaroids, a few trip books, and occasional correspondence.
Collection, see below for individual titles.
Collection, to be entered individually.
COLLECTION: Af-Am Beauty Industry printed matter.
Collection. 1/3
Collection. 2/3
Collection. 3/3
College, The Market, and The Court, The.
College, the Market, and the Court, The…
Colossus, The.
Columns of Alpha Epsilon Phi, The.
Come to the Barn Dance (ticket).
Coming of Age, The.
Coming of Peace, The.
Commission on the Status of Women, State of Illinois. Report and Recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly.
Common Sense" Applied to Woman Suffrage: A Statement of the Reasons Which Justify the Demand to Extend the Suffrage to Women... New York State Convention of 1894.
Common Woman, The.
Commonplace Book.
Communion of Labour, The.
Company She Keeps, The.
Company She Kept, The; annotated galleys and related correspondence.
Compendium of the Theory and Practice of Midwifery…, A.
Competitive and Cooperative Habits among The Manus of the Admiralty Islands … AND …Habits Among the Samoans…
Complete Guide to the English Lakes, A.
Complete Hebrew and English Critical and Pronouncing Dictionary, A.
Complete Servant Maid, The.
Complete Works.
Composition as Explanation.
Comrade and Equal.
Concerning Children [CPG Family Archive].
Concerning Children, unbound signatures [CPG Archive].
Concerning Women.
Concert in Aid of the Girls' Industrial Home in the First Presbyterian Church, Friday Evening Dec. 21st 1877.
Concord Sketches.
Concord Summer School of Philosophy, The.
Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844, The.
Conditions of Service in the Immobile Branch.
Conduct of the War, The. A speech delivered in the House of Commons on Tuesday, 12th of December, 1854.
Conferences on the Cause and Cure or War (2 reports)
Confessions of a Rebellious Wife.
Congress International du Droit des Femmes.
Congress of Women, The World's Columbian Exposition.
Congressional Reports in Favor of An Amendment to the National Constitution Prohibiting the Disfranchisement of United States Citizens on Account of Sex.
Congressional Reports on Woman Suffrage.
Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage.
Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage. Farewell to the Women Envoys to the West.
Connecticut Almanack, The.
Consistent Democracy.
Constitution and By Laws of the Wednesday Afternoon Club. (5 items)
Constitution and By-Laws of the American Jewish Publication Society.
Constitution and By-Laws, and related material.
Constitution and By-laws.
Constitution and By-laws.
Constitution as Adopted December 11, 1913.
Constitution of the American Woman Suffrage Association and the History of its Formation.
Constitution of the Dorr Liberation Society of Rhode Island.
Constitution of the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society of Philadelphia.
Constitution of the Female Society for Instructing Poor Children.
Constitution of the Independent Order B'nai B'rith…
Constitution of the National Woman's Party.
Constitution of the St. Joseph County Equal Suffrage Association.
Constitution… string tied together with The First Report of…with…and a list of subscrbers and benefactors.
Constitutional Equality: A Right of Women, by T.C. Claflin.
Constitutional Rights of the Women of the United States.
Contribution to the Sanitary History of the British Army.
Convention Proceedings. 8 items in 2 cloth slipcases.
Convention Songs, 1919.
Conversations on Natural Philosophy…
Conversations on Political Economy. Slipcased with 5622.
Conversations on Political Economy… Slipcased with 5649.
Conversations with Goethe in the Last Years of His Life.
Conversations with Mikhail Borodin.
Cook and Housekeeper's Complete & Universal Dictionary.
Cook Book No. 2.
Cookbook for Girls and Boys, A.
Cookbooks (four volumes).
Cookie Mueller.
Copies of Letters Addressed to the Commissioners of Immigration of New York, and to the United Hebrew Charities of New York.
Coral Gables.
Correspondence and Printed Material regarding Unpublished Poems of Emily Dickinson
Correspondence archive.
Correspondence Between Goethe and Carlyle.
Correspondence between Lydia Maria Child and Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason, of Virginia." Anti-Slavery Tracts. No. 1. New Series.
Correspondence with Herb Yellin.
Correspondence with Patricia MacManus (one file)
Counsel to Parents on The Moral Education of Their Children in Relation to Sex.
Counsel to Parents on the Moral Education of Their Children.
Country By-Ways.
Country Doctor, A.
Country Life in Georgia in the Days of My Youth.
Country of Pointed Firs, The.
Country of Pointed Firs, The.
Country of the Pointed Firs, The.
Course of Popular Lectures.
Court Circles of the Republic…
Coyote Howls. The Intermittent Journal of A Loose Woman's Organization.
Crawl Out Your Window #3 and #8.
Creatures' Choir, The.
Cripple Creek Strike 1903-1904.
Crises of the Republic.
Cristina of that Little Bunch of Summer Flowers.
Critical Analysis of Several Striking and Incongruous Passages in Madame de Stael's Work on Germany, with some Historical Account of that Country. By A German.
Critical Readings and Classification of American Literature.
Crushing of the Russian Revolution. (pamphlet)
Crux [CPG Family Archive].
Crux [CPG Family Archive].
Cubical City, The.
Culture and Commitment.
Culture and Education in America.
Curfew Must Not Ring To-Night, manuscript copy.
Curtain of Green, A.
Cycle of Adams Letters, A, 1861-85, 2 vols.
Czerwony Sztandar.
Czerwony Sztandar. (7 octavo issues 1904-06, 4 folio issues 1910-1913.)
D.H. Lawrence.
D.H. Lawrence.
Daddy, We Hardly Knew You.
Daily Breakthrough. Three issues: November 18, 19, 20, 1977.
Daily Journal.
Dames de Lesbos, Ces.
Dance of the Tortoise.
Daniel Deronda. In 2 cloth slipcases.
Daphne Du Maurier - Gollancz files (three boxes).
Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze, The.
Dark Summer.
Darkness and Daylight; or, Lights and Shadows of New York Life…
Darwinism in Morals, and Other Essays.
Date with a Dish, A.
Daughters from Afar: Profiles of Israeli Women.
Daughters of the Dust. The Making of an African-American Woman's Film.
David and Anna Matson.
David and Anna Matson.
Dawn Island.
Day Book.
Day in Surrey With William Morris, A: An Interview by Emma Lazarus 1883" pamphlet.
Days Before, The.
Days of Bruce
Days of Our Lives.
Days Spent on a Doge's Farm.
De Imitatione Christi Libri Quatuor (Imitation of Christ).
De Imitatione Christi.
Death and Life of Great American Cities.
Death and Taxes.
Death Comes for the Archbishop, opening manuscript leaf.
Death Comes for the Archbishop.
Death Comes for the Archbishop.
Death of Juliet, The. As Presented by Miss Margaret Mather in Romeo and Juliet.
Deborah, Golda, and Me: Being Female and Jewish in America.
Debs and the Poets.
Declaration of Principles.
Declaration of Rights of the Women of the United States
Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Society…on the 4th day of December.
Declaration of the Anti-Slavery Convention, December 4, 1833.
Decorated Envelope Containing Eight Photographs and Both Printed and Handwritten Matter.
Deer Park, The. (Original screenplay from Norman Mailer's novel.)
Defence of Mrs. Virginia T. Smith, Hartford City missionary, Against the Charge of Baby Farming…
Defence of the Old Testament to Thomas Paine…, A.
Delta Wedding.
Democracy Must Be Lived.
Democratic Digest (6 issues).
Democratic Ideals. A Memorial Sketch of Clara B. Colby.
Demonstrate for Abortion Rights!
Department Store Girl.
Departure Pamphlets (contributor: "For a naturalist dead at sea.")
Deportation: Its Meaning and Menace.
Der Totalitarismus.
Deuxieme Sexe, Le. (The Second Sex).
Development: A Novel.
Devoted, The.
Devotional Exercises for Daughters of Israel, 1852.
Di Froy's Handbukh, first Yiddish edition.
Diagnosis and Some of the Clinical Aspects of Gyroma and Endothelioma of the Ovary and eight other titles.
Dial: A Magazine for Literature, Philosophy and Religion. (4 vols.)
Dialectic of Sex, The.
Diana. A Strange Autobiography.
Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph.
Diaries (three volumes).
Diaries and Memorandum of a Quaker Woman of Philadelphia.
Diaries and Photos.
Diaries…Comprising Their Life and Work as Recorded in Their Diaries From 1812 to 1883… 2 vols.
Diary and scrapbook.
Diary of "My Eastern Trip."
Diary of a female school teacher of Moravia, Cayuga County, New York.
Diary of a Six-Month Voyage to China, Malaysia, Korea, Japan.
Diary of a Young Girl, The.
Diary of a Young Girl, The.
Diary of a Young Girl.
Diary of a Young Girl.
Diary of a Young Girl.
Diary of Anne Frank.
Diary of Anne Frank. A Dramatization.
Diary of Dr. Anna B. Taylor, of Cambridge, MA.
Diary of her freshman year at the Alabama Technical Institute and College for Women.
Diary: Journal of the "Reminiscences" of Abolitionist & Suffragist Elizabeth Ann Kingsbury of Chester, PA.
Dictionary of Medicine. Including general pathology, general therapeutics, hygiene and the diseases of women and children. V. 2.
Die Einwanderung nach U.S.A.
Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman.
Die Memoiren der Gluckel von Hameln.
Dinner at Eight.
Dinner Seating Chart.
Diploma for Phoeben M. Way.
Diploma, filled in for Julia Dixon Brown.
Discourse Delivered Before the Members of the Portsmouth Female Asylum (..).
Discourse on Woman.
Discrimination Against Women. Hearings before the Special Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives.
Disenfranchised Men.
Dispensation to Cook on Fridays if Holiday Proceeds the Sabbath.
Disposable Art.
Disposessed, The.
Dispossessed, The.
Divina Commedia, La.
Divina Quaedam…
Divine Service of American Israelites for the New Year, The.
Diving into the Wreck.
Division Street.
Do It Now, 8 issues.
Do It Now!
Do Men Represent Women?
Do You Believe In Woman Suffrage? Come and Hear It Discussed.
Do You Know?
Do's and Don'ts for Business Women.
Document Signed: EB admits Elizabeth B. Phelps to the WMC.
DOCUMENT: Invoice to Brunhild Grainger.
DOCUMENT: Typed Contract Signed for a lecture circuit.
DOCUMENTS: Book contracts.
DOLL: Votes for Women.
Dome of Many-Coloured Glass, A.
Domestic Catalogue of Fashions, The.Winter Styles.
Domestic Problems.
"Domestic" Sewing Machine Without a Teacher, The.
Dorothy L. Sayers - Gollancz files (two boxes).
Double Image, The.
Double Standard of Conduct for Men and Women, The.
Down With the Anarchists!
Down-North and Up Along.
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook.
Dr. Owens-Adair: Some of Her Life Experiences.
Dragon Stories: The Bowl of Powfah. The Hundredth Maiden.
Dragon's Teeth.
Drama of Exile and Other Poems.
Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, The. (In 2 cloth slipcases.)
Dream Book of Numbers.
Dream Drops.
Dream of a Common Language, The.
Dreamer, The: A Play in Three Acts.
Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp.
Dresden Opera Album.
Dress of Woman, The.
Dressmakers International Ball.
Drutman - Lisio Correspondence.
Dulham Ladies, The.
Dunbar Speaker and Entertainer.
Dunlap Question, The.
Dunlap Question, The.
Dust Tracks on A Road
Duty of American Women.
E.E. Whitfield's West and Northwest Missionary Journey.
E[a]rnest Maltravers.
Early Family Photo Album Dating From the late 1800s to Early 1900s…
Easiest Way in Housekeeping and Cooking, The.
East Lynne.
East Side, The.
Eastern Hospitals and English Nurses.
Easy and Economical Book of Jewish Cookery, Upon Strictly Orthodox Principles, An.
Easy and Economical Book of Jewish Cookery, Upon Strictly Orthodox Principles, An.
Eating Through Living.
Eating Through Living.
Echoes from the Past.
Echoes from the Temple.
Economic Position of the Married Woman.
Economy of Cities, The.
Edge of the Sea, The.
Edward the Dyke.
Edwardians, The.
Effect of the Industrial Revolution on the Workers in the Printing Industry in London.
Egypt Diary,1903-1904.
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil.
Eichmann in Jerusalem.
Eight autograph notes and letters.
Eight books from the library of Elsa Schiaperelli.
Eight titles: Diving; Poems; Women; Of Woman Born; Dream; On Lies; Wild Patience; Blood, Bread, and Poetry.
Eight titles.
Eight Truism Posters.
Eight-Hour Day for Women, The.
Eighty Years and More (1815-1897) Reminiscences.
Eighty Years and More (1815-1897) Reminiscences.
Eighty Years and More (1815-1897) Reminiscences. WITH three items.
Eighty Years and More: A Prospectus. (With a prospectus for The Woman's Bible.)
Eighty-fifth Celebration… program.
Ein Ghetto Im Osten (Wilna).
Einfuhrung in Die Psychoanalyse fur Padagogen.
Eleanor and Franklin.
Elementary Schools as a Career for High School Girls.
Elements of Jewish Faith.
Elements of Mental and Moral Philosophy…
Elements of Morality.
Elements of the Philosophy of Mind
Eleven Documents and Letters Relating to Mary Phinney von Olnhausen.
Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles of the Classical Ages, in the British Museum, The.
Elinor Fulton.
Elixir of Life, The; or, Why Do We Die?
Elucidation, An.
Emancypacya kobiet.
Embroidery and Darning Sample Book
Embroidery pattern book; embroidery designs from a Georgian country house.
Embroidery sampler, late 1800s France.
Emily Chester.
Eminent Israelistes of the Nineteenth Century.
"Eminent Opinions on Woman Suffrage" leaflet.
Emma Goldman: Biographical Sketch.
Emmeline Pankhurst's Treatment in Prison.
Employment of Women in the Clothing Trade, The.
Employment of Women in the Federal Government 1923 to 1939.
End and Beginning.
Ends and Means.
Enemies of Votes for Women, The.
England the Civilizer.
English Bread-Book, for Domestic use, adapted to families of every grade…
English Bride in India,The.
English Female Artists.
English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century.
English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century.
English Mystics, The.
English Traits.
Enormous Changes at the Last Minute.
Enrollment of Women Voters of the Town of Florida.
EPHEMERA: 'Votes for Women" playing cards.
EPHEMERA: "To be or Not to be, That's the Question" Joker Card.
EPHEMERA: Bas Relief Portrait.
EPHEMERA: Buckleys' New Minstrel Hall. Programme for this evening.
EPHEMERA: Business card of Belva A. Lockwood, Attorney and Solicitor.
EPHEMERA: Card game: Panko Suffragists v. Anti-Suffragists.
EPHEMERA: Five Buttons and a Paper Cup.
EPHEMERA: Pinprick painting.
EPHEMERA: Silk Purse.
EPHEMERA: Six Original Woodblocks for Suffrage Handbills.
EPHEMERA: Sterling Silver SBA Teaspoon.
EPHEMERA: Suffrage ephemera.
EPHEMERA: Votes for Women bluebird window hanger.
EPHEMERA: Votes for Women marching sash.
EPHEMERA: Votes for Women wallet. "Tightwad."
EPHEMERA: Votes for Women. Disfranchisement for Women. Should be voluntary-not compulsory!
Epistle from Joshua Ibn Vives of Allorqui to his Former Master, Solomon Levi-Paul, de Santa-Maria, Bishop of Cartagena, Chancellor of Castile, and Privy Councillor to King Henry III of Spain.
Equal Justice: Year Book of the Fight for Democratic Rights, 1936 - 37.
Equal Pay for Equal Work.
Equal Rights for Men and Women.
Equal Rights Monitor, [four issues].
Equal Rights, 23 issues: January 23, 1926-March 3, 1934.
Equal Rights, Vol. 1 No. 25.
Equal Rights: Independent Feminist Weekly.
Equal Rights. Independent Feminist Weekly. 423 issues.
Equal Suffrage.
ERA Broadside.
ERA Button Collection in several large binders.
ERA Now!
Error of Judgement, An.
Essay in Defence of the Female Sex, An.
Essay in Defence of the Female Sex, An. Bound with Lowndes, Report Containing an Essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coins.
Essay on Government, An.
Essays and Lectures on Social and Political Subjects.
Essays and Letters. All Faithfulls in 2 large slipcases.
Essays and Miscellanies, Choice Cullings.
Essays and Sketches.
Essays in Radical Empiricism.
Essays on Social Topics.
Essays on Social Topics.
Essays on the Pursuits of Women. All Faithfulls in 2 large slipcases.
Essays on Various Subjects, Principally designed for Young Ladies.
Estate documents: correspondence, wills, family material.
Ethel's Love-Life: A Novel.
Ethics of Health, Grace and Beauty.
Ethics of Judaism, The. 2 vols.
Ethics of the Dust.
Eulogy in Commemoration of the Deceased Poetess, Minna Kleeberg.
Eulogy of Richard Jefferies, The.
Evening of the Holiday, The.
Everett Anderson's Goodbye. WITH typescript poem and TLS.
Every Woman Her Own Lawyer.
Everybody's Autobiography.
Everybody's Autobiography.
Everywoman. 4 issues.
Everywoman's Road.
Evils Suffered, The, by American Women and American Children.
Evolution of Woman, The.
Examinations for Women in 1874.
Executive Board of Haverhill Equal Suffrage League.
Exhibition of Negro Art, Y.W.C.A., New York City.
Exhortation, An.
Exodus 1947. With two camp certificates and two members cards, and a manuscript personal account.
Experiences of an English Sister of Mercy.
Expressions 1: A study of Facial Motions.
Extract daybook with feminist content.
Extract from the Report Presented at the 28th National Grange Wilmington Delaware… Vote for Woman Suffrage in Novemeber.
Extracts from her diaries, together with Dickson's research manuscripts [11 vols.].
Extracts from the Diary of Mrs. Jane E. Cook 1858-1920.
Extracts from The Rights of Woman", in The Massachusetts Magazine Vol. IV, No. X
Eye of the Story, The, proofs.
Eyes of Darkness.
Fables of La Fontaine: annotated typescript errata, and related correspondence.
Fabric of My Life.
Factory Girl; or Gardez la Coeur, The.
Facts About Philadelphia.
Facts About the Political Districts in Massachusetts.
Facts and Frauds in Woman's Hygiene.
Facts for Busy Women.
Fair World for All, A.
Fairfax Review, vol. 5 no. 4.
Faith of a Jewish Woman, The.
Faith of Our Feminists, The.
Familiar Letters Addressed to Children and Young Persons…
Familiar Letters on Various Subjects…
Families of John and Jake, The.
Family correspondence.
Family diaries.
Family Limitation ("Limitation")
Family Limitation [cover: Limitation / Price 50c.]
Family Limitation manuscript notebook.
Family Limitation, "Revised Edition."
Family Limitation, mimeograph edition.
Family Limitation: Two copies of the Hungarian edition "Seimynos Aprybavimas."
Family Limitation. Eighth edition.
Family memoir.
Family Orchard, The: A Novel.
Family photo album, primarily black women: "Memoirs of other days."
Family Scrapbook
Famous Women: Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli).
FAN: To New York Voters.
Fanny Wright Umasked.
Far to Seek. A Romance of England and India.
Favorite Dishes A Columbia Autograph Souvenir Cookery Book.
Favorite Recipes.
FBI Wanted Poster.
FDR: His Personal Letters
FDR: The Tribute of the Synagogue.
Fear of Flying - Annotated copy.
Feeling the Space promo; "Self-Portrait" mirror; rsvp card.
Female Biography in two cloth slipcases.
Female Colleges Joint Resolution of the Legislature…
Female Eunuch, The.
Female Eunuch, The.
Female Guardian, The.
Female Liberation No. 9 (May 7, 1970) and Voice of the Women's Liberation Movement No. 7 (n.d., late 1960s).
Female Man, The.
Female Pre-eminence…
Female Review, The.
Female Servant's Advisor, The.
Female Soldier, The.
Feminine Mystique, The.
Feminism in Germany and Scandinavia.
Feminist Postcard Archive.
Few Days in Athens, A.
Few Words to the Jews, A.
Fierce Dispute, The.
Fifth Annual Report of the General Agent of the Board of National Popular Education (..).
Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting of the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society of Philadelphia, The.
Fifty Years of Jewish Philanthropy in Greater Boston 1895-1945.
Fight for Pelignano, The. Corrected typescript, WITH dedication copy WITH related correspondence.
Final Memorials of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Final Suffrage Mass Meeting.
First Aid to Patriotism: Woman Suffrage.
First and Twenty-fourth Annual Reports of the Women's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions.*
First Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Members of the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary.
First Annual Congress.
First Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the New York Magdalen Society.
First Convention Ever Called to Discuss the Civil and Political Rights of Women, The, Seneca Falls, NY, July 19, 20, 1848."
First Enlisted Women, The.
First Five Years of the Lucy Stone League.
First Lady Dress-Up Book, The.
First Report from the Select Committee on the Army Before Sebastopol; with the Proceedings of the Committee; bound with the Second Report; with the Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix.
First to Eighth Annual Conventions.
Fish and Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic Coast.
Fish and Shellfish of the South Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.
Fishes of the Middle West.
Five exhibition pamphlets.
Five issues of the University of Alabama Rammer Jammer student magazine.
Five Issues of The Woman Voter.
Five linocuts, with program and invitation to Paris and London shows.
Five printed membership cards, canvassing notebook, and handbill.
Five titles from the Temple Shakespeare: Shrew, Caesar, Othello, Hamlet, and Macbeth.
Five volumes of Minutes and Proceedings, 1890-1904.
Five Years of Theosophy
Flag Raising Program: Cincinnati, 1917.
Flambeaux Eteints.
Flapper, The. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-7.
Flight From the Enchanter, The.
Floating Bear.
Flora's Feast.
Floral Home; or, First Years of Minnesota.
Florence Nightingale at Harley Street.
Florence Nightingale to Her Nurses.
Florence Nightingale, Avenging Angel.
Florio: A Tale for Fine Gentlemen and Fine Ladies; and, The Bas Bleu; or Conversation: Two Poems.
Flower Fables.
Flower Seed Catalogs.
Flowering Judas.
Flowering Judas.
Flowering of the Rod. Slipcased with 5451.
Flyer: Your Wives, Daughters, Sisters and Mothers Belong In Their Union Auxiliary!
Flyer] Gala Event at the Celebrity Club… Victoria Spivey Presents Buddy Tate's Band and a Cavalcade of Blues Kings and Queens in a Memorial Concert and Dance in Memory and Tribute to The First Lady of The Blues… Mamie Smith.
Flyers for Schneeman and McCall performances.
Folio, The.
Following the Drum:" A Glimpse of Frontier Life.
Food for Beauty.
Footnotes and Headlines.
For My People.
For President, Ulysses S. Grant…
For Rent -- One Pedestal.
For Self Respecting Self Supporting Small Salaried Women.
Foreign Aid Organizations, Political Exiles and Prisoners in Russia.
Forerunner, The, Vols. I-VII, complete [CPG Family Archive].
Forerunner, The. Vols. I-VII [CPG Archive].
Forest Life. 2 vols.
Forgotten Island, The.
Form of Daily Prayers, The, According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews.
Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving To Be Said by Ladies…
Form of Service, at the Dedication of the New Synagogue of the "Kahal Kadosh Mickvi Israel."
Forrest Divorce Case, The; with Review of the Forrest Divorce.
Forsythia Intrigued by the Stars.
Forthieth Anniversary of the Woman Suffrage Movement, leaflet.
Fortieth Anniversary of the First Woman's Rights Convention.
Founder of the House.
Four Manuscript Diaries.
Four titles inscribed between the couple: America and Alfred Stieglitz, edited by Waldo Frank; Prelude to a Church, by Norman (uninscribed); First Person Plural, by Enters; and A Franz Kafka Miscellany, by Norman.
Fourteen Trip Books WITH Press Clippings.
Fourteenth Annual Report of the Director of the Women's Bureau.
Fourth Annual Report of the Liverpool Training School and Home for Nurses.1865.
Fourth International Congress for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Fourth Report from the Select Committee on the Army Before Sebastopol; with the Minutes of Evidence and Appendix; bound with Fifth Report; with the Proceedings of the Committee, and an Appendix; bound with Index to the Five Reports.
Fourth-Dimensional Reaches of the Exposition, The. Inscribed.
Fragment of the Prison Experiences, A.
Fragmenten uit haar dagboek… in De Nieuwe Stem (Diary of…)
Framed glass painted sign: "Mrs. R.L. Bond / Midwife."
Franchise Facts Responsive Readings for the W.C.T.U" leaflet Vol. 22, No. 3.
Franchise for Women, The.
Franchise for Women, The. Slipcased with 7667.
Frank Litman: A Memoir.
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Frauenfragen in Palastina.
Frauenwahlrecht! Herausgegeben zum Zweiten Sozialdemokratischen Frauentag.
Free Enquirer, The.
Free Enquirer, The.
Free Thought Magazine (3 vols.).
Freedman's Book, The.
Freiheit Und Politik.
Friend of Virtue, The.
From Another Island: Adventures and Misadventures of an Airline Stewardess.
From Iphigene.
From North American Review: The Editor's Diary - March 1st" broadside.
From Our Dark Continent, with a TLS.
From Plotzk to Boston.
From Plotzk to Boston.
From Reverence to Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies.
From the Dreyfus Affair to France Today.
FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE HAWTHORNE WOMEN (see also individual titles)
From the Lowest to the Highest, or Truth Unveiled.
From Under the Cloud.
From Union Square to Rome.
Frost in May.
Frost King, The.
Frugal Housewife, The.
Frugal Housewife, The.
Fruits of Equal Suffrage I; Two Workings of Bad Law; Judge Lindsey on Suffrage; More Testimony from Colorado.
Fruits of Philosophy: A Treatise on the Population Question; The Law of Population.
Fun of It, The. Random Records of My Own Flying and of Women in Aviation, with a two-page typed letter to "Beatsie dear".
G.M. Memories of George Moore. Boxed with Grand Man: Memories of Norman Douglas.
GALLEYS: Selected Works of Djuna Barnes (in cloth slipcase labeled "Spillway").
Gandhiji: His Life and Work.
Garden Primer pamphlet (2 copies).
Garrick Year, The.
Gems of Art for Home and Fireside.
Gender Gap.
Gentlemen Prefer Blonde; with ALS.
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.
Geography and Plays.
Georgia: Unfinished State.
Germinal Vol. 1 No. 1 July 1923.
Gerrit Smith: A Biography.
Gestures #1: A Study of Finger Positions (Reduced Version).
Giant Night.
Gilly Willies, The.
Girl Employed in Hotels and Restaurents, The.
Girl Frenzy: Issue 2.
Girl Like I, with ALS to Douglas Fairbanks.
Girl Scout Memory Book.
Girl's Autograph Book.
Girl's High School Scrapbook.
Girls Who Made Good.
Glances and Glimpses; or Fifty Years Social, Including Twenty Years Professional Life.
Glass Menagerie, The.
Gleanings of Quiet Hours.
Glimpses of Life.
Glittering Images.
Glory of Israel, The.
Gluckel von Hameln: A Dramatization… (2 copies)
God Revealed: An Anthology of Jewish Thought.
Godey's Pattern Book of Embroideries.
Godrevy Lighthouse: Log Book.
Goethe's Hermann and Dorothea.
Goethe's Werke, Vol. V-VI bound in two.
Golden Book and Memorial of the Hebrew Ladies Consumptive Aid Society of Baltimore.
Golden Fruits, The.
Golden Gleanings, The. All Faithfulls in 2 large slipcases.
Golden Notebook, The.
Golden Staff, The.
Golf for Women.
Gone with the Wind. WITH Typed letter signed, to Walter Winchell.
Good Man Is Hard to Find, A.
Good Mother, The.
Good Wives: a Story for Girls. Being a Sequel to "Little Women".
Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories, The.
Gorilla Hunters, The. A Tale of the Wilds of Africa.
Gospel Monitor, The.
Gotham and the Gothamites.
Grand Coolie Dam, The, pamphlet.
Grand Jury Summons for Jane Faune "for having a child born of her body within six months of her marriage".
Grand Man: Memories of Norman Douglas. Boxed with G.M. Memories of George Moore.
Grande Malade, The. Corrected typescript.
Grandpapa's Drawer Opened.
Grapefruit: Promotional material (4 items).
Gray Knight, The.
Great Brooklyn Romance, The.
Great Organ in the Boston Music Hall, The.
Great Sensation, The.
Great Technology, The.
Greatest Need in America, The.
Grecian Daughter, The.
Green Room, The.
Green Star Magazine, The.
Greetings; Introduction of SB Anthony at the Lafayette Opera House, Washington DC, February 15, 1900.
Grenada Notebook (Cuaderno de Granada).
Griswold vs. State of Connecticut…
Ground Arms!
Group, The, with Manuscript Outline
Growing Toward Peace.
Growing Up in New Guinea.
Growing Up in New Guinea.
Guest Book of Marion Dodd.
Guiding Book, The. Dedicated to the Girlhood of Many Countries and to all those with a Heart still Young. WITH large binder of related correspondence from luminaries.
Ha! Ha! Houdini!
Habima: Herbrisches Theatre.
Habitual Criminal Registry for Emmeline Pankhurst, Sylvia Pankhurst, Annie Kenney, et al.
Hadassah - three items: Hadassah Today (1937). Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking (n.y.). NY Chapter Hadassah (1931).
Hadassah Child Welfare in Palestine.
Hadassah News Letters - 7 issues, various.
Hadassah. The Jewish Orphan.
Hairdresser's Experience in High Life, A.
Hampton and Its Students.
Hampton Institute, 1868 to 1885. Its Work for Two Races.
Hand Book of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.
Handbill: A Humble Petition to His Majesty the King..
Handbill: Battle Hymn of the Republic / Suffrage Song to be Sung to the Tune of "America" (verso).
Handbill: Standing Orders of the Utopian Assembly.
Handbill: Why Women Should Join Trades Unions.
HANDBILL: Women Workers and Women's Votes.
Handbook for Visitors to the Poorhouse.
Handbook in Motion.
Handbook of Facts on Women Workers. Slipcased with other labor books.
Hannukah Lamp.
Happy All the Time.
Happy Day, with an ALS.
Harp of Israel, The.
Harper Lee McIntosh and Otis file.
Harper's Weekly, Special Suffrage Issue.
Harriet and Ellen: Or, The Orphan Girls.
Hart Crane.
Hart Crane.
Hasla 1go Maja.
Hatchet, The: The Home Defender. The Home Builder. Whole No. 24.
Hauck Archive
Have We a Democracy?
Haymarket Riot, The. 2 titles in one slipcase.
Headquarters News Letter, Vol. 2, No. 6.
Health Notes for Young Wives.
Hear the Wind.
Heart is a Lonely Hunter, The. Pre-publication galley proof titled THE MUTE.
Hearthstone, The.
Hebrew Education Society for the City and County of Philadelphia: Circular.
Hebrew Grammar, An…
Hebrew Grammar, Without Points, A.
Heirs of Yesterday.
Helen Eliza Garrison: A Memorial.
Henrietta Szold, The Childrens Friend (1961). Henrietta Szold Centennial - Child's Day for Youth Aliyah (n.y.). Benjamin Szold anniversary pamphlet by William Rosenau (1929).
Henry and June material
Henry Luria.
Henry Wallace Will merely Destroy the Very Things He Wants to Achieve.
Her Book (manuscript).
Herbert Hoover.
Herbert Hospital, Woolwich. Report to the Right Hon. the Earl De Grey and Ripon, Secretary of State for war, descriptive of the Herbert Hospital at Woolwich.
Heredity Study 1 and 2 [two volumes].
Heresies #1: A Feminist Publication on Art and Politics.
Hero of the Workshop, A.
Heroines of Domestic Life, The.
Hilda's Home.
Him' Book.
Hindu Women.
Hints and Helps in our Temperance Work.
Hints and Sketches, by An American Mother.
Hints for the Improvement of Early Education.
Hippolytus Temporizes.
His Father's House. The Story of George Alexander Kohut.
His Little Women.
His Religion and Hers A Study of the Faith of Our Fathers and the Work of Our Mothers [CPG Family Archive].
His Religion and Hers A Study of the Faith of Our Fathers and the Work of Our Mothers [CPG Family Archive].
Histoire de la Civilisation Francaise.
Historical and Moral View of the Fench Revolution.
Historical and Moral View of the Origin and Progress of the Fench Revolution.
History and Progress of Poor-Law Nursing, The.
History of a Six Weeks' Tour.
History of Beauty Culture.
History of Emily Montague, The.
History of England, 5 vols.
History of Mary Prince.
History of Prostitution, The.
History of the Celebrated Mrs. Ann Carson,The, Widow of the late Unfortunate Lieutenant Richard Smyth…
History of the Condition of Women, The, In Various Ages and Nations. 2 Vols. In one.
History of the Destruction of the City and Temple of Jerusalem, The, and of the Ruin and Dispersion of the Jewish Nation. With Dr. Priestley's LETTERS TO THE JEWS, and an answer by David Levi.
History of the Jews.
History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution, in 3 Volumes.
History of the Sewing Machine.
History of the United States, or Republic of America.
History of the Woman's Peace Party.
History of the Work of Connecticut Women at the World's Columbian Exhibition Chicago 1893.
History of the Young Women's Union of Philadelphia 1885-1910.
History of Woman Suffrage in Three Volumes. Vol. III, 1876-1885.
History of Woman Suffrage, The, Introduction to Vol. IV.
History of Woman Suffrage, The, Vol. I.
History of Woman Suffrage, The, Vol. I.
History of Woman Suffrage, The, Vol. II.
History of Woman Suffrage, The, Vols. I-IV.
History of Woman Suffrage, The, Vols. I-IV.
History of Woman Suffrage, The, Vols. I-IV. WITH RELATED MATERIAL, see item
History of Woman Suffrage, The…Vol. IV.
History of Woman Suffrage, The…Vol. IV.
History, Correspondence and Reports of the Supreme Sacred Temple…
History, Correspondence, and Reports of the Supreme Sacred Temple of the State of Michigan.
Hitherto Undescribed Disease of the Ovary... and eight other titles.
Holiness; or, the Legend of St. George.
Holloway Jingles.
Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, The,
Holy Bible, The: Containing the Old and New Testaments. Two volumes in one.
Holy Bible, The: Containing the Old and New Testaments. Two volumes in one.
Holy Bible, The.
Holy Bible, The.
Holy Land Under Mandate, The.
Home Economics Project: Party Scrapbook.
Home Influence.
Home Influence.
Home Its Work and Influence, The [CPG Family Archive].
Home Office and Board of Trade pamphlets on the substitution of women in industry for enlisted men.
Home Scenes.
Home to India.
Home, The, and six other titles, some in parts, in Harper's Library of Select Novels.
Homemade Book.
Honor Among Women.
Hortensia degenere.
Hospital Sketches.
House of Hospitality.
House of Hospitality.
House of Incest, The.
House of Incest.
House on Henry Street, The.
House on Henry Street.
House Wife and the High Cost of Living, The.
Housework diary.
How Girls Can Help Their Country.
How Girls can Help Their Country.
How Long Will Woman Wait For Liberty?
How the Vote was Won. A Play in One Act.
How to Become a Nurse.
How To Cook a Wolf.
How to Cook in Palestine.
How to Help the Poor.
How to Help the Poor.
How to Organize a Local Suffrage Club
How to Vote For Woman Suffrage Amendment, Election Day, November 6th, 1917.
How to Win.
How to Write for Moving Pictures (two copies, variant bindings, one in jacket).
How to Write: A Pocket Manual…
How to Write.
How We Won the Vote in California.
Hull-House Block News.
Human Body the Temple of God, The…
Human Flower.
Human Season, The.
Human Sterilization and Some of her Life Experiences.
Human Work [CPG Archive].
Human Work [CPG Archive].
Humanitarian, The.
Humanitarian, The. Vol 1 No. 1-Vol. 2 No. 6.
Hundred Flowers - ca. 28 issues.
Hungarian Brothers, The. (3 vols.)
Hungry Hearts.
Hunting Big Game in the Eighties…
Hunting Big Game in the Eighties…
Hypnosis and Related States…
I Am a Rabbi's Wife WITH a TLS.
I am a Woman Giving Birth to Myself.
I Am Not a Practicing Angel.
I and Thou.
I Dreamt I Was a Nymphomaniac.
I Have Come Here to Be Alone.
I have done my duty". Florece Nightingale in the Crimean War 1854-56.
I Jerry Take Thee Joan.
I Knew a Phoenix.
I Want To Be a Columnist; and Correspondence with Kuhn.
I Was a Doctor in Auschwitz.
I Was a Doctor in Auschwitz.
I, Etcetera,
Ibsen and the Actress.
Idylls of the King and other Club Papers, The.
Idylls of the King.
Idyls of the Gass.
Idyls of the Gass.
If Morning Ever Comes.
If Women Voted.
If You Ask Me
If You Ask Me.
If You Knew Me: A Novel.
Il Fidamante. Poema Eroico.
Il Traditore.
Illinois Laws Need Women's Votes.
Image, The.
Imaging Her Erotics: Essays, Interviews, Projects.
Immigrant Jew in America, The.
Imperialism in America: Its Rise and Progress.
In a Man's World.
In Aid of Young Working Women. (Manuscript Copy of Articles of Incorporation.)
In Ladies' Company.
In Memoriam Marietta Kies…
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam.
In Miner's Mirage-Land.
In Savoy.
In the Circuit Court of the United States, District of South Dakota, Central Division, Jane E. Waldron, Complainant vs. The United States … Black Tomahawk and Ira A. hatch, as Indian Agent at Cheyenne River Indin Agency, Defendants.
In the Pale.
In the Palomar Arms.
In the Summer House.
In the Supreme Court of the State of California. Mary Frances Ward…vs. Noah F. Flood…
In This Our World and Other Poems.
In This Our World, with In This Our World And Other Poems.
In This Our World.
In This Our World.
In Woman's Defense.
In Wonderful Magazine.
Inagural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States from George Washington 1789 to John F. Kennedy 1961.
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.
India and the Awakening East.
India and the Awakening East.
India Scrapbooks, 4 vols.
Indian Converts.
Indirect Influence.
Inhale & Exhale.
Inn at Lake Devine, The.
Inquiry into the Accordancy of War With the Principles of Christianity…, An.
Inquiry into the Question of Cultural Stability in Polynesia, An.
Inscribed brief for Woman Suffrage in education matters; two calling cards, one inscribed.
Inside the Blood Factory.
Instructions for Setting up and Working the Improved Franz and Pope Automatic Knitting Machine.
Instructions for Using the Excelsior Square.
Instructions for Women Watchers November, 1915.
Intellectual Education.
Intellectual Sentiments.
International Aspects of Birth Control.
International Council of Women. Report of Transations during the Third Quinquennial Term…
International Women's Movement Lives, The.
Interstices of (Female) Imagination.
Interview, And Typescript press release.
Intimate Memories.
Intimations on Immortality.
Introduction to Psycho-Analysis for Teachers. Slipcased with 8243.
Introductory Lecture delivered at Netley on Commencing the Twentieth Session of the Army Medical School, 1st April, 1870.
Inventing the Abbots and Other Stories.
Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger. Or, an Excursion Through Ireland in 1844 & 1845 for the purpose of personally investigating the condition of the poor.
Irish Melodies and Other Poems.
Iron Gates, The.
Is Polite Society Polite? And Other Essays.
Israel and Problems of Identity (duplicate copy).
Israel and Problems of Identity.
Israel in Search of Lasting Peace.
Israelitsche Kuche.
It Ain't Me Babe.
It Seems to Me.
It's Been Fun: An Autobiography.
It’s Up To the Women (trade and deluxe issues).
Italian Days.
Itinerary of General Washington and Washington After the Revolution.
Ivy Compton-Burnett - Gollancz files (one box).
J. Park Begs to Inform Her Friends She Cleans and Dresses, In a Superior Manner, All Sorts of Shawls, Crapes, Veils, Pelizzes &c. &c. at Her House, 27 Devonshire Street, Queen Sqare, Bloomsbury.
Jacob's Ladder, The.
Jailed for Freedom.
Jailed for Freedom.
James and Lucretia Mott. Life and Letters.
James Joyce Archive [see description below for inventory].
Jamie Parker: The Fugitive.
Jane Roe, et al., Appeallants vs. Henry Wade, Appellee.
Janet Flanner's World.
Japan's Invasion Engulfs China in Horror and Sorrow.
Japanese Girls' School Yearbooks.
Jaqueline Kennedy Sympathy Card and Condolence Letter.
Jazz of Patriotism, The.
Je me souviens…
Jenny Holzer: The Venice Installation; with poster.
Jerusalem the Golden.
Jessica's First Prayer.
Jew's Daughter, The.
Jewish Big Sisters: The Problem of a Great City and How the Big Sisters Are Trying to Meet It.
Jewish Chautauqua Society class books and proceedings, The.
Jewish Child, The.
Jewish Children.
Jewish Chronicle; bound with 24th Report of the American Society for Meliorating the Condition of the Jews…with The Annual Sermon.
Jewish Communal Register.
Jewish Cook Book.
Jewish Cookery Book, on Principles of Economy, Adapted for Jewish Housekeepers.
Jewish Cookery Book.
Jewish Feminism Faces the American Women's Movement: Convergence and Divergence.
Jewish Gaily Forward, The.
Jewish Lesbian Chanukah: Prayers for Lighting Chanukah Candles.
Jewish Manual, The.
Jewish Marriage Contract, The.
Jewish Ministers
Jewish Review, The. 2 cloth slipcases.
Jewish State, A.
Jewish State, A.
Jewish State, A.
Jewish State, A] Evreiskoe gosudarstva.
Jewish State, A] L'Etat Juif…
Jewish State, A] Medinat Ha Yehudim…
Jewish State, The [Der Judenstaat].
Jewish State, The.
Jewish Welfare Board, The: Final Report of War Emergency Activities.
Jewish Woman, The.
Jewish Year, The.
Jewish Year, The. Autograph poem signed, with engraved portrait.
Joan of Arc.
Job Only a Woman Can Do, A!
John's Way.
Johns Hopkins's Notions on Political Economy.
Joint Resolution of the Legislature of Michigan asking for A Donation of public lands to endow female colleges.
Jonah's Gourd Vine. With a sorority invitation to celebrate Hurston.
Joseph Zalmonah.
Josephine Butler.
Josephine Gallery, The.
Josephine Lazarus Mystery Prophecy Service Freedom.
Journal and Letters.
Journal of a Neglected Wife, The.
Journal of a Tour through Part of Yorkshire (…).
Journal of Calista Cralle Long.
Journal of Love Letters from a prominent Delaware Quaker Family.
Joy of Cooking, The.
Joy of Cooking, The.
Joy of Cooking, The.
Joyce APCS and Beach ALS and other material.
Jubilee Songs.
Judah's Lion.
Judge, The.
Judge, The.
JUDGE. Brides Number.
Judge. Suffragette Number.
Julia Ward Howe 1819-1910.
Julia Ward Howe on Suffrage. Address at May Festival of New England Woman Suffrage Association.
Jury of Her Peers, A.
Jury of Her Peers, A.
Just How To Vote" leaflet.
Justice, Humanity, and Civil Obligation." Autograph manuscript signed.
Kaiserswerth on the Rhine and 40 other items.
Kaiserwerth Deconesses.
Karigal) A Sermon Preached at the Synagogue, In Newport, RI, 1773.
Karl Liebknecht und Rosa Luxemburg.
Keep Cool and Raise a Breeze for Suffrage!
Kempton-Wace Letters, The.
Kennedy's Children (Robert Patrick), Serenading Louie (Lanford Wilson), Holiday (Philip Barry).
Key to Theosophy, The.
Kidnapped and the Ransomed, The. (with #5937)
Kidnapped and the Ransomed, The. (with 1941 Negro Pub. Soc printing, #7165)
Kif, An Unvarnished History.
Kindergarten in a Nutshell, The.
Kindergarten Manual for Jewish Religious Schools, A. Slipcased with 5908.
Kindergarten Manual for Jewish Religious Schools, A. Slipcased with 8265.
Kindness. Archive for first appearance in Mademoiselle Magazine.
Kinship in the Admiralty Islands.
Kitty's Class Day: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.
Knole and the Sackvilles.
Korban Minha.
Korban Todah: Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving. To be said by ladies when they go to the synagoge on the first time of leaving home after their accouchment.
Kwestja polska a ruch socialistyczny.
L'Art Brut Prefer aux Arts Culturels.
La Ceremonie des Adieux.
La Divina Commedia by Dante. . .
La Femme Rompue.
La Figure.
La Force des Choses.
La Pensee de Enfant.
La Tulipe Noire.
La Vieillesse.
Labor Questionnaire.
Labor]. Images of Women: Guidelines for Promoting Equality through Journalism.
Ladies Bountiful.
Ladies Charity School-house Roll of Highgate.
Ladies Home Journal, The.
Ladies Lawn Bowling Scrapbook.
Ladies Museum: An Anthology of New Downtown Women Poets.
Ladies' Companion for Visiting the Poor…
Ladies' Hand-book of Baby Linen, The.
Ladies' Indispensable Assistant.
Ladies' Medical Guide, The.
Lady Conductors on New York Cars.
Lady Doc, The.
Lady Downing's Prayers, illuminated manuscript
Lady Geraldine's Speech.
Lady Minto's Indian Journals.
Lady Overseer, The. A Pamphlet, with notes on Country Life, Natural History, and Women's Rights. By a Female Freeholder, Farmer, and Late Parish Officer.
Lady's Assistant, The.
Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains, A
Lamplighter, The.
Lancet Commission on Nursing Final Report, The.
Land, The.
Land: Hadassah's Share in Its Redemption.
Landlady's Manuscript Account Book.
Laodicean, A.
Laparatomy for Diseases of Women from 1879 to 1889 and eight other titles.
Last Flight.
Last Leaves of American History.
Last Man, The.
Last Operas and Plays.
Last Puritan, The. [part of 3 book lot along with Americans and Art as Experience]
Later Lyrics: First book appearance of "The Battle Hymn…"
Later The Same Day.
Law of Population, The.
Law of Population…Two editions
Lawes Resolutions of Womens Right, The.
Lawn Tennis: The Game of Nations.
Lawrence and Brett.
Laws of Life, The, with special reference to the physical education of girls.
Le Coeur de Pic.
Le Deuxieme Sexe.
Le Poete Renee Vivien, corrected typescript. (with 8893)
Leaflet: "Our Hat's in the Ring".
LEAFLET: Boston Art Club New Gallery Exhibition.
LEAFLET: Charlotte Perkins Gilman Under the Exclusive Management of James B. Pond, "The Pond Bureau."
LEAFLET: Part of the Record of Henry Cabot Lodge.
LEAFLET: People's Party Meeting...
LEAFLET: Women on County Councils.
Leaning Forward.
Leap-Year Frolic, A.
Lease agreement between Sophia Thoreau and F.B. Sanborn.
Leaves from a Diary.
Lecture on Constitutional Equality, A" pamphlet.
Lecture to the Class.
Lectures by … prospectus.
Lectures in America.
Lectures in America.
Lectures in the Training Schools for Kindergartners.
Lectures on Medical Nursing.
Lectures to Women on Anatomy and Physiology.
Ledger from the Cincinnati Orphan Asylum Hospital.
Leeser Bible.
Legal Disabilities of Married Women in Connecticut.
Legal Rights of Women, The.
Legal Status of Women in Iowa.
Legend of Jubal, and Other Poems, The.
Legends of the Talmud. [Parabole, Leggende e Pensieri].
Legion of Honor certificate.
Leisure Hour, The.
Lena Richard's Cook Book.
Lend-A-Hand: Monthly of Organized Philanthropy.
Leper, The.
Les Arts de la Femme.
Les Exiles…
Les Femmes Des Lettres, 7 pp. manuscript.
Lesbians Speak Out.
Lessons Drawn from the Past History of the Education of the Deaf to Guide Us in Our Present Work.
Lessons for a Suffrage School.
Lessons on Objects.
Let Us Have Faith.
LETTER / MANUSCRIPT: Two typed letters signed to Alan, and Hazzard's typescript draft suggested jacket copy for Transit of Venus.
LETTER / MANUSCRIPT: Typed letter signed to Penguin, with Trade Paperback Publicity Author Questionnaire.
LETTER and BOOK: Woman Into Space: The Jerrie Cobb Story.With TLS from Rieker.
LETTER and MANUSCRIPTS: Typed letter signed, to an early critic, with four typescript poems.
LETTER AND MSS on War: Autograph letter signed to "George," n.d., with 1 p. manuscript.
LETTER and TYPESCRIPT: TLS to Amanda Vaill; with 3pp. Corrected typescript.
Letter book of the Intercollegiate Correspondence League.
Letter from John Thaxter (1854-1929) to Mr. Shaw
Letter of Moses Mendelsohn to Deacon Lavater.
Letter on Woman Suffrage from one Woman to Another, A.
Letter to a Child Never Born: Translated by John Shepley.
Letter to a Friend.
Letter to Convicts - 3 pamphlets.
Letter to Convicts in Twenty-Six State Prisons and Ten Houses of Correction or County Penitentiaries.
Letter to Dr. Spry.
Letter to My Fellow-Workers, (…).
Letter to the Queen, A.
LETTER: TLS to W.E. Colville, with her engraved card bearing an autograph sentiment signed.
LETTER: 1 ALS, from Scutari.
LETTER: 2 ALS to Aubrey Gentry, of Cassell & Co., 1926.
LETTER: 2 ALS to Mr. Roscoe, 1926-27.
LETTER: 2 ALS to Mrs. Drake.
LETTER: 2 ALS to Mrs. Martin.
LETTER: 2 ALS, to Mrs. Diaz and to Aleck.
LETTER: 2 Autograph letters signed, one including a holograph press release.
LETTER: 2 TLS to Mrs. Priestly re NY, the Southwest, WWII and the Atomic Bomb.
LETTER: 3 ALS (1 from Una Troubridge) to Lady Sylvia Brett Brooke, Ranee of Sarawak, 1928.
LETTER: 3 Autograph letters signed to Robert Lynd.
LETTER: 4 typed letter carbons, 1914.
LETTER: 6 TLS and 2 ALS to her agent and a journalist.
LETTER: 9 letters, 6 postcards.
LETTER: A note of gratitude signed by several key members of the suffrage movement, addressed to MA Senator Philip J. Tripp.
LETTER: AL fragment, n.d.
LETTER: ALS about Women's Clubs.
LETTER: ALS and Carte de Visite. [PHOTOGRAPH]
LETTER: ALS by Princess Gabriella Wiszniewska to Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward.
LETTER: ALS from a female correspondent, "Vin," to her sister.
LETTER: ALS from Emily Taylor, superintendent of Lady Byron's Ealing School.
LETTER: ALS from inmate Lois Whittemore.
LETTER: ALS from Una Troubridge to Cecil Street, 1962.
LETTER: ALS on Jews to Mrs. Posner, April 19, 1937.
LETTER: ALS regarding missionary work with Indians of New York State.
LETTER: ALS to 'Dear Sir or dear Madam'.
LETTER: ALS to "Aunt Mai", July 30, 1888.
LETTER: ALS to "Beloved Sister" (Mrs. Julia E. Brewer).
LETTER: ALS to "Cousin Len."
LETTER: ALS to "Dear friend."
LETTER: ALS to "Dear Sir."
LETTER: ALS to "H.B." re The Professor's House.
LETTER: ALS to "Kinsman."
LETTER: ALS to "My Dear Friend."
LETTER: ALS to "Uncle Charlie," a letter of introduction for Evelyn Irons; annotated in pencil by Charlie, "Please admit to gardens etc. free Sackville." Both sides bearing Irons's spidery pencil notes for her piece for the Daily Mail.
LETTER: ALS to a colleague in the Patent Office.
LETTER: ALS to a friend.
LETTER: ALS to a Groton instructor.
LETTER: ALS to Adelaide Johnson.
LETTER: ALS to American Politicians.
LETTER: ALS to an American politician.
LETTER: ALS to an editor.
LETTER: ALS to an unknown recipient.
LETTER: ALS to Annie Pillsbury Young.
LETTER: ALS to DeGrim Syndicate.
LETTER: ALS to Dick Seaver.
LETTER: ALS to Dr. Lynch re Death Come for the Archbishop.
LETTER: ALS to Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, on Annie Fields, and on his novel.
LETTER: ALS to Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, on the death of her mother, and of his work.
LETTER: ALS to Editor [of the] Utica Herald.
LETTER: ALS to Edward Bok, editor of Brooklyn Magazine.
LETTER: ALS to Elizabeth Peabody.
LETTER: ALS to Ellet.
LETTER: ALS to Elwood Harvey re Female Medical College.
LETTER: ALS to Emilie de Wismes.
LETTER: ALS to Fanny Wilder.
LETTER: ALS to Frances Perkins.
LETTER: ALS to Gage.
LETTER: ALS to George Macmillan, and related items.
LETTER: ALS to Gertrude Burnett.
LETTER: ALS to Gilbert Seldes.
LETTER: ALS to Gore Vidal.
LETTER: ALS to Hale.
LETTER: ALS to Harold Brodkey.
LETTER: ALS to Helen D.P. Cogswell.
LETTER: ALS to her brother Samuel C. Blackwell.
LETTER: ALS to her brother, Samuel C. Blackwell.
LETTER: ALS to her nephew Samuel Barton.
LETTER: ALS to her publisher.
LETTER: ALS to her sister Emily.
LETTER: ALS to Holloway
LETTER: ALS to Homas Phillips about his portrait of Lamb's mother.
LETTER: ALS to Huron, South Dakota Office, 9-12-1890.
LETTER: ALS to Isabella Hooker.
LETTER: ALS to James Marchant.
LETTER: ALS to Jane C. Gordon
LETTER: ALS to Jane.
LETTER: ALS to Jewett.
LETTER: ALS to Judge Mayer Sulzberger, October 23, 1898.
LETTER: ALS to Judge William Cranch.
LETTER: ALS to Julia Strachey.
LETTER: ALS to Livy [Mayris "Tiny" Chaney, who was by then Mrs. Hershey Martin].
LETTER: ALS to M.F. Sweeting.
LETTER: ALS to M.P. Cavert, Principal of the Amsterdam Female Seminary.
LETTER: ALS to Martha Root.
LETTER: ALS to Mary Pickman, first cousin of Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, written on the day of Hawthorne's funeral.
LETTER: ALS to Mayer Sulzberger
LETTER: ALS to Miss Hunter.
LETTER: ALS to Miss Wailly.
LETTER: ALS to Miss Wales.
LETTER: ALS to Mr. Alexander.
LETTER: ALS to Mr. and Mrs. Marchant.
LETTER: ALS to Mr. E.B. Wilson regarding Kindergarten and Froebel.
LETTER: ALS to Mr. George N. Lauman.
LETTER: ALS to Mr. Shaw, with 3 photos.
LETTER: ALS to Mr. St. John Adcock, 1924.
LETTER: ALS to Mr. Ward with manuscript.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. [Dolley Payne Todd] Madison.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. [Emily Fairbanks] Talbot.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Adams.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Atkinson.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Bracebridge.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Caben.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Davis; with #4241; and with related Broadside re Nebraska referendum; prospectus for Vols. I and II; Notice of Publication of Vol. II; and card to Davis.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. GEC "Grace" Stetson.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Gray.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Hitchcock.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Huntington.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. John Townsend.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Lillie Devereux Blake.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Shedd.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Silsbee.
LETTER: ALS to Mrs. Stephen Northway.
LETTER: ALS to My Dear Young Friend.
LETTER: ALS to Myrtilla Miner.
LETTER: ALS to Myrtilla Miner.
LETTER: ALS to Paul Valery.
LETTER: ALS to Quimby on the 25th anniversary of Seneca Falls.
LETTER: ALS to Richard Elman.
LETTER: ALS to Susan Norton.
LETTER: ALS to The Cosmopolitan.
LETTER: ALS to the Countess of Oxford.
LETTER: ALS to Vita Sackville-West.
LETTER: ALS to Walter Lippman.
LETTER: ALS to William Hickson.
LETTER: ALS to William Phillips, editor of the Partisan Review. (w/ WP TLC).
LETTER: ALS, "Abby Sage Richardson," to 'My dear Mrs. Mullen," January 24, 1840, 132 West 44th.
LETTER: ALS, "Abigail Adams," to "Dear Sir," Quincy, March 10th, 1816.
LETTER: ALS, "Alice Cary," to "My dear Mr. Gileler," n.d., 53 East 20th St.
LETTER: ALS, "Alice Freeman Palmer," to "Dear Mrs. James," Wednesday, n.d.
LETTER: ALS, "Almira Lincoln Phelps," to "Mr. N.R. Monachesi," April 21, 1875, Baltimore, MD.
LETTER: ALS, "Anna Dickinson," to (Mr. Charles Hogeltrine), March 5, 1842, Corning, NY.
LETTER: ALS, “C. E. Beecher," to "Harper & Brothers," 67 W.38 N.Y., November 14, 1864.
LETTER: ALS, "C.M. Sedgwick," to "My dear Mr. Putnam," July 16, 1847, Woodbourne, near Boston.
LETTER: ALS, "Celia Thaxter," no salutation, July 22nd, 1884.
LETTER: ALS, "Clara Barton," to "My dear Mr. Heigbee" [Mr. Frank B. Heigbee, St. James Building, New York], ca. 1900.
LETTER: ALS, “D. Dix," to "My dear Eleanor," September 3rd, 1863, Washington, D.C.
LETTER: ALS, "Elizabeth Cady Stanton." to "Dear Mrs. (1," December 28, no year, 26 West 61st St., New York.
LETTER: ALS, "Isabella B. Hooker," to the Committee of Equal Rights Party," perhaps addressed at the close to the Hon. A.J. Rogers. N.d.
LETTER: ALS, "J.C. Croly," to "Dearest Mrs. Kendall," August 21, 1893, 325 West 57th St., New York.
LETTER: ALS, to Mr. Stone.
LETTER: ANS "Jane Addams " to "My dear Mr. Crisey." February 22, 1899.
LETTER: ANS on Catholic Worker notecard.
LETTER: ANS stating suffrage demands.
LETTER: ANS, "Elizabeth Stoddard," to "Dear Mrs. Elderkin," no date, 329 East 15th St.
LETTER: ANS, “Frances Willard,” to “Dear Mr. Stowe,” November 6, 1894, Boston.
LETTER: Archive of personal correspondence to "Nell" ("Mrs. James A. Mayhew") from "Mother," and business correspondence to Matthew Mayhew.
LETTER: Autograph card signed, to Mrs. Stall, 1932.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed "Beatrix Heelis" to "Mrs. Mahoney Miller."
LETTER: Autograph Letter Signed "Clara Bewick Colby" to "rev. Dr. E.F. Strickland."
LETTER: Autograph letter signed "Cousin May," to "Cousin Carrie," and addressed (at the close) to "Emma Bedell."
LETTER: Autograph Letter signed "E.B. Ketcham" to "Martha E. Rool."
LETTER: Autograph letter signed "Emma Goldman" to Luica Nauts (sp?).
LETTER: Autograph letter signed Emmeline (Trotter?), to her sister Miss Rebecca Trotter in Philadelphia.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed re Sappho.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed regarding Montessori.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed Sue (Graffton) to Hunter (S. Thompson).
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to "Dr. March."
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to "Miss Carpenter" with 4-page manuscript "Introduction" re upcoming Congress in London.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to "My dear sir".
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Dr. Laetitia Fairfield.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Dr. Lehmann.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to General F.A. Walker.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to her publisher; with ALS and TLS from Nico Davies, and with a phomotional photo of Tey.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to her Uncle William. With portrait.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to James Munrow & Co., Boston publishers.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Janet Penrose Ward
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Jessie Mario.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to John Steinbeck, and related Nobel Prize correspondence to JS.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Louis J. Caldor.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Mary Margaret McBride.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Massingham re Profumo affair.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Mr. Ives, regarding publishing matters
LETTER: Autograph Letter Signed to Mr. Johnson.
LETTER: Autograph Letter Signed to Mr. T. Vliet, with photo.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Mrs. J. Sewall Reed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Robert Lynd.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Robert Lynd.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Robert Lynd.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Robert Lynd.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Schuyler Colfax. With printed Preamble and Constitution of the AERA.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to Wells.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed to William Henry Prince showing lithographic image of the Virginia Institution for the deaf and dumb and the blind.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mrs. Ellet.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "E.P.P.," to "My dear Miss Putnam" (Miss Catherine Putnam, Summer Street, Boston), July 17th, 1823.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "E.T."
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Eliz. P. Peabody," to "My dear Miss Booth," n.d., Hartford, CT.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Florence Nightingale," to Captain Green, from Balaclava.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Florence Nightingale," to Reverend Thomas Clarke.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Grace Greenwood," to "Dear Mr. Ridfaste?," May 15th, 1869, 510 New Jersey Avenue, Washington, D.C.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "H. Corp," to an editor, regarding her ANTIDOTE…
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Harriet P. Spofford," to " 1. ALS, "Harriet P. Spofford," to "my dear Mr. Osgood," June 15, no year, Newburyport.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Josephine Shaw Lowell (Mrs. C. R. Lowell)," to her publisher, "My dear Mr. Holt," November 24, 1903, 120 East 30th St.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Julia Ward Howe," to "Hon. Amasa Walker."
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, “Julia Ward Howe," to "My dear Mr. Sanborn," July 20th, 1895, Newport, RI.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Julia Ward Howe," to "My dear neighbor" (1899) and signed "J.W.H." to "Good neighbor" (ca. 1890).
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "L.C. Adams," to "Dear Sir” (John Vaughan Esq., Philadelphia,] Washington, December 1, 1814.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "L.H. Sigourney," to "my dear sir," one leaf, two pages.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "L.M. Child." to "Dear Friend, James Russell Lowell, January 9, 1844, New York.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "LMJ," to "Absent but not forgotten friend" Jasper Ordway.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Louise I. Guiney," to "My dear Miss Everson," February 5, 1901, 16 Pinckney St., Boston.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Lucretia P. Hale," to "My dear Mrs. [Mary Mapes] Dodge,” November 14, no year, 22 W[] Place, Boston, MA.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Lucy H. Hooper," to "Messrs. Estes & Lauriat,” publishers, June 29th, no year, U.S. Consulate, No. 3 Rue Scribe, Paris.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Lucy Stone," to "Dear Mrs. Churchill," October 4, 1880, 5 Park Street.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, “M. Louise Thomas,” to “Ben. M. Austin, Dear Sir,” August 7, 1890, 680 Lexington Avenue, New York.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "M.E. Lewes," to publisher Nicholas Trubner.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Maria Mitchell," to "Mr. Bowditch," sent from Vassar.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Martha J. Lamb," to "Andrew J. Mellick Jr.," May 24, 1888, New York.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Mary A. Livermore," to "Dear Mr. Goss," November 27, 1897.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Mary L. Booth," to "My dear Mrs. Elderkin," 101 East 59th St., New York, October 21, 1878.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Mary L. Dutton."
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Mary Mapes Dodge," to "Dear Mr. Clarke,” July 28, 187?, New York State.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Phoebe Hanaford," very light, but also signed by Lucretia Mott and several others.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, “Radclyffe Hall,” to Elize Siebritz
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Rebecca West," to Robert Lynd.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Sarah O. Jewett," to "My dear Mr. Osgood," Decemeber 5, 1876, Smith Ber[ ].
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Susan B. Anthony," to "To the American National Red Red [sic] Cross," December 20, 1900.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Susan B. Anthony," to Mrs. [Jane H.] Spofford, July 15, 1892, two leaves of NAWSA letterhead, all sides covered; creased for mailing.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Susan Coolidge," to "My dear Mrs. Holmes," December 7, 1890, Newport.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, "Susan Hale," to "Dear Mr. Waterman," April 28, 1891, 2 East 35th St., New York.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, “Victoria C. Woodhull,” to “Editor Herald,” July 15, 1876, 127 East 10th St., New York City.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, 2 pp., to Mr. Scott.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, 2. M. Alcott. " to "Dear Miss Abby." Concord, October 21, no year.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, 21 pages, on her presidential nomination.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, 4 Typed letters signed, and 2 Typed Poems addressed to poet and Editor of Voyages, William Claire.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, Aug. 26, 1900 to E. Cady Stanton's daughter Harriot.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, describing her aims in writing.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, Feb 5, 1906.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, four pages.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, fragment.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, garnering support for her first Congressional appearance.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, Henry B. Blackwell” to “Mrs. [Sara] Underwood,
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, July 15, 1927.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, July 27, 1939 (postmark on envelope).
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, M. Putnam Jacobi." to "My dear Mrs. Pabherr (?)," May 18", no year, 110 W. 34th St.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, May 28, 1933, 2 leaves Troubridge and Hall letterhead, with PHOTO.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, Oct 25, 1891, to Adelaide, 1 leaf, NAWSA letterhead. Framed with PHOTO, captioned in autograph, "Susan B. Anthony 1820-Feb 15 1886."
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, Recommendation for student Mary L. Morgan.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, regarding a missing package.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, S to William Russel.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to "Bob."
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to "Mrs. Corson," ECS's niece.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to "My Dear Sir."
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to a close friend.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to a collector, in 1911. WITH The Heavenly Twins.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Anna Brown.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Antonia White.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Aunt Mai.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Bliss.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to C.E. Bennett.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Charles Gordon Ames, concerning her religious beliefs.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Chas. H. Walcott.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Dr. Alice B. Stockholm.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Edward M. Davis.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Elinor.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Elizabeth Blackwell.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Frances Mary Mackay.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Francis Amasa Walker.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Frank Garrison.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Grace.
LETTER: Autograph Letter Signed, To Gratz, November 7, 1814.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Helen Pillsbury Cogswell.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to her boyfriend Peter Deblanc.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to her brother.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to her cousin Benjamin Anthony.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to her father and mother.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to her future son-in-law, Henry Allen.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to her publisher, Mr. [John] Wiley.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to her sister Isabella Hooker.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to James Schuyler.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Jennie Lee, Baroness Lee of Asherdige; on her electoral defeat.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Joseph Cundall.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Lewis J. Caldor.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Lollis Holly.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Major Palmer, Inspector General of Prisons.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mervin Slotnick.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Miss Goldmark.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Miss Humphrey.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Miss Mary Ethel McAuley.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Miss Worcester.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mr. Cole.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mr. Gilbert.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mr. Rockwood; WITH carte. [PHOTOGRAPH]
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mrs. Cheney, September 17, 1872.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mrs. Ellet.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mrs. Hale.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mrs. Little.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mrs. M. Cook regarding Washington DC. WITH an Autograph Manuscript signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mrs. Robinson, discussing the 1855 Cincinnati National Women's Rights Convention.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Mrs. Williams.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Ms. Claflin.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Nancy, with calling card.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Oscar [Stanton de Priest].
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Peter de Blanc, 6 pages.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Professor Benjamin B. Thatcher.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Ralph Moore.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Ralph Waldo Emerson and Autograph letter signed, to the Hawthornes.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Robert Lynd.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Robert Lynd.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Ruth Ford.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to S. Boyd.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Schuyler Colfax, composed on a leaflet for the Equal Rights Convention for New York State, 1886.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Schuyler Colfax, on Revolution letterhead, 1869; with a handbill from the Revolution, both sides covered.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Tennie Claflin.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to the Marquis of Lally-Tollendal.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to The Western Messenger regarding her subscription.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to Thomas Hughes, author of "Tom Brown's School Days."
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, to William H. Ward.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, Wayland.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed, with press release (integral to letter).
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph Letter Signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter signed.
LETTER: Autograph letter to Dr. [Abram Samuel] Isaacs.
LETTER: Autograph letter to Eliza Wright Osborne.
LETTER: Autograph letter to Lucia Meeker signed, "your cousin Bessie," re suffrage etc.
LETTER: Autograph letters signed, to Colonel Gordon Drummond of the Coldstream Guards, from the Crimea.
LETTER: Autograph letters signed, to Start.
LETTER: Autograph manuscript, “The Deacon's Dilemma,” signed, “Anne Warner.” N.d.
LETTER: Autograph postcard signed, to Mrs. Lucy Stone with annotation by Lucy Stone.
LETTER: Autograph postcard signed: an affirmation of Woman Suffrage and Democracy; with an APS and TNS.
LETTER: Autograph postcard signed.
LETTER: Autograph Postcard to Lucy Stone.
LETTER: Autograph sentiment signed to Giles & Catharine Stebbins.
LETTER: Autograph sentiment, signed, “Emma Willard,” n.d.
LETTER: Correspondence archive.
LETTER: Correspondence archive.
LETTER: Correspondence to Mrs. Mary F. Gammon, Proctorsville, VT.
LETTER: Correspondence with Mrs. George H. Hosmer
LETTER: Deep Down. Correspondence Archive.
LETTER: Editorial Correspondence with William Shawn.
LETTER: ERA Broadside with ALS on it.
LETTER: Four ALS to Adelaide Johnson.
LETTER: Four page TLS addressed to Art Young; with a photograph.
LETTER: Inaugural Invitation to Esther Lape.
LETTER: Letter and telegrams to George Abbott White.
LETTER: Letter to Charles Empson, Esq.
LETTER: Letter to Julia Smith about her translation of Scripture.
LETTER: Letters to Alan Williams.
LETTER: Letters to his Mother and Father.
LETTER: Letters to Nan Goldin.
LETTER: Manuscript Account of the Burning of Louvain.
LETTER: Manuscript memo, signed, “Julia Ward Howe," a "Review of the 19th, presently the 20th century."
LETTER: Manuscript poem, "Robert Browning's Star," signed "Louise Chandler Moulton," n.d.
LETTER: Manuscript Poem, "Thought," signed, "Sarah Josepha Hale," no date.
LETTER: Manuscript sentiment, signed, "Lucretia Mott," 1870.
LETTER: Manuscript transcription of "Truth" by M. Breton, 1616, signed, "D.P. Madison," to "Robert A. Parrish Esq.," February 23rd, 1848, Boston.
LETTER: McIntosh and Otis Literary agency correspondence with Shirley Fisher.
LETTER: One autograph letter signed each to Tennie Claflin; and a copy of Henry Blackwell's "Objections to Woman Suffrage Answered."
LETTER: Partial autograph letter, to W.T. Stead, editor of Pall Mall Gazette.
LETTER: Photograph and two letters. (ALS, 1897; TLS, 1902.)
LETTER: Poem printed on pink silk. The Emma Willard Association. November 15, 1900.
LETTER: Printed circular with ALS to Miss Hedges at the close.
LETTER: Rising Tides: Correspondence Archive.
LETTER: Russ-Turner Correspondence.
LETTER: Scrapbooks of Letters of Noted American Women.
LETTER: Six Autograph letters signed to the Reverend Robert C. Waterston.
LETTER: Taylor - Williams Correspondence.
LETTER: Telegram to former housekeeper and historian Linnea Calder to ER's interment.
LETTER: Three Autograph letters signed; with photo and clipping.
LETTER: Three Typed Letters Signed to Asher on Philip Roth, with related material.
LETTER: TLS addressing authorship of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'.
LETTER: TLS on Cosmopolitan letterhead; with oversized photo of female engineers.
LETTER: TLS on the eve of the passage of the 19th Amendment.
LETTER: TLS to "Matie beloved" -- Mrs. George Gellhorn.
LETTER: TLS to "My dear Mrs. Dorothy".
LETTER: TLS to "Tessa" [Maria Teresa Agada de Aragon].
LETTER: TLS to Amanda Vaill on blurbs.
LETTER: TLS to Amanda Vaill.
LETTER: TLS to Art Young.
LETTER: TLS to Bernard Baruch.
LETTER: TLS to Carol Bird
LETTER: TLS to David Umansky, Secretary of the Instructors Organization.
LETTER: TLS to Dorothy Day from Elizabeth Lonergan.
LETTER: TLS to Dr. Joseph Beattie.
LETTER: TLS to Drinker
LETTER: TLS to E. Celler, re: Birth Control Legislation.
LETTER: TLS to E.B. White, 2 pp.
LETTER: TLS to E.M. Tomlinson.
LETTER: TLS to Ella Pomilia.
LETTER: TLS to Elsie Anthes.
LETTER: TLS to Harry Schein.
LETTER: TLS to Henry Miller.
LETTER: TLS to Leach.
LETTER: TLS to Miss Speiser re My Antonia.
LETTER: TLS to Mr. [Norman] Thomas, with carbon copy of reply.
LETTER: TLS to Mr. Holliday, August 26, 1928.
LETTER: TLS to Mr. Thomas Burke.
LETTER: TLS to Mrs. Almira B. Taylor.
LETTER: TLS to Mrs. Briggs.
LETTER: TLS to Mrs. Harriet L. Reed on Red Cross stationery.
LETTER: TLS to Mrs. Samuel Gompers.
LETTER: TLS to Rachel Avery.
LETTER: TLS to Ralph Sipper.
LETTER: TLS to Robert Graves, one leaf, one page.
LETTER: TLS to W. W. Howard.
LETTER: TLS to William Targ, Putnam's, 9-27-74.
LETTER: TLS with a Block of Emily Dickinson Stamps autographed by Sontag, to Mr. Goldblatt, December 3, 1978.
Letter: TLS, "Alice Stone Blackwell," to the editor of a periodical.
LETTER: TLS, "Carrie Chapman Catt," to John Hays Hammond, 3/2/18, one leaf of NAWSA letterhead. And TLS to "Friend," 8/30/16.
LETTER: TLS, "Eleanor Roosevelt," to Mrs. E. E. Eiler.
LETTER: TLS, "Susan B. Anthony," to "My Dear Young Friend," December 14, 1893, on one leaf of New York State Constitutional Convention, Woman Suffrage Amendment Campaign Convention letterhead.
LETTER: TLS, signed in type by Sanger regarding funding raising for her work, and letting people know the Yiddish edition is reading and German, Italian, and Polish translations are "being prepared."
LETTER: To a friend.
LETTER: to J. Elmer Christie.
LETTER: TPS, "Valerie Solanas," to "MOB c/o Mark Zussman."
LETTER: Two Autograph letters signed, to printer John McCreery.
LETTER: Two typed letters signed to editor Amanda Vaill.
LETTER: Two Typed Letters to Mr. Boyd.
LETTER: Typed letter signed and autograph letter signed, calling to establish schools for girls.
LETTER: Typed letter signed by Harry Truman to Frances Perkins about her service.
LETTER: Typed letter signed by the first black female missionary to Africa.
LETTER: Typed letter signed to B.W. Huebsch.
LETTER: Typed letter signed to Jane Olcott; with printed "self-denial" card and return envelope.
LETTER: Typed letter signed to Miss Mary F. Buttre and Mrs. Emma Buttre Winans.
LETTER: Typed letter signed to Miss Weems on Women's Christian Temperance Union letterhead.
LETTER: Typed letter signed to Mr. and Mrs. George Stevens.
LETTER: Typed letter signed to Rose Slutzkin.
LETTER: Typed letter signed to the Partisan Review.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, "Frances Willard" to "Mrs. J.H. Booth."
LETTER: Typed letter signed, "Louise Brooks," to Mr. Paige.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, "Marty," to "Olga" -- Mrs. Alfred Gellhorn.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, "Susan B. Anthony," to Mrs. Marilla M. Ricker.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, "Virignia Woolf," to "Signora [Sibilla] Aleramo."
LETTER: Typed letter signed, Circular Letter signed on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal, to Mrs. Rosencrans, July 8, 1946.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, on Shakespeare and other topics.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, on socialism; with Scudder's book, Socialism and Character.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to "My Dear Friend."
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to an editor.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Anna Louise Strong, re FDR's international policies.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Anna Louise Strong.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Basil O'Connor. ("Doc")
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Charles Ferguson.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Dr. S.J. Curtis.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Frau Losa.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to her son, Elliott.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to James Pond.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Joan Dixon from the newly formed Women Flyers of America. With application for enrollment and related leaflet.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Jonathan Cott at Doubleday.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Katharine Cornell.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Martha Gellhorn.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Miss Effie F. Burns.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Miss Gladys Pankhurst, with related material including armbands and a duty roster.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Miss Meeske.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Miss Ray.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Mr. Dobell.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Mr. Garner re FDR's Jewish Policies.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Mrs. Brian Inglis.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Mrs. Gertrude Roens.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Sheila Kaye-Smith, regarding the Well of Loneliness trial.
LETTER: Typed letter signed, to Tom Boyd, on writers and the writing process.
LETTER: Typed letter signed,, to Mrs. Ernst, March 20, 1943.
LETTER: Typed letter signed.
LETTER: Typed Letter to "My Dear Sir."
LETTER: Typed Letter to Mr. S.D. Green.
LETTER: Typed Letter to Senator J.B. Curtin.
LETTER: Typed letter with secretarial signature.
LETTER: Women Suffrage Appeal to Louis Goldstein..
LETTER:Typed letter signed, to Mr. Heiges, 2 pp. of Cosmopolitan letterhead.
LETTER:Typed letter signed, to the Jewish Youth Aid Foundation.
LETTER] Autograph TLS from Eleanor Roosevelt to Jawaharlal Nehru.
Letters - Volume 1, Number 1.
LETTERS & MANUSCRIPT: 2 pages re Kant; several McCarthy letters.
LETTERS and BOOKS: Battle Creek Sanitarium: Lectures and Brochures on the Hygienic Movement.
Letters Censored.
Letters Clipped by Amelia.
Letters from a War Zone: writings 1976-1987.
Letters from New York.
Letters of Marcel Proust, two typescripts.
Letters of Rebecca Gratz.
Letters of S.G.O. A Series of Letters on Public Affairs Written by the Rev. Lord Sidney Godolphin Osborne and Published in 'The Times' 1844-1888, The.
Letters of Sarah Orne Jewett.
Letters of the Madiai and Visits to Their Prisons
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M-y W-y M-e: Written during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to Persons of Distinction, Men of Letters, &c. in different parts of Europe.
Letters on Education.
Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Women.
Letters on the Necessity of a Prompt Extinction of British Colonial Slavery; chiefly addressed to the more influential classes.
Letters to a Christian Friend on the Fundamental Truths of Judaism.
Letters to Anne & Peter.
Letters to Catharine E. Beecher in Reply….to A.E. Grimke.
Letters to Imlay.
Letters to the Jews, 2nd UK AND 1st US in one slipcase.
Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.
Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.
Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.
LETTERS: 1 TLS (June 23) and 1 ALS (April 11) to Larry.
LETTERS: 10 Autograph letters signed, to Mrs. Roderick MacKenzie.
LETTERS: 12 Autograph letters signed, from Private Winifred Field, 12th Auxiliary Territorial Service of the British Army, to her parents.
LETTERS: 146 autograph letters signed and other correspondence regarding her work traveling around America for YWCA. AND 18 signed letters and one card regarding her work for American YWCA on child labor in China, Agatha Harrison.
LETTERS: 15 ALS and 2 PCS to Major George and Mrs. Lloyd-Verney.
LETTERS: 15 Autograph Letters Signed, primarily to Stantial, but also to Alice Stone Blackwell, Ellis Meredith, Martha Gelhorn, and Harold Freedman;
LETTERS: 19 ALS to Henry Mills Alden and his wife.
LETTERS: 2 ALS: to Rachel Gratz, New York July 26, 1804; To Mrs. Benjamin Gratz, Sept. 8, 1829.
LETTERS: 2 Autograph letters signed, 12 pages total. WITH PHOTO.
LETTERS: 2 Autograph letters signed, to her Aunt Mai.
LETTERS: 2 TLS from Harlan Stone to Peaks, 1913, WITH document signed by Alex. Gilchrist, 1917.
LETTERS: 2 TLS to her publisher.
LETTERS: 3 Autograph letters signed, to Mrs. Edwards.
LETTERS: 3 letters to Vaill, with 2 letter from Grau to Vaill.
LETTERS: 4 Autograph letters signed, and 1 envelope, to publisher R.R. Bowker.
LETTERS: 4 Typed letters signed and 1 Autograph letter signed, to William Claire.
LETTERS: 5 ALS by an English girl writing from Moscow to her cousin in Sheffield.
LETTERS: 5 ALS to Clement, Jan 29, no year.
LETTERS: 5 ALS to David Loughee; 1 ALS to Gabriel Pustel.
LETTERS: 5 ALS to her brother, Thomas P. Fogg.
LETTERS: 5 Autograph letters signed, to Mrs. Lillian Silk Holt.
LETTERS: 5 TLS to the secretaries of the Royal Society of Arts, Menzeis and Luckhurst.
LETTERS: 50 letters signed to Stantial and others.
LETTERS: 6 Autograph letters signed, to Thomas Craig-Brown.
LETTERS: 7 Letters to the Castle in Tarrytown.
LETTERS: 8 ALS, 1 TLS, to her nephew; two other Anthony family letters.
LETTERS: 8 TLS and 1 ALS to her agent, Joan Daves.
LETTERS: 9 ALS: Correspondence to her husband, William Leete Stone, and one letter from Francis Wayland to daughter Susan. (2 files)
LETTERS: 90 Autograph letters, in French, signed, from Beauvoir to Helen Wenck.
LETTERS: A trove of letters to her publisher, WITH Souls of Black Folk WITH Three Dreams in a Desert.
LETTERS: Agent Correspondence with H.N. Swanson.
LETTERS: Agent correspondence, 1959-1978.
LETTERS: ALS to an editor.
LETTERS: ALS, with related material.
LETTERS: Archive of incoming correspondence.
LETTERS: Blacklist Correspondence with William Shawn.
LETTERS: Britton Correspondence and related material.
LETTERS: Collection of 10 TLS to Helen Kellogg, signed in pencil.
LETTERS: Collection of letters and cards to John Philips Less.
LETTERS: Correspondence (2 files).
LETTERS: Correspondence and Manuscript Archive (17 items in a blue binder).
LETTERS: Correspondence Archive, 1874-1883.
LETTERS: Correspondence Archive.
LETTERS: Correspondence between Elizabeth Blackwell and her family members, including 12 to her brothers Samuel and Henry.
LETTERS: Correspondence file.
LETTERS: Correspondence from Christopher St. John.
LETTERS: Correspondence from Dorothy Nicholson.
LETTERS: Correspondence from H.W. Nevinson (with some letters to Robert Lynd as well).
LETTERS: Correspondence from Jane Priestley.
LETTERS: Correspondence from Josephine McNeil.
LETTERS: Correspondence from Katherine Tynan.
LETTERS: Correspondence from Olive Heseltine.
LETTERS: Correspondence from Rebecca West.
LETTERS: Correspondence from Rose Macaulay
LETTERS: Correspondence from Sarah H. Purser.
LETTERS: Correspondence from Thorncroft
LETTERS: Correspondence from Violet Trefusis.
LETTERS: Correspondence of the first ordained woman minister in America.
LETTERS: Correspondence to Hildur Coon, Trude Pratt, Joseph Lash, and others.
LETTERS: Correspondence to Islay Lyons.
LETTERS: Correspondence to Kay Boyle, and related material.
LETTERS: Correspondence to Martha Bradstreet.
LETTERS: Correspondence to Mr. Mills.
LETTERS: Correspondence to Nigel Nicholson regarding Ethel Smyth research in the letters of Vita Sckvillle-West.
LETTERS: Correspondence with Bob and Kathy Parrish.
LETTERS: Correspondence with Christine Pevitt.
LETTERS: Correspondence with David and Dusty Sklar.
LETTERS: Correspondence with Doris F. Halman.
LETTERS: Correspondence with Dr. William James MacNeven.
LETTERS: Correspondence with her parents and in-laws.
LETTERS: Correspondence with her US publishers.
LETTERS: Correspondence with John Ferrone.
LETTERS: Correspondence with John Woodburn.
LETTERS: Correspondence with Karl Groos.
LETTERS: Correspondence with Marshall Best.
LETTERS: Correspondence with Ned Bradford and Eleanor Kask Friede, with typescript material.
LETTERS: Correspondence with Pascal Covici, with The Art of Fiction XLVII.
LETTERS: Correspondence with Valerie Solanas.
LETTERS: Correspondence with W.D. Snodgrass.
LETTERS: Correspondence with William Jovanovich. (3 large slipcases)
LETTERS: Correspondence with William Shawn.
LETTERS: Correspondence with William Shawn.
LETTERS: Correspondence with William Shawn.
LETTERS: Correspondence.
LETTERS: Correspondence.
LETTERS: Correspondence.
LETTERS: Dare Wright - Linda Ruskoski Correspondence archive.
LETTERS: Dewey-Schuyler Correspondence, with Commonplace Book.
LETTERS: Dora Carrington – Frances Partridge Correspondence
LETTERS: Editorial correspondence with Ray Roberts.
LETTERS: Editorial Correspondence with Viking.
LETTERS: Editorial Correspondence.
LETTERS: Editorial Correspondence.
LETTERS: Editorial Correspondence.
LETTERS: Editorial correspondence.
LETTERS: Eichmann in Jerusalem: Correspondence Archive.
LETTERS: Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, Mary McCarthy, Jerome Kohn.
LETTERS: Family correspondence.
LETTERS: Five letters from her brother, Roscoe.
LETTERS: Four Autograph letters and a card to WSC from Isabelle McClung.
LETTERS: Four autograph letters signed.
LETTERS: Four letters and one poem.
LETTERS: Four letters. (plus pamphlet: "Propaganda Section of the Chicago Political Equality League 1911-12 'Votes for Women.'"
LETTERS: Gilbert Correspondence.
LETTERS: Gollancz Publishing Files [one box].
LETTERS: Hannah Arendt-William Shawn Correspondence 1960-1972.
LETTERS: In-coming Correspondence.
LETTERS: Incoming correspondence to Nellie E. Douglas of Dover, Piscataquis County, Maine.
LETTERS: Incoming Correspondence, World War II.
LETTERS: Incoming correspondence.
LETTERS: Jovanovich correspondence file.
LETTERS: Jovanovich Publishing Archive.
LETTERS: Jovanovich Publishing Archive. (two large slipcases)
LETTERS: Kay Boyle-William Shawn Correspondence
LETTERS: Knopf Correspondence.] In 6 quarter-morocco slipcases, labeled a-f.
LETTERS: Le Guin - Yellin correspondence file.
LETTERS: Letters to David St. John.
LETTERS: Letters to her sister.
LETTERS: Letters to Her Son, Mark.
LETTERS: Letters to Ruth Ford.
LETTERS: Letters to their sister.
LETTERS: Libby and Ron Rosenberg Correspondence.
LETTERS: Lore and David Segal Correspondence.
LETTERS: Louise Bogan-William Shawn Correspondence.
LETTERS: Margaret Atwood - Greg Gatenby.
LETTERS: McAllister Correspondence archive: with and regarding Mrs. Thomas (Dorothy) McAllister, Director of the Women's Division of the Democratic National Committee.
LETTERS: McDowell Family Correspondence.
LETTERS: Muriel Spark-William Shawn Correspondence.
LETTERS: Mythology: Correspondence with editors.
LETTERS: Rachel Carson - William Shawn Correspondence
LETTERS: Rebecca West - William Shawn Correspondence.
LETTERS: Ruth Ford Correspondence.
LETTERS: Several letters to Tom Disch. (With #13502.)
LETTERS: Six ALS to Grace Tully and Missy LeHand.
LETTERS: Smith Family Correspondence.
LETTERS: Somerville Correspondence
LETTERS: Stearns Sisters' Family Letters from the Antebellum, Civil War, and Reconstruction Era.
LETTERS: Three ALS to Hood, and related material, re Scottish Women's First-Aid Corps.
LETTERS: Three ALS, about US and UK women in the cause; with inscribed early photo and inscribed frontispiece portrait excised from a book.
LETTERS: Three autograph letters signed and one postcard signed, to Robert Lynd.
LETTERS: Three Autograph letters signed, to Alice Randall.
LETTERS: Three letters to David St. John.
LETTERS: Three letters to Gilbert Seldes.
LETTERS: Three TLS to the Ilkley Lit. Fest.
LETTERS: Three typed letters signed to Ella Pomilia.
LETTERS: Three typed letters signed to George Wickes.
LETTERS: TLS, Helen Keller, to Mrs. Arthur B. Leith on the passing of Sullivan; WITH TLS from Anne Sullivan, to Mr. Alexander.
LETTERS: TLs, to T. MacCallum Walker, 10/4/56. (WITH #6546)
LETTERS: to Kenneth Macpherson
LETTERS: Two autograph letters signed to D.D. Paige.
LETTERS: Two Autograph letters signed, to Gordon Browne.
LETTERS: Two autograph letters signed.
Letters: Two Autograph letters signed.
LETTERS: Two autograph letters.
LETTERS: Two letters, signed, to Richard Elman, with a signed photograph.
LETTERS: Two TLS to Thomas Boyd.
LETTERS: Two Typed letters signed to Annie Fields.
LETTERS: Two typed letters signed, "Emma Goldman," to "Jennie Bederick" (spelled Bedrick in the later letter).
LETTERS: Two Typed letters signed, to Buzz Farber.
LETTERS: Typed letter signed, to a correspondent in Mississippi, with related material.
LETTERS: US-UK Suffrage Correspondence of Amy Grant, 1880s-1900s.
LETTERS: Viking Correspondence.
LETTERS: Wakoski - Yellin correspondence file.
LETTERS: Wilcox - Howland correspondence archive concerning a Bill introduced in the New York Legislature to Establish Equal Suffrage for Women in New York State, 1884.
LETTERS: Wildes Family Correspondence.
LETTERS: William Claire Correspondence.
LETTERS: William Shawn-Mary McCarthy correspondence.
LETTERS: Xandra Bingley correspondence archive.
LETTERS:Correspondence with her brother.
LETTERS:Group of 11 items Signed, "Flannery," "M. Flannery," or "Mary Flannery": 7 Typed Letters and 4 Christmas Cards, each to her Georgia State College for Women teacher and friend George H. Haslam, on literary, religious, and personal topics.
LETTERS. 6 ALS re fundraising for kindergarten.
Lettres a L'Amazone.
Lettres de la Prison. WITH an ALS from Dwight Macdonald to Harold Rosenberg.
Lettres de Mon Moulin.
Lettres Imaginaires.
Libertarian Women's Network Newsheet, #15.
Liberty Bell, The.
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Slipcased with 6188.
Library of - PDF of box 075, one of three boxes
Library of Andrea Dworkin.
Library of Andrea Dworkin.
Library, The.
Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims, Edited by Mrs. Horace Mann.
Life Among the Savages.
Life and Death of Radclyffe Hall, The.
Life and Labor: A Monthly Magazine, Vol I, nos 1-12 (Jan-Dec, 1911).
Life and Letters
Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen, The.
Life and Letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes. (2 vols.)
Life and Letters. Vol. I, no. 5.
Life and Missionary Labors in the Slums, Dives and Opium Joints of New York City…
Life and Sufferings.
Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony, The…Vols. I and II, with Index to Subjects (slim stapled volume).
Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony, The…Vols. I and II.
Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony, The…volume I and II.
Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G., The.
Life Everlasting, The.
Life for Liberty, A.
Life from a Wheeled Chair.
Life in a Hospital, Being an East End Chapter.
Life in Calcutta: Two manuscript diaries.
Life in Prairie Land.
Life of Ellen H. Richards, The.
Life of Florence Nightingale, The. Vol. 1.
Life of Florence Nightingale, The. Vol. 2.
Life of Gluckel of Hameln, The.
Life of Gluckel of Hameln, Written by herself, The.
Life of Miss Nightingale.
Life or Death in India.
LIFE Pro-Suffrage Number Vol. 62.
Life Sentence.
Life Without and Life Within; or, Reviews, Narratives, Essays, and Poems.
Life, Confession and Execution of the Jew and Jewess, The, Gustavus Linderhoff, and Fanny Victoria Talzingler,
Life, Letters, and Journals.
Light on the Path, with Notes and Comments by the Author.
Like an Orange on a Seder Plate.
Lillian Ruth Friedlander: A Biography.
Lillian Wald: Neighbor and Crusader.
Lily, The - Announcement of the Fifth Volume; WITH Volume 4, Number 8.
Lines on the Death of Miss Lyon.
List of Books to be Published During the Summer and Early Autumn of 1929, A.
List of Representative Men of Haverhill.
List of Supporting and Unsupporting Candidates in Favor of the Amendment.
Literary and Musical Soiree at Irving Female College.
Little Disturbances of Man, The.
Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution, The.
Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution, The.
Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution, The.
Little Men" Play, The.
Little Women and Little Men.
Little Women.
Live Forever.
Lively Lady: A Play in Five Scenes.
Lives of Cleopatra and Octavia, The.
Lives of Good and Great Women.
Living English Poets.
Living My Life, 2 Vols.
Living My Life, vol. 1. With an ALS to Mr. Titus.
Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman An Autobiography, The.
Logic for the Business Man.
Lona: A Fairy Tale.
Lona. A Fairy Tale.
London Practice of Midwifery, The.
London Sights for Little Folks, miniature book.
London Was Yesterday.
Lone Pilgrim, The.
Lonely Doll, The.
Long Island Women's Diaries.
Long Island Women's Diaries.
Long Loneliness, The.
Long Road of Woman's Memory, The.
Looking for Mister Goodbar.
Loom and Spindle, or Life Among the Early Mill Girls.
Lord Wantage, V.C., K.C.B. A Memoir by his wife.
Lord's Physiology.
Lorenzo in Taos.
Los Angeles Cookery [cover title; no title page]..
Lost Lady, A.
Lost Lady, A.
Lost Lady, A.
Louisa May Alcott, The Children's Friend.
Louisa May Alcott: A Souvenir.
Louisa May Alcott: Dreamer and Worker.
Louisa May Alcott: Dreamer and Worker.
Love and Other Infectious Disease; with book launch invitation.
Love Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay, The.
Love Possessed Juana. [Queen of Castile].
Love Songs and Other Lyrics.
Love: A Novel.
Love: A Ten Act Motion Picture.
Lover's World, The.
Lowell Offering and Magazine, The.
Lowell Offering, The.
Lowell Offering, The. Issues 1, 2, 3, 4.
Lowell Offering) Mind Amongst the Spindles.
Lu Lu's Library, 3 vols.
Lucy Church Amiably.
Lucy Stone: A Chronicle Play.
Lucy Stone: Pioneer of Woman's Rights.
Lucy Stone. A Chronicle Play.
Lunar Baedaker and Times Tables
Lupiesto I ucisk zamiast ubezpieczenia.
Lyceum Banner: Devoted to the Culture and Amusement of the Young, Vol 2., Numbers 1-24.
Lyttleton-Guest Family Albums.
Madam C.J. Walker Beauty Manual, The.
Madame Therese; or, the Volunteers of '92.
Madeline McDowell Breckinridge, A leader in the New South.
Magdalen Facts No. 1.
Maid in Waiting.
Making Both ends Meet.
Making of Americans, The [Morceaux Choisis de la Fabrication des Americains].
Making of Americans, The.
Making of Americans, The.
Making of Americans, The.
Making of Americans, The.
Making of Americans, The.
Making of the Universe, The.
Making of Yesterday, The. WITH APS from Flanner to Aswell.
Male and Female.
Man and Wife.
Man With the Golden Arm, The.
Man-Made World or, Our Androcentric Culture, The [CPG Family Archive].
Man-Made World, or Our Androcentric Culture, The [CPG Family Archive].
Man-Made World, or Our Androcentric Culture, The.
Mandarins, The.
Mandelbaum Gate, The.
Manifeste de la Femme futuriste. Reponse a F.T. Marinetti.
MANUSCRIPT / LETTERS: Corrected typescript: Thoughts on Peace during an Air Raid. With 5 TLS, and related material.
Manuscript account book.
Manuscript Account of a Woman's Travels Across the American West.
Manuscript advice from: Atwood, Gelhorn, Gaitskill, Lessing, Dillard, Acker, McCarthy, Hempel, O'Brien, Hepburn, Oates, Minot.
Manuscript album of student poems and prose.
Manuscript and typescript notes on race and suffrage.
Manuscript autobiography.
Manuscript Composition Notebook.
Manuscript Constitution and Autograph Album of the Ladies of the Missionary Society of the Greene Sanitarium of Castile, N.Y. [and] photograph.
Manuscript cook book.
Manuscript Cookbook.
Manuscript cookery book, ca. 1750.
Manuscript deed and monetary allotment to a daughter.
Manuscript Diaries of Caroline Chase Moulton of Randolph Vermont, cousin of Secretary of the Treasury and Supreme Court Justice, Salmon P. Chase, with one diary of her mother, Maria Cotton Moulton.
Manuscript Diaries.
Manuscript Diaries.
Manuscript Diary - "No. 18."
Manuscript diary (2 vols.).
Manuscript diary of Marietta Chase, of Lansing, Tompkins County, New York.
Manuscript Diary: "Aunt Bettie McLean's Book Graham, N.C. Jan 1, 1873".
Manuscript diary.
Manuscript diary.
Manuscript diary.
MANUSCRIPT EDITION, 1/12 copies: Chicken Little Goes Too Far.
Manuscript essays, written as a schoolgirl in Henniker, New Hampshire.
Manuscript essays.
Manuscript filled form of Clotilde Tambroni for payment as "Professora Emerita."
Manuscript Geography, Middlebury Female Seminary.
Manuscript Geography, Windsor Female Academy.
Manuscript guest register: "The Oak."
Manuscript invitation and three printed poems, one inscribed.
Manuscript journal of research notes, primarily quotations culled from research at the British Museum Library, from sexual / bawdy sources, from Chaucer to Edmund Wilson
Manuscript journal.
Manuscript lecture notes and artwork.
Manuscript Minutes of Meetings.
Manuscript Minutes of Meetings.
Manuscript notebook.
Manuscript Notes from Math Lectures.
Manuscript Poem and Promotional material.
Manuscript poetry journal.
MANUSCRIPT quotation.
Manuscript Recipe Book.
MANUSCRIPT Record of the Western Female Benevolent Society of South Salem, New York.
Manuscript Sabbath Observance Reports from the Texas chapter.
Manuscript school notebooks, French, 1898-1899.
Manuscript Sermons at age 14.
Manuscript Speech, with photograph.
Manuscript Travel Journal, "Journal in France, & Belgium and on the Rhine."
Manuscript travelogue: Camping in the Pocono Mountains 1863 [and] Two Weeks in the Adirondacks.
Manuscript; Photographs; Textiles. (7 items total)
MANUSCRIPT: "Confessions": Victorian Parlor Game Journal.
MANUSCRIPT: "If it be true that each poet has his world…"
MANUSCRIPT: "One culte there is at least, one religion, of which all may be priests.."
MANUSCRIPT: "Sing Sing, What Shall I Sing," mimeo typescript with manuscript title page.
MANUSCRIPT: 16-page account of her service as a nurse in the civil war.
MANUSCRIPT: 20 signed typescripts.
MANUSCRIPT: 7 page manuscript on Thomas Boyd.
MANUSCRIPT: A Slight Glance at the Ancient and Sublime Science of Astronomy.
MANUSCRIPT: Alcibiates.
MANUSCRIPT: Alice Wilson Rock Doctor.
MANUSCRIPT: Annotated Book List.
MANUSCRIPT: Annotated photocopy typescript leaf. WITH ANS, "Joan," to Morgan Entrekin, on the top of p. 1 of a letter from ME to JD.
MANUSCRIPT: Annual report for the first Jewish Sunday school in America.
MANUSCRIPT: Aphra Behn (manuscript notes).
MANUSCRIPT: Autobiographical writings.
MANUSCRIPT: Autograph expense receipt for Iowa Conference.
MANUSCRIPT: Autograph extract and sentiment, signed.
MANUSCRIPT: Autograph manuscript signed in the text.
MANUSCRIPT: Autograph manuscript signed, Letter to The Independent.
MANUSCRIPT: Autograph poem: "The Levée en Masse."
MANUSCRIPT: Autograph sentiment signed, “Anna E. Dickinson.”
MANUSCRIPT: Behind the Mask.
MANUSCRIPT: Billy's Bed.
MANUSCRIPT: Biographical sketch, annotated typescript.
MANUSCRIPT: Ca. 9 leaves of various typescript poetry, some annotated in pencil.
MANUSCRIPT: Ca. dozen leaves, various.
MANUSCRIPT: Challenge (manuscript).
MANUSCRIPT: Cherchez La Femme: Annotated typescript.
MANUSCRIPT: Chicken Little Goes Too Far.
MANUSCRIPT: Collected Poems Volume One.
MANUSCRIPT: Dark Days of Thermidor.
MANUSCRIPT: Diaries of Lady Asquith.
MANUSCRIPT: Dream of Life notebook.
Manuscript: English cookery manuscript from the Wentworth and Bold families.
MANUSCRIPT: Five Manuscript Diaries.
MANUSCRIPT: Foot-footing On.
MANUSCRIPT: Four Carbon Typed Manuscripts of Short Stories.
MANUSCRIPT: French Grammar and Literature.
MANUSCRIPT: French History.
MANUSCRIPT: Glamour, with three letters to her editor at Cosmopolitan, William C. Lengel.
MANUSCRIPT: Grey Wethers.
MANUSCRIPT: Historia del Istmo de Panamá
MANUSCRIPT: Imitation child's manuscript with drawing and unpublished poem for Donald Lyons.
MANUSCRIPT: In Distrust of Merits, annotated typescript signed by Moore; with letters by Lippincott (Grace Greenwood) and Niles.
MANUSCRIPT: Interlude in Two Lives. With two TLS from her agent, Dudley barker.
MANUSCRIPT: Juvenilia Notebook of Poetry and Drama.
MANUSCRIPT: Knole 30th May 1910 resumed.
MANUSCRIPT: Lady Anne Clifford (manuscript).
MANUSCRIPT: Lowell Girl's Album.
MANUSCRIPT: Luke Raeburn's Daughter.
MANUSCRIPT: Manuscript Notebook, Russian 1927; together with TYPESCRIPT: "Is America a Woman’s Paradise" typescript essay.
MANUSCRIPT: Manuscript Poem and Four Manuscript Essays.
MANUSCRIPT: Manuscript, typescript, and printed appearance: Chanuka.
MANUSCRIPT: Master's Mule, The. Manuscript, with card.
MANUSCRIPT: Memo, May 8, 1860.
MANUSCRIPT: Mermaid and the Messerschmitt.
MANUSCRIPT: Michael Sadleir.
MANUSCRIPT: Moral Lessons manuscript draft.
MANUSCRIPT: Multitude or Solitude. In which is one happiest?
MANUSCRIPT: New Battle Hymn of the Republic."
MANUSCRIPT: Notes Andrew Marvell (1929) / Nursery Rhymes (1947) / Lectures and Broadcasts (1934, 1946).
MANUSCRIPT: Old Sport's Primer.
MANUSCRIPT: Olives from San Remo.
MANUSCRIPT: On Novel Reading.
MANUSCRIPT: Pepita (manuscript notes).
MANUSCRIPT: Poem- "Darling, you come, and all my days are lit…"
Manuscript: Poems by a lady who died 1822.
MANUSCRIPT: Ramblings of an Impractical Housewife.
MANUSCRIPT: Recollections of India from 1849 to 1854.
MANUSCRIPT: Responses from the Symbolism Survey.
MANUSCRIPT: Richelieu.
MANUSCRIPT: Rights of Women.
MANUSCRIPT: Sapphira and the Slave Girl.
MANUSCRIPT: School Essays.
MANUSCRIPT: Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves, mimeographed typescript.
MANUSCRIPT: Small archive of unpublished work (three manuscript notebooks).
MANUSCRIPT: Some Tendencies of Modern English Poetry.
MANUSCRIPT: Spanish Leaves: typescript for unpublished book on Spain.
MANUSCRIPT: St. Joan of Arc (manuscript).
MANUSCRIPT: Steel-Flanked Stallion - annotated typescript.
MANUSCRIPT: Temperance Gazette, The.
MANUSCRIPT: The 1957 Year-Book.
MANUSCRIPT: The Changing Countryside.
MANUSCRIPT: The City of the Lily.
MANUSCRIPT: The Dragon in Shallow Waters.
MANUSCRIPT: The Engagement.
MANUSCRIPT: The King's Secret.
MANUSCRIPT: The Stone Cutter's Boy of Possagno
MANUSCRIPT: The Unborn Visitant.
MANUSCRIPT: Three Notebooks of Notes and Poems.
MANUSCRIPT: To Be Let or Sold.
MANUSCRIPT: Typescript Book Review of Virginia Woolf's "A Haunted House and Other Stories" with an Autograph Letter Signed as "B.G. Glover."
MANUSCRIPT: Typescript poem, "Class Song 1950" for Wellesley High School.
MANUSCRIPT: Typescript speech: On Woman Suffrage.
MANUSCRIPT: Union Band, The. Vol. 2, no. 12.
MANUSCRIPT: Untitled Play ("The sitting room of a middle-class house in an English provincial town..."
MANUSCRIPT: Who's Who in America biographical sketch, annotated.
MANUSCRIPT: Woman's Journal of a Trip West, Through Colorado and Utah in 1873.
MANUSCRIPT: Working manuscript on the female condition.
MANUSCRIPT:The Eagle and the Dove.
MANUSCRIPT:The Englishman's Flora by Geoffrey Grigson.
MANUSCRIPT:The Old Chorister to Himself as a Boy.
MANUSCRIPT:The Women-poets of the 'Seventies.
MANUSCRIPTS: Eight manuscript notebooks.
MANUSCRIPTS: Four typescripts: West, Taming the Joplin Place, Wintering Over, Estivating.With related editorial correspondence.
MANUSCRIPTS: Glass Wind, Half Decent Symphony, I Was Born Mean, and one more. WITH two letters and two signed permission slips.
MANUSCRIPTS: Household Goods and expense notebook.
MANUSCRIPTS: Manuscripts and Typescripts: Doll Stories.
MANUSCRIPTS: The Three Brothers and Bunny Cotton-Tail.
MANUSCRIPTS: Three manuscript poems on signed postcards to Smith
Maoris, The, and Their Arts.
MAP LEAFLET: Votes for Women a Success: The Map Proves It.
MAP LEAFLET: Votes for Women a Success: The Map Proves It.
MAP LEAFLET: Votes for Women a Success.
MAP POSTER: Votes for Women a Success - The Map Proves It!
MAP: Suffrage States.
MAP: Votes For Woman a Success.
MAP: Votes For Women.
Marcel Proust. His Life and Work.
Marengo's Tragedy of Pia De Tolomei: As Represented by Madame Ristori and her Dramatic Company, under the management of J. Grau.
Margaret and Her Friends or Ten Conversations with Margaret Fuller Upon the Mythology of the Greeks and Its Expression in Art.
Margaret Fuller as a Literary Critic.
Margaret Fuller. A Biography
Margaret Fuller. Whetstone of Genius .Autograph letters by Fuller to her brother Richard and to Horace Greeley; also letters by Martineau; Emerson; Longfellow; Hawthorne; and toehrs. All bound into this volume.
Margaret Sanger Story, The and The Fight for Birth Control.
Maria Fearing: A Mother to African Girls.
Maria, ou le Malheur d'Etre Femme.
Maria: or, the Wrongs of Woman. A Posthumous Fragment.
Marian Anderson at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington Sunday, April 19, 1939.
Marital Power Exemplified in Mrs. Packard's Trial and Self-Defence from the Charge of Insanity. COMPARE TO OTHER COPY.
Marmaduke Denver and Other Stories.
Marriage and the Civic Rights of Women.
Marriage and the State.
Marriage Protest.
Marriage scrapbook: Just Two on the Road to Happiness.
Married Woman's Private Medical Companion, The.
Martin Beck Offers Madame Sarah Bernhardt in Vaudeville.
Mary Lyndon. Or, Revelations of a Life. An Autobiography.
Mary White.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.
Mary Wollstonecraft." In NECROLOGY:
Marya: A Life.
Mass Meeting in Commemoration of Julia Ward Howe.
Mass Meeting. Symphony Hall. Monday, March 22, 1909. 8 P.M."Votes For Women".
Master Builder, The.
Master of the House (2 copies)
Master of the House, The.(2 copies)
Masters in Modern Art.
Maternal Physician.
Matter of Position, A.
May Days: An Anthology of Verse from Masses-Liberator.
Maybe. With TLS, 5-10-79, Hellman to "Bill" Blass.
Mayfair to Moscow -- Clare Sheridan's Diary.
Me and the Stags.
Measuring Up Equal Suffrage.
Measuring Up Equal Suffrage" pamphlet.
Mechanism of the Heavens.
Medford School Book.
Medical and Legal Aspects of Sanitary Reform, The. All Faithfulls in 2 large slipcases.
Medical and Surgical History of the British Army which Served in Turkey and the Crimea during the War Against Russia in the years 1854-55-56.
Medical Women.
Meet the Members. A Record of the Timber Corps of the Women's Land Army.
Member's Ticket; Literature Order Form.
Memoir and Selected Remains … From the library of Fergennes Female Moral Reform Society..
Memoir of Catharine Brown.
Memoir of James Jackson, Jr., M.D.
Memoir of James Jackson.
Memoir of Phillis Wheatley, A native African and a Slave.
Memoir, A.
Memoires d'une jeune fille rangee.
Memoires de Mademoiselle de Sternheim.
Memoirs of Agrippina.
Memoirs of an American Lady.
Memoirs of Gluckel of Hameln, The.
Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 2 vols.
Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft
Memoirs of Modern Philosophers… 2 vols.
Memoirs of Ninon de L'enclos…
Memoirs of Richard Lovell Edgeworth.
Memoirs of the Loves of the Poets.
Memorial For] Anne Greene Chapman of Boston. Offprint from "The Liberator".
Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Cary…
Memorial of Head Mistresses of Girls' Public Secondary Schools.
Memorial of Madame Kossuth Meszlenyi.
Memorial of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association to the Constitutional Convention
Memorial Pamphlet: An Act of Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the Life and Work of...
Memorial Service Program, WITH related correspondence and manuscript material.
Memorial to the Legislature of Massachusetts.
Memorial Tribute. Boxed with 10656 (22 items).
Memories of a Hostess.
Memories of My Life.
Memories of the Crimea.
Memories of the Crimean War. January 1855 to June 1856.
Memory Scrap Book.
Men and Monuments.
Men and Monuments.
Men in Dark Times.
Men in Dark Times. Corrected Galleys.
Mental Photographs: An Album for Confessions of Tastes, Habits, and Convictions.
Method of Spiritual Culture; being an Explanatory Preface to the Second Edition of Record of a School.
Method of Spiritual Culture.
Mexican manuscript on woman's rights.
Micrographie Decorative
Microscopical Studies in Pelvic Peritonitis and eight other titles.
"Middleton Place, South Carolina." WITH an ALS from Nigel Nicolson to "Dearest Jo," offering this as a wedding gift, "the only poem she ever wrote about the United States."
Midstream; inscribed, with typescript.
Midwifery] Breve Compendio Dell'Arte Ostetricia.
Midwives Act Committee. Report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Lord President of the Council to consider the Working of the Midwives Act, 1902.
Mikey and Nicky, final shooting script.
Militant Methods.
Militant Suffrage Movement, The.
Military Argument, The.
Military Education. Speech of The Rt. Hon. Sidney Herbert, in the House of Commons, June 5, 1856, on the Education and Instruction of Officers in the Army.
Mill Agent, The.
Mill Ledger/Manuscript Journal.
Millenial Tidings, Number 1.
Million Women Appeal to the Voters for Justice, A.
Million Women Appeal to the Voters of New York for Justice, A.
Milton Boarding School for Young Ladies.
Mimeographed Sheets: History of the Equality Issue in the Contemporary Women's Movement.
Miniskirt and hotpants clipping collection.
Ministers on Votes for Women.
Minor Poet and Other Verse, A.
Minutes of the Maternal Association connected with the Baptist Tabernacle.
Miss America, 1945.
Miss Macintosh, My Darling.
Miss Martineau’s Account of Communities in America, in Competition in Peril by Bower.
Miss Matilda Archambeau Van Dorn.
Miss Ogilvy Finds Her Way.
Missionary Labors.
Mississippi Valley Suffrage Conference.
Missouri Laws Discriminating Against Women.
Missy-- To Do This. FDR.
Mistaken Views on the Education of Girls.
Mitchelhurst Place, SIGNED MANUSCRIPT.
Mitchison - Gollancz files ( one green document box (a) and one blue document box(b) ).
Mitford - Gollancz files: Hons and Rebels.
Mme. Bernardt at San Quentin Prison, Washington's Birthday, 1913.
Mobilizing Woman-Power.
Modern Industry.
Modern Life Programs, The WITH TLS, Anna Steese Richardson.
Modern Man in search of a Soul.
Modern Science of Body; The Christ Cure; Lectures and Miscellanies.
Modulations for Solo Voice.
Mogg Megone.
Monday Original, The.
Montessori Method, The.
Montessori Mother, A.
Monthly Report of Representative District Chairman.
Moon People: A Novel.
Moondrop to Gascony.
Moral Basis of Democracy, The.
Moral Basis of Democracy, The.
Moral Education of the Young in Relation to Sex, The.
Moral Lessons for Home or School / Principles of Morality Simply Explained, For Home and School Teaching.
Moralism and Christianity.
More Yesterdays.
Morgan Le Fay.
Morrina (Homesickness).
Moses, Man of the Mountain.
Moses, Man of the Mountain.
Moses: Man of the Mountain.
Mother Earth. 1 CLOTH BOXES.
Mother Earth. 2 CLOTH BOXES.
Mother Goose as a Suffragette.
Mother Mary Magdalen of the Sacred Heart (Fanny Margaret Taylor), Foundress of the Poor Servants of the Mother of God 1832-1900.
Mother of Clubs, The: Caroline M. Seymour Severance An Estimate and Appreciation.
Mother's Assistance.
Mother's Book, The.
Mother's Book.
Mother's Letters to a Daughter on Woman Suffrage, A.
Mother's Poems.
Motherhood and Pensions.
Motherhood in Bondage.
Motherhood in Bondage.
Mothers of Men and Militarism.
Mount de Chantal Prospectus.
Mountain Echo, The. 12 issues.
Movers and Shakers.
Moving the Mountain [CPG Family Archive].
Mr. Zero.
Mrs. John Doe.
Mrs. Lincoln's Boston Cookbook
Mrs. Royall's Southern Tour, or Second Series of the Black Book.
Ms. Magazine, volumes one and two.
Murder in the Dark.
MUSIC: Equal Suffrage Song Sheaf.
My Adolescent Loves.
My Antonia.
My Antonia.
My Apprenticeship.
My Club and I.
My Commonplace Book.
My Days.
My Days.
My Days.
My Days.
My Disillusionment in Russia.
My Fight for Birth Control.
My Fight for Birth Control.
My First Holiday.
My Further Disillusionment in Russia.
My Life as a Rebel (2 copies).
My Life Story.
My Life with Martin Luther, Jr.
My Life.
My Mortal Enemy.
My Mother: A Psychological Portrait.
My Play Is Study: A Book for Children.
My Rococo Watch."
My Vacation Days.
Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm AND Fucked-up in America: A Response to 'The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm.'
Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm, The
Nancy Shippen Her Journal Book.
Nancy Shippen, Her Journal Book.
Narrative of Marvellous Deliverance from Death…
Narrative of Privations and Sufferings of United States Officers & Soldiers while Prisoners of War in the hands of the Rebel Authorities.
Narrative of Sojourner Truth.; and "Sojourner Truth, The Libyan Soul."
Narrative of the Negro, A.
National American Woman Suffrage Association.
National Anti-Slavery Bazaar Gazette.
National Citizen and Ballot Box, Vol 5.8, December 1880.
National Citizen and The Ballot Box, The.
National Era, Prospectus.
National League of Women Voters Pennsylvania League of Women Voters What They Are Why They Are How They Propose To Work" leaflet.
National Poetry Series - manuscript submissions by female poets.
Native Daughter: The Story of Anita Whitney.
Native of Winby and Other Tales, A.
Naval Sketches of the War in California
Need of Philadelphia's Young Women: A Movement to Meet It. What Does Philadelphia Need Most? Suitably Planned Buildings for Its Girls and Young Women.
Needle's Eye, The.
Negro Anthology Made by Nancy Cunard, 1931-1933
Negro Folk Lore Stories. What Aunt Dorcas Told Little Elsie, 1923.
Negro in the American Theatre, The.
Nelly's Heroics.
Nervous System.
New "Domestic" Family Sewing Machine, The.
New Book of Cookery, A.
New Deal Noodles.
New Directions in Prose and Poetry.
New England Free Press Publications (29 items).
New Era, The. Vol. 1 No. 1.
New Fashioned Argument for Woman Suffrage, A.
New Female Instructor, The.
New Home, A--Who'll Follow?
New Lives: Survivors of the Holocaust Living in America.
New Look at Cuba.
New Meaning of Treason, The.
New Pandora, The.
New World, The.
New York Amulet.
New York Call / Woman's Sphere.
New York Times: July 22, 1923.
News and Views. Three issues.
News from the National Women's Party: "Exclusive in Your City. Immediate Release".
Newspaper: "Doylestown Daily Intelligencer", Vol. XXX, No. 46.
Newspaper: "Progress" Vol. VI, Number 4.
Next President, The.
Next President, The.
Next President, The.
Next President, The.
Next Step in the Education of the Deaf.
Night Among the Horses, A.
'Night, Mother.
Nightingale Training School 1860-1996, The.
Nineteenth Annual Catalogue…
Nineteenth Annual Catalogue…, second copy, with differences.
Nixey's Harlequin.
No Other Man; Nursery Rhymes.(2 books)
No Sect in Heaven.
No Visible Means of Support.
No Vote, No Tax.
Nobel Prize Speech.
Non-Sexist Code of Practice for Book Publishing.
Nonce Volume, pamphlets published by the British, Continental, and General Federation of the Abolition of State Regulation of Vice.
Nora's Return.
Norland Quarterly, The.
Norma Allewelt Dancers Scrapbook.
Norman: Twice a Year, 2 volumes; Here I Stand by John Beecher; inscribed between Norman and Stieglitz (see also #9780).
Norton Book of Science Fiction.
Norwegian-American Woman's Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks. [8 large brown boxes.]
Norwegian-American Woman's Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks. [8 large brown boxes.]
Not a Station But a Place.
Not At Home."Woman's Place Is In The Home".
Notes from Shaowu.
Notes from Sick Rooms.
Notes of Lectures on Jewish Philanthropy.
Notes on Hospital Administration.
Notes on Hospitals.
Notes on Hospitals.
Notes on Housekeeping in India for Beginners.
Notes on Lying-In Institutions.
Notes on Nursing for the Labouring Classes.
Notes on Nursing.
Notes on Nursing.
Nous Gens D'Espagne.
Novels and Tales.
Nurse's collection of 15 silver gelatin photographs.
Nurses' Handbook and Catalogue of Nursing Requisites, The.
Nursing at Bart's. A History of Nursing Service and Nurse Education at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London.
Nursing Guide.
Nursing scrapbook.
NYC Theater Scrapbook.
NYRB material.
Oberlin Pamphlets (5).
Objections Answered.
Obscure Destinies.
Observations of the Importance of Female Education, and Maternal Instruction, with their Beneficial Influence on Society.
Observations of the Importance of Female Education, and Maternal Instruction, with their Beneficial Influence on Society.
Observations on the Construction of Healthy Dwellings namely Houses, Hospitals, Barracks, Asylums, Etc.
Observations on the natural claim of the mother to the custody of her infant children…
Observations on the Real Rights of Women.
Observations on the Sanitary State of the Army in India.
Observations on the Sanitary State of the Army in India.
Obywatelki i Obiwatele!
Occident, and American Jewish Advocate, The.
Occult Chemistry.
Occupational Discriminations Against Women.
Odd Woman, The.
Of Lady Rose's Daughter.
Of Men and Women.
Of the Importance of Religious Opinions.
Of the Importance of Religious Opinions.
Of the Importance of Religious Opinions.
Of the Importance of Religious Opinions.
Off Center: Essays.
Offener Brief an Jean Jaures.
Offprints and Periodicals. 5 cloth slipcases.
Ohio's minimum wage laws for women - legal scrapbook.
Oklahoma Next.
Old Aunt Dinah's Policy Dream Book.
Old Friends and New.
On Designing. Slipcased with #4260.
On Looking into the Abyss.
On My Own.
On My Own.
On Photography: Cover maquette.
On Pilgrimage.
On the Decay of Municipal Representative Government.
On the Geneva Convention of August the 22nd, 1864, with some account of the national committees formed for aiding in ameliorating the condition of the sick and wounded of armies in time of war.
On the Products of the Fission of Uranium and Thorium Under Neutron Bombardment.
On the Property of Married Women.
On the Pulse of the Morning. The Inaugural Poem.
On the Trail of Negro Folk-Songs.
On the Writing of American Jewish History.
On Violence.
On Weaving.
On Writing.
Once Upon a Time and To-Day.
Once Upon a Time and Today.
One Moral Standard for All.
One of Ours.
One Woman to Another. 1 slipcase for this with 5299 and 5301.
One Woman, One Vote.
One Writer's Beginnings.
One-Act Plays from the Yiddish.
Only a Flock of Women.
Oo-Mah-Ha Ta-Wa-Tha.
Opal, The: Pure Gift for the Holy Days.
Operas and Plays.
Opinions of Candidates for the Pennsylvania Legislature.
Opinions of New Hampshire Men and Women.
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit.
Orchard and Vineyard.
Orchard and Vineyard.
Order of Service at the Consecration of the Polish and German Synagogue…
Order of Service on the Day of Fasting Mourning and Prayer for the Victims of Mass Massacres in Nazi Lands.
Ordinary People.
Organization and Teaching of Elementary School Art.
Organization of Nursing.
Organizing to Win Votes for Women.
Oriental Religions and their Relation to Universal Religion. This copy, from the Tuskegee Institute Library, bequeathed by Ednah Dow Cheney.
Origin and Formation of Fibroid Tumors of the Uterus and eight other titles.
Origin, Tendencies and Principles of Government, The
Original Letters from India.
Original Manuscript of "We Two".
Original pencil sketch for a mural: "History of Women's Rights Movement.."
Original Poems on Various Occasions.
Original Stories, from Real Life;
Original Stories.
Origins of Totalitarianism, The.
Origins of Totalitarianism.
Orphans of Lissau, The, and other interesting narratives… 2 vols.
Orpheus. A masque.
Other House, The.
Other Side of War, The. . . with the Army of the Potomac. Slipcased manuscript (a) and unslipcased first edition (b).
Our Charley, and What to Do with Him.
Our Duties to the Blind.
Our Irish Theatre.
Our Place Among the Infinities.
Our Working Girls and Boys, typescript.
Out of My Life & Thought.
Out of the Pumpkin Shell - Running a Women's Liberation Playgroup.
Out of the Shadow.
Out of the Shadow.
Outline of Campaign for State, Congressional District, Country and Local Branches of the Woman's Party.
Outline of the Plan of Education Pursued at the Greenfield High School for Young Ladies, with a Catalogue for the Year 1831-1832.
Outlines Illustrative of The Journal of F****** A*** K*****.
Outlines of Jewish History.
Overthrow of the War System, The.
[OXFORD, Radcliffe Infirmary]. Personal record book.
Pacifist Program for Preparedness.
Pagan Rabbi and Other Stories, The.
Pagan Rabbi and Other Stories, The.
Painted Lace and Other Pieces.
Palms, Negro Poets' Number. Volume IV, Number I
Pamphlet Against Anthologies, A.
Pamphlet Collection - 23 items.
PAMPHLET: Appeal of the Trustees of Bradford Academy to the Friends of Female Education.
PAMPHLET: National Headquarters of the Woman's Party.
Pamphlet: The Strongest of all Government is that which is most free: An Address to the People of the United States.
Pamphlets and programs.
Paper dolls.
Papers of the Jewish Women's Congress. (boxed with 1360 AND 1362)
Papers on Literature and Art.
Parade for Peace handbill.
Pardon of Women.
Paris in the Twenties.
Paris Journal 1944-1965. 2 vols.
Paris Journal.
Paris Lions and London Tigers.
Paris Reader: Setting Copy.
Paris Was Yesterday 1925-1939.
Paris Was Yesterday.
Paris, France.
Parting Hymn of the Graduating Class of Bradford Academy.
Partners. The United Nations and Youth.
Pass the Equal Rights Amendment Now.
Passing for White, Passing for Black.
Passing of Jewry.
Passion Play, A., in OTHERS.
Pat and Pal.
Pat Hearn Gallery Archive.
Path Breaking: An Autobiographical History of the Equal Suffrage Movement in Pacifi Coast States.
Path of Life.
Patti Smith Group Salutes Pope Jean Paul I-II: Wave San Francisco.
Pattie's Guide to the Coronation.
Paul et Virginie.
Paula Cooper Gallery Archive.
Pavane for a Dead Infanta.
Peace and Bread in Time of War.
Peculiar Treasure, A., with signed photograph of Cather as a young woman.
Pennsylvania Men - Be Just! Vote for woman suffrage on Nov. 2nd.
Pennsylvania Suffrage Pledge Form.
Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association The Forty-First Annual Convention.
Pentateuch: Torat Ha-Elohim.
People's Council for Democracy and Peace.
People's School. Mt. Meigs Village, Ala.
PERIODICAL: Bombshell, The.
Periodicals That Pay…
Persephone is Pissed #1.
Personal Account Book, Carroll County, Tennessee.
Personal Narrative or Mrs. Margaret Douglass, The...Colored Children to Read.
Personal Reminiscences of a Great Crusade.
Petition for Woman Suffrage to the New York State Constitutional Convention.
Petition to the Senate and House of Representative of the United States.
Phillipia, A Woman's Question.
Philosophy of Individuality, The.
Photo album and address book (each in separate slipcase).
Photo Album compiled by a nurse at a military convalescent hospital.
Photo Album featuring Amelia Earhart on her First World Flight Attempt.
Photo Album of a First World War Nurse.
Photo Album of a Member of the Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra.
PHOTO ALBUM: Camp Kineowatha.
PHOTO ALBUM: European travels of five American women.
Photo Album: Grey Samaritans for the American Relief Association in Poland Following World War I.
Photo album: Nurses at work and at play.
PHOTO ALBUM: Summer Camp at Camp Woodland, Vermont.
Photo album.
Photo Album.
Photo Album. 114 Photographs taken by an American Army Nurse in the Western Desert. WWII.
Photo Album. William McKinley Hospital and School of Nursing, Trenton NJ.
Photo Album] J.W.C.I. Camp in Island Heights, New Jersey. [Two volumes.]
Photo of Fenwick Miller.
PHOTO: Carte
PHOTO: Carte de Visite.
PHOTO: Early cabinet photo.
PHOTO: Gelatin Silver Print of Willa Cather, framed.
PHOTO: Group portrait photo of teenage girls, signed on the verso by each.
PHOTO: Photograph and Seven Photographic Postcards.
PHOTO: Photograph and Six Photographic Postcards.
PHOTO: Portrait photo, appx. 8 x 10.
PHOTO: Signed Cabinet Photograph.
PHOTO: Signed photograph of official portrait as First Lady.
PHOTO: Suffrage March.
PHOTO: Supervising Industrial Teachers 1918.
Photo] Votes for Women.
Photograph album / school project: Ronde Iieme Lille.
Photograph album of various Girl Guides camps.
Photograph album: Department store women.
Photograph album.
Photograph and Holograph Card: "The vote that Judge Hunt pronounced a crime…"
PHOTOGRAPH: Carte de Visite of a Female Dentist.
PHOTOGRAPH: Carte de visite: "Mrs. Tennie C. Claflin (Broker)".
PHOTOGRAPH: Carte de Visite.
PHOTOGRAPH: Cartes de Visites.
PHOTOGRAPH: Culver Pictures Press Photograph.
PHOTOGRAPH: Equal Suffrage League.
PHOTOGRAPH: insc to Tully; and second photo, of ER and Tully.
PHOTOGRAPH: inscribed to Grace Tully. BOXED WITH 10848
PHOTOGRAPH: Japanese Surrender.
PHOTOGRAPH: Original carte-de-visite photo with autograph sentiment and signature.
PHOTOGRAPH: Photograph inscribed to Paula Tully. BOXED WITH 10897
PHOTOGRAPH: Portrait Photograph of Jackie Bouvier.
PHOTOGRAPH: Preparedness Parade.
PHOTOGRAPH: Press photo.
PHOTOGRAPH: Publicity Photograph of Anita Pollitzer as National Chairman of the National Woman's Party.
PHOTOGRAPH: Suffrage Parade.
PHOTOGRAPH: Three cartes de visites of Stone dating to three life stages.
PHOTOGRAPH. Original Albumen Cabinet Photo of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, his wife Fanny, her brother Thomas Gold Appleton, British sculptress Horatia Freeman, Howe, and John Coster.
Photographic album: India 1923.
Photographic Album.
Photographic Travel Diary.
PHOTOGRAPHS: Collection of female aviators.
PHOTOGRAPHS: Collection of five Roosevelt family photographs, all featuring Eleanor, from the files of Sarah Roosevelt; given to I Borken, S.R.'s biographer.
PHOTOGRAPHS: Lonely Doll (3).
PHOTOGRAPHS: Over 100 inscribed photographs, autographs, postcards, and newsclippings.
PHOTOGRAPHS: Photograph album, 1870 - 1890.
PHOTOGRAPHS: Photographic Archive of the Women's Liberation Movement.
PHOTOGRAPHS: Two Cowgirls.
PHOTOS: 3 group photos from a Philadelphia studio.
PHOTOS: A century of photos documenting, through 1500 photographs, aspects of women's education, social work, labor, and more.
PHOTOS: Album.
PHOTOS: Photo album and medals.
PHOTOS: Photographs of Emma and Moses Lazarus.
PHOTOS: Portrait photos (22)
PHOTOS: Six Photographs of the Pilgrim Steam Laundry Company.
PHOTOS: Two photograph albums.
Physical Education in the Public Schools.
Physical Force and Democracy.
Physician's Receipt.
Physicians' Manual of Birth Control.
Picture Book.
Picture Geography for Little Children. Part One: Asia.
Picture of Dorian Gray, The.
Piecework in the Silk-Dress Industry.
Piesni Proletariatu.
Pilgrim's Terrace: Poems American & West Indian. With TLC to Dorothy Day and an APS by Day.
Pilgrims of '48.
Pioneer Missionary in the Cumberland Mountains of Kentucky.
Pivot of Civilization, The.
Place of the Individual in Society, The (with photograph of Emma Goldman).
Plain and Candid Statement of Facts of the Difficulty Existing Between Mr. B.L. Hamlen and Mrs. S. Dean; Being An Appeal to the Moral and Religious Community from a Defenceless and Injured Widow for Justice and Protection.
Plain Questions to Trinitarians.
Plain Sermons for Plain People.
Plain Talk to Workingmen on a Square Deal.
Plain Talk.
Plan of Work for Campaign.
Planks from the Suffrage Platform - As Stated By Mrs. C.C. Catt.
Play It as It Lays. Uncorrected proof.
Player's Boy, The.
Plays (4 vols.). Histories and Novels (2 vols.) Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn.
Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare.
Plough Woman, The.
Plough Woman: Records of the Pioneer Women of Palestine.
Pls confirm title
Plymouth Church and its Pastor.
Pocket Mirror, The.
Poems (2 copies).
Poems 1954-1962.
Poems and Ballads.
Poems and Ballads.
Poems and Essays by the Late Miss Bowdler.
Poems and Translations.
Poems by Nikki (Naomi) Grimes.
Poems of Child Labor" pamphlet.
Poems of the Past and Present.
Poems on Several Occasions.
Poems, Selected and New, 1950-74.
Poems, Vol 2.
Poems: Manuscript Notebook. Slipcased with 8700.
Poems. 1 slipcase for this with 5300 and 5301.
Poems. North and South - A Cold Spring.
Poems. Slipcased with 8775.
Poetical Extracts Begun January 1st 1817 by W.S. Howell at Mr. T Brown's School Providence R. Island.
Poetical Works, The; bound with Essays Philanthopic and Moral.
Poetical Works.
Poetical Works.
Poets and Dreamers.
Policewoman, The.
Polish-American System of Chronology, Reproduced, with some modifications, from General Bem's Franco-Polish Method.
Political Equality Series (23 issues).
Political Equality Series and others (38 leaflets bound together).
Political Equality Spoon.
Ponder Heart, The.
Population Votes -- Not Area.
Pornography: Men Possessing Women with a New Introduction by the author.
Poro Hair and Beauty Culture.
Portrait and Pageant.
Portrait of Mabel Dodge at the Villa Curonia.
Portrait photograph.
Portraits and Prayers.
Portraits in Color.
Portraits of Jews.
Portraits of Outstanding Americans of Negro Origin Painted by Two Women Artists.
Portuguese Proceedings of Congregation Mickveh Israel of Philad'a
Position of Women Under New York State Law, The. Pamphlet.
Possibilities of Deaf Children. Written for the Conference of the National Congress of Mothers.
Post Card: Pages' Costume, Suffrage Parade.
Postcard collection.
Postcard collection.
Postcard to Mary Jewett.
POSTER: Vote for Woman Suffrage Nov. 2nd.
Poster: "Annual Convention of Bucks County Association….."
Poster: "Major League Girl's Baseball. Follow the Rockford Peaches".
Poster: "Mrs. Roosevelt Exclusive Interview Evening Standard."
POSTER: Abortion Is a Woman's Right to Choose.
POSTER: Coming in with the tide.
POSTER: Coming in with the Tide. - second copy.
POSTER: Dinner. New York Woman Suffrage Association in honor of Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt. Hotel Astor. New York. Dec. 1, 1915.
POSTER: Grand Suffrage Carnival Ball.
POSTER: Lewis County Constitutional Amendment Mass Meeting.
POSTER: MAP: Votes for Women a Success.
POSTER: MAP: Votes for Women a Success.
POSTER: March Into Light: Who Died for the Freedom of Woman
POSTER: Mr. Baseball Fan....Vote "Yes" on Woman Suffrage Nov. 2.
POSTER: Mrs. Pankhurst Released. 20"x30"
POSTER: Nellie Bly's Great Story New York by Night Out To-day in the New York Family Story Paper.
POSTER: Next Sunday's Press: Working Women's Woes.
Poster: Prominent Women Speak at Newburgh, N.Y.
POSTER: Ratify the E.R.A. in '76!
POSTER: River of Doubt. 22"x32" Batt S3
POSTER: Show Your Faith.
POSTER: Souvenir in Remembrance of the Women & Girls who lost their lives in the explosion at Ajax Chemical Works, Parking. 1917.
Poster: Stage Women's War Relief.
POSTER: Suffrage October 19.
POSTER: To the Voters of Hancock County.
POSTER: Vote For Woman Suffrage Nov. 6th.
POSTER: Vote for Womans Suffrage Nov 2. 14"x20".
POSTER: Vote Yes for Amendment No. 1.
POSTER: Votes for Women.
POSTER: Women Unite - Demonstrate to Defend Our Rights.
POSTER: Women Work - Support - Obey Laws. 11"x21"
Poster. Abortion - A Woman's Right to Choose.
POSTERS x3: News from Everywhere. 14"x22" each.
POSTERS: Inflammatory Essays #5.
Pots and Politics. An Historical Cookbook from the Suffragists to the Equal Rights Amendment.
Pots, Pans and Millions.
Powder Keg, The.
Practical Education.
Practical Knowledge.
Practical Observations on the Hygiene of the Army in India: including remarks on the ventilation and conservancy of Indian prisons; with a chapter on prison management.
Practice of Contraception, The.
Practice of Medicine, The. V. 1.
Practice of Medicine, The. V. 2.
Pre-Columbian Mexican Miniatures.
Preface to "Northanger Abbey."
Preliminary Conference of the American Jewish Congress: Report of Proceedings.
Presbyterian Church Women's Scrapbook.
Presbyterians Believe in Woman Suffrage.
President Is Born, A.
President's Annual Address.
Presidential Ballot.
Prevention of the Causes of War, The.
Primary Geography in Sgau Karen, A.
Principles of Eugenics.
Printed certificate: Manhattan District. Work essential to the production of the Atomic Bomb.
Printed Christmas Card.
Printed document, signed.
Printing plates.
Prisoners of Poverty: Women Wage-workers, their trades and their lives.
Probate Confiscation and the Unjust Laws which Govern Women.
Proceedings of Seventh National Woman's Rights Convention.
Proceedings of the Anti-Sabbath Convention…
Proceedings of the Electoral College of Massachusetts.
Proceedings of the Eleventh National Woman's Rights Convention, Held at the Church….Parkhurst.
Proceedings of the First Anniversary of the American Equal Rights Association.
Proceedings of the First Convention of the National Council of Jewish Women (boxed with 2 other items) (boxed with 1361 AND 1360)
Proceedings of the National Conference of Jewish Charities and of Jewish Social Service. 7 items in 2 cloth slipcases.
Proceedings of the National Women's Rights Convention Held at Cleveland, Ohio
Proceedings of the National Women's Rights Convention.
Proceedings of the Ninth National Woman's Rights Convention.
Proceedings of the Ninth National Woman's Rights Convention.
Proceedings of the Seventh National Woman's Rights Convention.
Proceedings of the Woman's Rights Convention.
Proceedings of the Woman's Rights Convention.
Proceedings of the Woman's Rights Convention.
Proceedings of the Woman's Rights Conventions, Held at Seneca Falls & Rochester, N.Y. July & August, 1848.
Proceedings of the World Population Conference.
Proceedings of the Yearly Meeting … Held at Waterloo, Seneca Co, N.Y.
Process of Aging, The.
Prodigal Woman, The.
Profession of Judaism, The.
Professor's House, The.
Profit Sharing Bonds (2).
Program and Policy pamphlet.
Program for Election District Campaign Work in New York.
Program of International Council of Women.
Programme of Anti-Slavery Meetings. Anniversary Week, 1860
Programme: VIIIe Congres de L'Alliance Internationale pour les Suffrage des Femmes.
Progress of Colored Women, The.
Projects and Proposals: 1971-1978.
Promised Land, The.
PROOFS: A Considerable Town (1978), As They Were (1982), Sister Age (1983), Dubious Honors (1988), Stay Me, Oh Comfort Me (1993).
Propagande et Documentation.
Proposed Program For "Equal Rights"
Prospectus for speaking tour including Fuller; addressed by hand to "Abby May Alcott, Boston."
Prospectus; Receipt of Payment.
Prospectus: Appeal for £6000 to complete the asylum for penitent females.
Prospectus: The Call Ltd. A Daily Paper to be Owned by Women.
Prostitution archive.
Prostitution Archive.
Protection of the Property of Married Women.
Provisional Plan of Organization of the Glenn Industrial Home; with two related items.
Przeglad Robotniczy.
Przeglad Socjaldemokratyczny. (13 issues)
Psycho-Analytical Treatment of Children, The.
Psychoanalyse der weiblichen Sexualfunktionen.
Psychology of Political Violence, The.
Psychology of Supervising the Working Woman, The.
Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, The. 1928-36.
Public Papers of Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Publications of the Jewish Publication Society of America.
Publisher's broadside: Margaret Sidney's Books.
Publisher's order form: Crouchback.
Purchase and Sale of Commissions in the Army; bound with Pathology of Diseases of the Army in the East.
Queen Mab: With Notes.
Queen vs. Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh, The.
Queen's Twin, The.
Queer Little People.
"Question of Fitness" leaflet, The.
Quick Cooking: A Book of Culinary Heresies for the Busy Wives and Mothers of the Land by One of the Heretics.
Rab and His Friends.
Rab, and Marjorie Fleming. John Leech. Thackeray's Literary Career.
Radcliffe Song Book.
Radclyffe Hall at The Well of Loneliness
Radical Pulpit.
Rahel Morpugo and Contemporary Hebrew Poets in Italy.
Rahel Varnhagen.
Railroad Leaflet, No. 2.
Rapid Multiplication of the Unfit, The.
RAT News: Women's Liberation Issue 23.
RAT; The Women's Page; It Ain't Me Babe.
Rational Dress; or, the Dress of Women and Savages.
Reading From Parts of a Body House Book, A.
Reading of Aircraft Drawings: Basic Training Guide.
Readings and Recitations for Jewish Homes and Schools.
Realism and Reality.
Realm of Truth, The.
Realms of Gold, The.
Realms of Gold, The.
Reasons Why the Women of New Jersey Should Vote. Manuscript.
Rebecca Gratz. A Playlet.
Rebel Ireland.
Recent Jewish Progress in Palestine.
Recess, The.
Recipes for Successful Dining.
Recollections from the days of Shelley and Byron.
Record of an Obscure Man.
Record of…A great Moral Crusade in Chatham…
Recording] Woman Suffrage Phonograph Record.
Records of the Town of Hyde Park, Dutchess County, Edited by Franklin D. Roosevelt
Recovering: A Journal 1979-1980.
Red Cross Documents: TLs, "Mabel T. Boardman," and 2 of ER's Refreshment Corps cards filled out in autograph.
Red Cross Girls with the Russian Army, The.
Red Cross in Gloucestershire, 1914-1919, The. WITH Manuscript minute book for the British Red Cross Society, Gloucestershire Branch.
Red Cross Relief for the Reconcentrado Orphans of Cuba.
Red Cross, Salesman's Dummy.
Red Ribbon on a White Horse.
Red Stockings Artists Manifesto. First draft along with two page stapled mimeograph.
Red Strangers and Correspondence.
Redgauntlet. (Everyman's Library Ernest Rhys, Ed.).
Reed Shaken With the Wind, A.
REFERENCE: recent editions of Life in Prairie Land and California.
Reflections in a Golden Eye.
Reflections in a Golden Eye.
Reflections on the Present Condition of the Female Sex.
Reformation or Revolution, Which?
Reformed Woman, The; or, passages from the life of Mrs. Anna Coolley.
Refugee Facts.
Register of Ladies' Annex, Southwestern University.
Regulations and Course of Instruction.
Related material.
Related material.
Relax Senator Helms…
Releve into Maquis.
Religion of Ancient Greeece, The: proof copy, with related material.
Reliques of Robert Burns.
Reluctant First Lady.
Remarks Occasioned by Mr. Moore's Notices of Lord Byron's Life.
Remarks on Education.
Remarks on Kings, Nobles, Standing Armies, &c.
Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline.
Remarks on the General Sanitary Condition of the Bombay Army.
Reminiscences of America's First Trained Nurse; insc by Sara E. Parson; with ALS by Richards.
Reminiscences of Mary Lyon.
Reminiscences of My Life in Camp.
Removal of the Uterine Appendages (Five Cases) and eight other titles.
Renee Vivien. In La Grande Revue, 25 March 1910. With corrected typescript (#8699), and ALS to Champion (publisher).
Renegade and Other Tales, A.
Report for 1913.
Report from the Select Committee on Masters and Operatives (Equitable Councils of Conciliation); together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index.
Report from the Select Committee on Military Organization; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix.
Report of a Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for War to Enquire into the Administration of the Transport and Supply Departments of the Army.
Report of Annual Meeting of The West Virginia Farm Women's Bureau.
Report of Conference on "Women's Education: A Challenge."
Report of Special Committee on Woman Suffrage.
Report of the Association for the Education of Women with Addresses Delivered at Union League Hall.
Report of the Board of General Officers.
Report of the Chairman of the 4th Essex Senatorial District.
Report of the Commission of Enquiry into the Supplies of the British Army in the Crimea, with the Evidence Annexed.
Report of the Committee Appointed to Consider the Cubic Space of Metropolitan Workhouses, with Papers Submitted to the Committee.
Report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the President of the local Government Board to Enquire into the Nursing of the Sick Poor in Workhouses.
Report of the Henry Street Settlement 1893-1913.
Report of the International Council of Women (see also inscribed copy).
Report of the International Council of Women…
Report of the New York Association of Working Girls Societies.
Report of the New York State Woman Suffrage Association.
Report of the President of the Minnesota Magdalen Society to the Legislature of 1875.
Report of the Socialist Women of Greater New York to the International Socilaist Congress / Copenhagen, Denmark August 28th - September 4th, 1910.
Report of the Woman's Rights Meeting.
Report of the Women's Relief Association of Brooklyn.
Report on the Congress of American Women, 2 issues.
Report on the Geology of the Boulder Region.
Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the British Army.
Report to The Allotment Committee…
Report to the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the memorial of Victoria C. Woodhull... 2 Editions.
Report to the Right Hon. Lord Panmure, G.C.B., &c., Minister at War, of the proceedings of the Sanitary Commission dispatched to the seat of war in the East. 1855-56.
Report. Midwives' Registration./ Report from the Select Committee on Midwives' Registration; with the Proceedings of the Committee.
Report... Vol. 1, Report and Appendices. Vol. 2, Minutes of Evidence and Index.
Report…[to the] Committee on the Judiciary…
Reports and Realities from the Sketch-book of a Manager of the Rosine Association.
Reports from Stations in India and its Dependecies Occupied by British and by Native Troops. Reports of Inspectors-General of Hospitals. Reports on Stations in Ceylon.
Reports of Special Assistant Poor Law Commissioners on the Employment of Women and Children in Agriculture.
Reports of the Home for Aged Colored Women.
Reports of the Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York. 2 volumes in one cloth slipcase.
Reports on Captain Grant's Cooking Apparatus.
Representative Men: Seven Lectures.
Representative Men.
Republican Court, The.
Republican National Committee Women's Division. Nos. 1-2.
Repudiation of War, The.
Resolutions Adopted at 22nd World Zionist Congress.
Resolutions Adopted by the Twelfth Annual Convention of the National Woman Suffrage Association…
Retrospective and Prospective America!…Under the Auspices of the Independent Women Voters and Woman's Publishing Co." program.
Return of the Soldier, The.
Returns respecting Netley Hospital. Ordered, by the house of Commons to be printed, 13 July 1857. Bound with Reports from Dr. Mapleton and Captain Laffa as to the site, Report from Dr. Andrew Smith on the site of Netley etc.
Reuben Sachs.
Rev. George Smith material.
Review of Dr. Morse's Appeal to the Publick
Reviews of a Part of Prescott's History of Fedinand and Isabella, and of Campbell's Lectures on Poetry.
Revolution, The, prospectus for Vol. V., No. 1.
Revolution, The.
Revolution, The.
Revolution, The. 52 issues: V.3, N.1 - V.4, N.26.
Rhode Island Woman's Directory, 1892.
RIBBON: Votes for Women
Rich Girl-Poor Girl.
Richard Le Gallienne. A centenary memoir-anthology.
Richard Wagner to Mathilde Wesendonck.
Right and Wrong in Boston: Annual Report of the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society, with a Sketch of. [Two Copies]
Right and Wrong in Boston: Annual Report of the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society, with a Sketch of. [Two Copies]
Right and Wrong in Massachusetts.
Right of Suffrage.
Right Spirit, The.
Rights of Infants / Orationes, Dialogi, Epistolae, Carmina, Tam Latina Quam Graeca...
Rights of Infants…
Rights of Woman, The.
Rime di Diversi Eccellenti Autori Bresciani.
Rise of David Levinsky, The.
Rise of the Dutch Republic, The.
Rising Above Color.
Robotnikow tkackich w Crimmitschau (w Saksonii).
Rock n' Rimbaud III. Printed handbill advertising show at Riverside Plaza Hotel.
Roe et al. v. Wade, District Attorney of Dallas County.
Roger Fry.
Role of the Consumer in 1935, The.
Roman Biznet.
Romance in the Dark.
Romance of the Association, The; or, One last Glimpse of Charlotte Temple and Eliza Wharton.
Roosevelt Family Genealogy, 1649-1902.
Roosevelt From Munich to Pearl Harbor.
Roosevelt in Retrospect.
Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy.
Rosalie. WITH 2 letters, one by Thomas Jefferson (a fair copy in someone else's hand).
Rosamunda in Ravenna.
Rose Clark.
Rose in Bloom.
Roses With and Without Thorns. All Faithfulls in 2 large slipcases.
Roshni - 7 issues.
Rough Strife.
Rukeyser - Gollancz files.
Rules and Constitutions for Governing and Managing the Maiden Hospital.
Rules and Regulations for Milliners.
Ruth Benedict.
Ruth Hall.
Ruth of Moab.
Ryder, redesigned second printing. Boxed with first edition.
Ryder. Boxed with redesigned second printing (#5052).
Rzecz o Konstytuancie I Rzadzie Tymaczasowym.
Sabbath Day, The. in Ernst's Juvenile Library.
Salem: A Tale of the Seventeenth Century.
Sales Catalog.
Saleslady, The.
Sally Tate: Her Book.
Salome of the Tenaments.
Salome of the Tenements, with ALS.
Samples A collection of short stories by…Compiled for The Community Workers of the New York Guild for the Jewish Blind by Lillie Ryttenberg & Beatrice Lang.
Sandcastle, The.
Sanitary Condition of The Army, The.
Sanitary Statistics of Native and Colonial Schools.
Sapho et Huit Poetesses grecques.
Sapphira and the Slave Girl.
Sarah and Angelina Grimke.
Sarah and Her Daughter.
Saturday Life, A.
Savage Pilgrimage, The.
Save Me the Waltz.
Scars, with TLS "Victor" to "Dear Brigid".
Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman.
School Journal (4 vols).
School scrapbook and photo album of an African-American Nurse.
Science Hill Academy School Letter Book.
Science of Society. No. 1. The True Constitution of Government in the Sovereignty of the Individual as the Final Development of Protestantism, Democracy and Socialism.
Scorecard] New York Bloomer Girls, Inc.
Scoundrel Time.
Scrapbook from China and Japan.
Scrapbook of a Bobbie Brooks Clothing Factory Worker.
Scrapbook of drawings, prose, verse, and printed pieces.
Scrapbook of life during nursing school at the New England Sanitarium and Hospital.
Scrapbook of New England Girls Camps.
Scrapbook of Newspaper Clippings, 1919-1924.
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings, original photographs, telegrams, and theatre programs.
Scrapbook of the Rueping Leather Company.
Scrapbook of Theta Lambda Tau.
Scrapbook of Women's Political Activities.
Scrapbook: "Woman Suffrage Reports".
SCRAPBOOK: Holman School for Girls Class Record.
Scrapbook: Stoneleigh College, New Hampshire.
Scrapbook: The Woman's Auxiliary to the Berks County Medical Society 1969-1970.
Scrapbooks (two) of a Woman in the US Navy: Ephemera and Photographs.
Scraps of Travel and Odd Bits.
Script: The Women.
SCUM Manifesto
SCUM Manifesto, revised edition with two letters.
SCUM Manifesto.
Scum Manifesto.
Scutari and its Hospitals.
Sea Around Us, The.
Search After Happiness, The: A Pastoral Drama.
Sebastopol. Our Tent in Crimea; and Wanderings in Sebastopol.
Second Annual Report.
Second Sex - Manuscript.
Second Sex, The.
Secret History; or, The Horrors of St. Domingo.
Secrets Told.
Secular and Religious Works of Penina Moise, with a brief sketch of her life.
Security and World Peace. A Radio Debate in Boston, October, 1925.
Seduction and Betrayal: Women in Literature.
Seed Beneath the Snow, The.
Seeing the Future.
Seen and Heard in a Vaccination Plant[..].
Select Female Biography; comprising memoirs of eminent British ladies derived from original and other authentic sources.
Select Narratives of Holy Women from the Syro-Antiochene or Sinai Palimpsest….
Select Sentences: Designed as a Moral Guidebook for Young Israelites.
Selected Essays of James Darmester.
Selected Poems.
Selected Works; corrected proofs.
Selected Works]
Selected Writings.
Selections from the Poems of Mrs. Hannah H. Smith.
Selections from the Poetical Works of Algernon C. Swinburne.
Selections from the Writings and Speeches.
Semper Fidelis: Men of Iron.
Seneca Falls - DECLARATION OF SENTIMENTS and RESOLUTIONS: First Convention ever called to discuss the Civil and Political Rights on Women .... Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions.
Seneca Falls - Declaration of Sentiments in Boston Museum: "Women's Right's Convention" report [in] Boston Museum, for August 12, 1848.
Seneca Falls - Declaration of Sentiments. New York Tribune: Evening Edition, March 29-Dec 30, 1848. Includes Seneca Falls Report, July 29.
Seneca Falls - New York Observer. Vol. XXVI, No. 32, Whole No. 1317. Saturday, August 5, 1848.
Seneca Falls - Press coverage: Newburyport Herald.
Seneca Falls - Press coverage: Niles' National Register. Vol. LXXIV, Philadelphia, October 25, 1848.
Seneca Falls - REPORT of the Woman's Rights Convention.
Sentimental Song Book, The.
Separation of the Jewish Tribes, The, after the death of Solomon, accounted for, and applied to the present day, in a Sermon preached before the General Court.
Seraph on the Suwanee: advance issue and presentation first ed. 2nd. Ptg.
Series of Letters on Free Masonry, A.
Sermon by Lucretia Mott at Washington City.
Sermon to the Medical Students.
Sermon, A.; Preached at Rehoboth…
Service and Sacrifice: Poems. 1 slipcase for this with 5299 and 5300.
Service. A Trilogy on Colonization.
Set of Four Riot Grrrl Zines. No. 1, 2, 4, and 8.
Set of Six Stock Certificates for shares in The Proprietors of The Woman's Journal Corporation.
Seven Ages of Childhood.
Seven items: Little Rivers; Kenneth; Nursery Rhymes of London Town; No Other Man; Essays for Discussion; Cicero; Lona.
Seven portrait photos.
Seventh Heaven.
Several dozen items (in two binders) including typescript material, letterheads, photographs and cartes, printed matter, large and small format; bulking to NJ/NY area; relating to suffrage, leadership, women's dress, education, labor, and more.
Several Poems.
Sewing Course, A.
Sex and Education. A reply to Dr. E.H. Clarke's "Sex in Education."
Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies.
Sex Locked Out.
Sex Radicalism.
Sex Symposium, A.
Sexes Throughout Nature, The.
Sexual Politics.
Shadow & Substance.
Shadows on a Rock.
Shadows on the Rock.
Shadows on the Rock.
Shadows on the Wall.
Shaker Bible, The.
Shakers: A Correspondence Between Mary F.C., of Mount Holly City, and A Shaker Sister, Sarah L., of Union Village.
Shakespeare and Company.
Shakespeare's Predecessors.
Sheaf of Leaves, A
SHEET MUSIC & EPHEMERA: Button; and sheet music for "Wings."
SHEET MUSIC: Be Good to California, Mr. Wilson (California Was Good to You) Music Book.
SHEET MUSIC: Hurrah! Votes for Women!.
SHEET MUSIC: Little Eva; Uncle Tom's Guardian Angel.
SHEET MUSIC: Mamenu or, An Elegy to the Triangle Fire Victims.
SHEET MUSIC: Slave's Appeal, The. Musical Score.
SHEET MUSIC: Suffragette Rag, The.
SHEET MUSIC: What's the Matter With Uncle Sam Music Book.
SHEET MUSIC: Woman's Rights: A Right Good Ballad…
Shelf of Old Books, A.
Shelley + Keats.
Sherwood and A Minuet.
Ship Fever: An Inaugural Thesis, submitted for the degree of M.D. at Geneva Medical College. [in] Buffalo Medical Journal and Monthly Review.
Ship of Fools.
Ships that Pass in the Night.
Short Account of St. Paul's Church, A, Tivoli. BOXED WITH CHRIST CHURCH…
Short Account of the Life and Last Illness of Maria Mott…
Short Account of the Life and Last Illness of Maria Mott…
Short History of Woman's Rights, A. From the Days of Augustus to the Present Time. With Special Reference to England and the United States.
Short Treatise on the Second Appearing of Christ, A.
Should Women Vote? Important Affirmative Authority. - 2 COPIES.
Show Boat.
Shutter of Snow, The.
Sibyl, The.
Sick Room and its Secret, The.
"Sick-Nursing and Health-Nursing." In Woman's Mission.
Sign for Cain, A.
Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window, The.
Silent Spring
Silent Spring (proofs).
Simple directions in needle-work and cutting out….
Sin of Sins, The. Fallen Women.
Sinai, 2 issues.
Sing a Battle Song: Poems by Women in the Weather Underground Organization.
Sing a Battle Song: Poems by Women in the Weather Underground.
Sing a Song of Safety.
Singer Company Sign.
Singing Shepard and Other Poems, The.
Singing Shephard, The, and other poems.
Sins of Government, Sins of Nation; or, a Discourse for the Fast, appointed on April 19, 1793.
Sisters: Get Involved.
Sisters. (9 issues).
Six Autograph Letters Signed to the Reverend Robert C. Waterston, Washington DC and Boston, June
Six ERA Leaflets: #1 I Appeal to Women For United Support.
Six ERA Leaflets: #2 Do You Know that a Woman Does Not Have…
Six ERA Leaflets: #3 Women Are Not Persons, Wives Are Chattels.
Six ERA Leaflets: #4 The Equal Rights Amendment Questions and Answers.
Six ERA Leaflets: #5 Glimpse of Laws Shows Need for Equal Rights.
Six ERA Leaflets: #6 Constitutional Rights of Women.
Six Modern Women.
Six New Yorker issues, some annotated, some "rough copies."
Six pamphlets, each detailed in its own entry.
Six Reasons Why Farmers' Wives Should Vote.
Six Sinners; or School Days in Bantam Valley.
Six Stories in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper.
Six titles: a) Fabula b) The Fourteenth of October c) The Days of Mars d) Ruan e) Gate to the Sea f) Visa for Avalon
Six Trade Cards: "Three Ages of Woman: Worldly and Spiritual."
Six Women's Calendar and Medical Almanac Notebooks.
Sixteen Trade Cards.
Sixteenth Amendment Forum Invitation Addressed to Susan B. Anthony.
Sixth and Eighth Annual Announcements.
Sixth Annual Report of the Sisterhood of Bethany, Minneapolis, Minn.
Sixth Beatitude; Miss Ogilvy Finds Herself.
Sixth Beatitude.
Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Annual Catalogues of the Officers and Students of Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Sixth, Seventh, Eigth and Ninth Annual Cataloues of the Officers and Students of Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Sketch of the Origin and Results of Ladies’ Prison Associations
Sketches of History, Life, and Manners, in the United States.
Sketches of Natural History
Sketches of Universal History, Compiled from Several Authors.
Slave's Appeal, The.
Slavery and "The Woman Question" Lucretia Mott's Diary of Her First Visit to Great Britian to Attend the World's Anti-Slavery Convention of 1840 Supplement No. 23 to the Journal of the Friends' Historical Society.
Slaves in Algiers.
Slipcase] Some Disordered Interior Geometrics.
Slipping-Down Life, A.
Small Broadside: "Your Great Opportunity to Hear…Dr. Anna Howard Shaw…and the Hon. Wm. H. Wadhams…"
Small Pamphlet: "All the Reasons Why Women Should Not Have the Ballot".
Small Pamphlet: "Program for Election District Empire State Campaign".
Small Pamphlet: "Some 'Kernel' Arguments Opposed to Woman's Suffrage."
Smith Family Bible. (2 slipcases)
Smith Family: Genealogy and Family Background.
Smith Family: Glastonbury documents.
Smith Family: Legal documents.
Smith Family: Photographs and books.
Snobs in Suburbia.
So Here Then Are Dreams.
Social Basis of the Women's Question [Sotsialya osonvy zhenskago voprosa].
Social Deliverances: United Presbyterians Speak.
Social Destiny of Man.
Social Reformers.
Social Reformers.
Social Significance of the Modern Drama, The.
Social Significance of the Modern Drama, The.
Socialist Feminism - A Strategy for the Women's Movement.
Society of Virtue at Rome, The.
Soft Soap.
Sole Remedy for War, The.
Solitude of Self.
Some Account of the Life and Religious Exercizes of Mary Neale…
Some Common Questions Answered.
Some Deaths in the Delta and other poems.
Some Facts About Suffrage Leaders A Cause Is No Stronger Than Its Leaders" broadside.
Some Legal Difficulties which Beset the Jewess. (2 items, 2 copies of each.)
Some Massachusetts Laws" pamphlet.
Some Memories of Drawings.
Some Mystical Adventures.
Some Reminiscences of a Long Life.
Some Things the MA Legislature of 1889 and '90 did for Men…
Some Things the Massachusetts Legislature ...
Something for Something at the Suffrage Hearing Before the Joint Judiciary Committee at Albany February 19, and at Washington, March 3, 1908.
Something for Women Better than the Ballot.” IN Woman: Her Rights, Wrongs, Privileges, and Responsibilities.
Something New! Temperance speech broadside.
Song Book No. 1.
Song Catcher in Southern Mountains, A.
Song Celestial or Bhagavad-Gita,
Songs For Community Singing.
Songs from the Ghetto.
Songs of a Semite: The Dance to Death.
Songs of a Semite: The Dance to Death. With an ALS to Mr. Stedman, 1882.
Songs of a Wanderer.
Songs of Exile By Hebrew Poets.
Songs of Many Days.
Songs of Russia.
Songs of the Three Countries; Twixt Earth and Stars (2 copies)
Songs of Three Counties and Other Poems.
Sordello, a History and a Poem.
Sorrows of Cupid, The.
Southern Belle.
Southern Woman's Story, A.
Souvenir Booklet.
Soyer's Culinary Campaign. Being Historical Reminiscences of the Late War with the Plain Art of Cookery for Military and Civil Institutions, the Army, Navy, Public, Etc. Etc.
Sozialreform oder Revolution?
Sozialreform oder Revolution?
Spagnoletto; with related scholarly material from 1949.
Spare Rib
Special Votes-for-Women Number. The Nautilus, Vol. XIII, No. 4
Speech in the House of Commons on Women's Suffrage.
Speech of Hon. Edward T. Taylor of Colorado in the House of Representatives April 24, 1912.
Speech of Hon. Stanley E. Bowdle Delegate from Hamilton County, on Woman Suffrage before the Ohio Constitutional Convention" leaflet.
Speech on the Ethics of Sexual Equality.
Speech…in the British Parliament, on the Household Suffrage Bill, May 20th, 1867.
Speeches and Addresses of Edward Henry XVth Earl of Derby K.G. Vol. 1.
Speeches and Addresses of Edward Henry XVth Earl of Derby K.G. Vol. 2.
Spelman College Literary Magazine.
Spirella Manual of Corsetry Salesmanship and Business Practice.
Spirit of Judaism, The.
Spirit of Judaism, The.
Spirit of Judaism, The.
Spirit of Seventy-Six, The; or, The Coming Woman.
Spirit of the Ghetto, The.
Spirit of the New Testament, The.
Sprawozdanie z Vl zjazdu Socialdemokracji Krolestwa.
Springfield Organization Week.
Spunk" in The New Negro, The, An Interpretation.
Spur, The.
St. Nicholas.
Standards for Employment for Women.
Star Against Star.
State shield for suffrage march: Arizona.
State shield for suffrage march: Colorado.
State shield for suffrage march: Kansas.
State shield for suffrage march: Wyoming.
State Suffrage School.
Statement to the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry.
Status of Women…
Stone Wall, The.
Storm Songs and Fables.
Story of a Courageous Woman, The.
Story of a Pioneer.
Story of a Pioneer.
Story of a Sub-Pioneer, The.
Story of an African Farm, 2 vols.
Story of an African Farm, The.
Story of an Epoch-making Movement.
Story of Christ Church in Philadelphia, The. BOXED WITH …St. Paul's.
Story of Junior Hadassah on its twentieth anniversary, The.
Story of Mary Lyon, The.
Story of My Life, The.
Story of the Highland Brigade in the Crimea. Founded on Letters written during the years 1854, 1855, and 1856.
Story of the Red Cross, A.
Story of the White House, The.
Story of the Woman's Party, The.
Straight Girl on the Crooked Path, The.
Strange Necessity, The.
Stravinsky: A.
Streamlined Cooking.
Struggling Up to the Light.
Stuarts: Being Outlines of the Personal History of the Family.
Student Notebooks.
Studies in Industrial Physiology: Fatigue in Relation to Working Capacity….Ten-Hour Plant.
Studies in the Psychology of Woman.
Studying Art Abroad and How to Do it Cheaply.
Sturdy Oak, The.
Styles of Radical Will.
Subjection of Women, The.
Subjection of Women, The.
Subscription slip for The Birth Control Review.
Subsidiary Notes as to the Introduction of Female Nursing into Military Hospitals in Peace and in War.
Suffrage as a War Measure (2 copies).
Suffrage Autograph album.
Suffrage Ballot Instructions: How to Vote for Woman Suffrage.
Suffrage Cookbook, The.
Suffrage Embroidery.
Suffrage leaflet: Do you want to give Senator Weeks another opportunity to repudiate the women of your state?
Suffrage Parade. WITH TWO PHOTOS.
Suffrage Rummage Sale, A.
Suffrage Snapshots in JUDGE.
Suffrage Songs Selections from the Songs submitted in the Competition for the Bishop Prize" leaflet.
Suffragette Primer, A., or, A Wink to the Wise.
Suffragette, The, Vol. 1 No. 1.
Suffragette, The.
Suffragettes March on Edison Blue Amerol Record No. 2413. Key of F.
Suffragettes, New York State Fair, Syracuse, N.Y.
Suffragist, The, Vol. VI, No. 1-47; The Woman Citizen, Vol. II, No. 6-Vol. III, No.31; The Woman Citizen Vol. IV, No. 21. TWO LARGE CLOTH SLIPCASES.
SUFRAGE: Group Photo.
Suggestions for Improving the Management of the Nursing Department in Large Hospitals.
Suggestions Respecting Improvements in Education.
Summer Bird-Cage, A.
Summer on the Lakes in 1843.
Summer on the Lakes in 1843.
Sunbeams Among The Mysteries. Ten Unanswered Arguments. Freemasonry Speechless.
Sunday School, The: History of Hester Wilmot, The. 4 items.
Sunday; or A Working Girls [sic] Lament.
Sunkawakan Wicayuhapi.
Sunlight Lay Across My Bed, The.
Sunset Gun.
Sunshine and Play-Time.
Suppression of Free Speech in New York and New Jersey, The.
Supreme Court. Appellant's Statement and Points of Margaret H. Sanger.
Survey of Palestine, A.
Survival Series stickers.
Susan B. Anthony February 15, 1820 February 15 1900 Love's Rosary.
Susan B. Anthony The Woman Who Changed the Mind of a Nation.
Swieto l-go Maja.
Swieto Pierwszego Maja…
Swieto Pierwszego Maja…
Swieto robotnicze I-go Maja.
Symbolic Education.
Table Monitor.
Take Care of the Little Blind Children.
Tales and Sketches of New England Life.
Tales from the House Behind.
Tales from the Secret Annex.
Tales in Political Economy, with an ALS.
Tales of New England.
Tales of the Colorado Pioneers.
Talks on Women's Topics.
Tardif envoi de Fleurs.
Teacher: Anne Sullivan Macy.
Teaching Patriotism in the Public Schools.
Technics and Civilization.
Telegram to FDR regarding motherhood.
Tell it All": The Story of a Life's Experience in Mormonism.
Tell Me a Riddle.
Tell Me a Riddle.
Tell My Horse.
Temple of My Familiar, The.
Tempting Kosher Dishes.
Ten Years of ARTEF.
Tender Buttons, tenderly.
Tenements of Chicago, The: 1908-1935.
Tennessean, The.
Tennis With Hart.
Tenth Triennial Program and a Record of Council Achievements (boxed with 1361 AND 1362)
Territorial Rights.
Tertium Organum.
Testimony from the Governors of the Four Free States.
The "Unanswerable Argument" Answered.
"The Americans: Writing, Gender, and National Identity" - notes and proposal drafts; Notes on Pornography Speech.
The Cause.
The Change in the Status of Women Makes Votes For Women the Next Natural Step.
The Complete Home.
The Double Standard of Conduct for Men and Women. New York: Viola Mizell Kimmel
The Federal Spy: Women Vote in New Jersey.
The Form of Prayers According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews.
The Girl of Bluegrass": Unpublished manuscript by the first woman graduate of the University of North Carolina
The Glass; or, the Trials of Helen More.
The History of Woman Suffrage: Volume IV Now Ready
The Name and Nature of Poetry.
The People of the State of New York, Respondent, against Fannie Mindell, Defendant-Appellant.
The Pioneer Woman: Anniversary Number Mishke Poaloth - together with 25 additional items.
The Pure and the Impure.
The Quiet Miss Godolphin, and A Chance Child.
The Republican Party and Democratic Party Have Both Endorsed Woman's Suffrage.
The Republican Party Stands for Woman Suffrage. Stand With Your Leaders. Vote for Woman Suffrage November 5th. (2 copies)
The Right to Vote Who gave MEN their right to Vote and When?…
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
The Sink of Solitude.
The Story of the Greek People
The Sudden View
The Suffragist. Vol. VIII, Nos. 5 and 6. Two Issues.
The Teachers' and Parents' Assistant, Or, Thirteen Lessons Conveying to Uninformed Minds the First Ideas of God and His Attributes
The Well of Sleevelessness.
The Woman Suffrage Party of the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association.
The Woman's Journal.
The Women of California Strong For Hiram Johnson.
The Work of the Afro-American Woman.
The WOW Song.
Theben. Gedichte und Lithographieen.
Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Thelma Yellin: Pioneer Musician.
Thelma, a Norwegian Princess.
Theodore Tilton against Henry Ward Beecher.
Theory of Teaching.
There Are Two Ways To Secure the Establishment of Woman Suffrage.
Think and Act.
Third Annual Convention and Pan American Conference of Women Program.
Third Chance.
Third Life of Grange Copeland, The.
Third Report from the Select Committee on the Army Before Sebastopol; with the Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix.
Third Triennial Conference: manuscript report, scrapbook, and printed program.
Third World Women's Committee to Celebrate International Women's Day.
Thirteenth Annual Catalogue.
Thirteenth Woman, The; with ALS to Hallie Gay at the Paris Review.
This I Remember, Dutch translation.
This I Remember.
This is America. With typed LETTER from Mrs. Roosevelt's secretary.
This Is Junior Hadassah.
This Is My Story.
This Is My Story.
This Is My Story.
This Question of Birth Control.
This Soviet World.
This Troubled World.
This Troubled World.
This Was the Old Chief's Country.
Thomas Grant. First Bishop of Southwark.
Thoughts on Feminism.
Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.
Thoughts on Various Charitable and other important Institutions…to which is subjoined An Address to the Females of the Rising Generation…
Three Cabinet Cards of Women's Clubs from Indiana (The Owelets and The Sorosis Circle).
Three Diaries.
Three Formative Documents.
Three Lives, with ALS to front pastedown.
Three Lives.
Three Lives.
Three Outstanding Women: Mary Fels, Rebekah Kohut, Annie Nathan Meyer.
Three Poems by Hart Crane from The Bridge.
Three Scrapbooks.
Three Short Novels. Asya. First Love. Spring Torrents.
Three titles: Choosing Women for War-industry Jobs; Part-Time Employment of Women in Wartime; Changes in Women's Employment During the War.
Three Trade Cards: Secular Ages of Women.
Three Willa Cather Photographs and a Calling Card.
Thursday at Ten.
Time: The Present.
Tin Can Tree, The.
To and Through Nebraska.
To Be Of Use. With TLS to Galen Williams, founder of Poets and Writers, on violence against women, 9-11-73.
To Bigotry No Sanction.
To Ensure Grace for Her.
To Kill a Mockingbird.
To Kill a Mockingbird.
To Susan B. Anthony on her Eightieth Birthday.
To the 8,000,000 Working Women in the United States.
To the 8,000,000 Working Women in the United States.
To the Constitutional Conventions of the Four New States.
To the Joint Secretaries, Bombay Presidency Association, Bombay.
To the Male Citizen.
To the Men and Women of New York (Broadside).
To the Organizers of the New York Campaign.
To the Probationer Nurses at St. Thomas' Hospital, 2 editions.
To The Voters Resolution Adopted by the New York State Woman Suffrage Party leaflet.
To the Voters. Resolution Adopted by the New York State Woman Suffrage Party Conferene, Saratoga, August 30th, 1917.
To the Women of England.
To the Women of New Jersey, and Reasons Why the Women of New Jersey Should Vote.
To the Women of This State.
To The Women Voters of Tennessee.
To the Women Voters…
Toilet Preparations.
Toilet, The.
Tom Brown's School Days.
Tomato Ketchup…
Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America…
Tour of Palestine and Egypt.
Tout Compte Fait.
Toward a Female Liberation Movement.
Toward a Radical Middle.
Toward Woman's Liberty.
Towarzisze! Robotnicy!
Tracts for the Times.
Trade Union Woman, The.
Tragic Cats.
Transcripts of Adolf Eichmann's Interrogation. Six Volumes.
Transformation: or, the Romance of Monte Beni [The Marble Faun].
Travel Journal of a trip to Rome, Jan 26 1916-May 7 1916.
Travel Narrative of An English Woman Traveling in Egypt and the Holy Land.
Treasurer's Report.
Treatise on Education in Two Volumes, A Manuscript.
Treatise on the Legal and Equitable Rights of Married Women…
Treatise on the Motive Powers, A.
Tremont Temple.
Trial Marriage: A Satiric Comedy in Three Acts.
Trial of D[e Robigne]. M[ortimer]. Bennett…Upon the Charge of Depositing Prohibited Matter in the Mail.
Trial of Miss Anthony for Illegal Voting…
Trial of Susan B. Anthony, The.
Tribute to Angels. Slipcased with 5450.
Trip to Washington with Bobby and Betty, A.
Troll Garden, The and One of Ours: Manuscript and Corrected Typescript Blurbs.
Troll Garden, The.
Troll Garden, The.
Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland.
Trotsky Protests Too Much.
Trouble I've Seen, The.
True History of Some of the Pioneers of Colorado.
True in Substance and in Fact.
Truism Stickers: Survival Series (1983-1985).
Truisms Wooden Postcards.
Truth and Excellence of the Christian Empire.
Truthful Woman in Southern California, A.
Turn Toward Peace, The.
Twelve black and white photographs of Vita and Sissinghurst, with eighteen negatives of additional images.
Twelve Reasons Why Women Should Vote.
Twelve Reasons Why Women Should Vote.
Twelve Reasons Why Women Should Vote.
Twelve Sermons.
Twenty Years at Hull-House; with autobiographical notes.
Twenty Years at Hull-House.
Twenty-Eighth Commencement.
Twenty-fifth Annual Convention [program].
Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures, The.
Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures, The.
Twenty-Two Years' Work of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute.
Twice A Year, 15 volumes in 8 books (see also #10159).
Twice Over Lightly.
Two Altars.
Two Brilliant Woman Leaders - debate announcement.
Two Diaries Kept by Eliza C.L. Grubb of Wilmington Delaware in 1856 accompanied by Her Personal Expense Book, 1861-1863.]
Two documents.
Two Handbooks.
Two Little Rivers (by Van Dyke); Keineth (by Abbott). (2 books)
Two pamphlets: Prelude to a Church and Dualities.
Two Poems.
Two Selves.
Two Serious Ladies.
Two Trade Cards: Kendall Soap Company.
Two Women: 1862.
Typed Form with Manuscript Entries: Report of Senatorial District Chairman.
Typed List of "One Hundred Key Men of Haverhill".
Typed List of "One Hundred Key Men of Haverhill". WITH Autograph list of women of the 6th Congressional Dist., M. Briggs, Chairman.
Typed questionnaire on farming in the Midwest; completed by recipient.
Typescript essay.
Typescript Press Statement regarding Valerie Solanas. With file of related material.
Typescript Transgender Memoir.
Typescript Travel Diary: Miss Miller's Travels.
TYPESCRIPT: "Introduction to 'Native Son.'
Typescript: "Women As Angels, 1966."
TYPESCRIPT: Annotated typescript poems: "Chambermaid," "Kandinsky's Plane," and "Saba the Bird." With signed Galerie Veith Turske catalogue.
TYPESCRIPT: Brief an die Deutschen [Letter to Germany].
TYPESCRIPT: Christmas Pudding, broadcast adaptation of her first novel, two mimeo scripts
TYPESCRIPT: Continuous Present as Composition.
TYPESCRIPT: Corrected Typescript of ten short stories for Spillway
TYPESCRIPT: Dark Forest, The. Film treatment.
TYPESCRIPT: Extra-illustrated Travel Diary. Dalmatia, 1952.
TYPESCRIPT: Goddess, The.
TYPESCRIPT: Jordanstown. With first edition.
TYPESCRIPT: Madame de Pompadour, partial annotated typescript carbon.
Typescript: Speech of Mrs. Marion Booth Kelley.
Typescript: Speech of Mrs. Maud Wood Park
Tzena Vrena.
U.S. 1.
UE Fights for Women Workers WITH Women Fight for a Better Life (two pamphlets).
Ueber die Erziehung der Tochter.
Ulysses S. Grant (Wister's biography).
Unanswerable Argument, The," Answered.
Unassigned box
Unassigned box
Uncertain Feast, The.
Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly.
Uncle Tom's Cabin: A True History, manuscript.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Uncle Tom's Cabin. 2 Vols.
Under the Eagle's Wing.
Under the Olive.
Under the Sea-Wind.
Unequal Justice under Law. Women and the Constitution.
Unfinished Woman, An: A Memoir.
Union of the States, The.
UNIQUE ANNOTATED COPY: Handmaid's Tale, The.
UNIQUE ANNOTATED COPY: Journals of Susanna Moodie, with accompanying annotated books.
United Hebrew Charities of the City of New York, The: 35th Annuel Report and Proceedings, WITH Fifty Years of Social Service. (2 vols.)
United States Senators and Representatives on Woman Suffrage.
United States Senators and Representatives on Woman Suffrage.
University of Oklahoma Bulletin: Woman Suffrage.
University Settlement Bazaar flyer, event to benefit the Summer Home for Mothers and Children given under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary and the Settlement Society.
Unlit Lamp, The.
Unmarried Woman, The.
Unofficial Patriot, An.
Unpossessed, The.
Unpublished Memoir fragments, annotated typescript.
Unpublished WPA Stories: Florida Folklore. Negro Legends.
Untamed / The Jungle.
Untitled (Black Book).
Untitled Film Stills.
Untitled remarks on nursing.]
Unusual and Unpublished Recipies.
Up To and Including Her Limits.
Up-State Vote, The.
Use Your Buying Power for Justice.
Vale of Cedars and Other Tales.
Vale of Cedars.
Valedictory Address…Female Medical College of Pennsylvania.
Valperga: Or, the Life and Adventures of Castruccio.
Van Deusen v. Newcomer, State of Michigan Supreme Court, Record.
Vanished World, The.
Vanity and Insanity of Genius; with ALS.
Varangs' Saga, The.
Variety: Second Series.
Various titles and related material (see box 094 for titles A-G)
Various titles and related material. (see box 068 for titles H-M)
Various titles in 3 volumes.
Various titles, see Edition field.
Various titles.
Various: including, Shrew, Red Rag and Screaming Angels.
Vassarion, The.
Veil, the.
Venice Installation, The.
Verona and Other Poems.
Victoria Magazine, The. All Faithfulls in 2 large slipcases.
Victoria Regia, The. All Faithfulls in 2 large slipcases.
Victoria Woodhull Reader, The.
Victory: How Women Won It.
Victory: How Women Won It.
Vida: A Novel.
Views of Society and Manners in America.
VII International Woman Suffrage Congress Budapest June 15-20." program.
Viking Portable Library: Dorothy Parker.
Village by the Jordan, A.
Village, A.
Vindication of the Rights of Men, A.
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A.
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A.
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A.
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A.
Vindication of the Rights of Woman: with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects.
Vindication of the Rights of Women, A.
Vindication of the Rights of Women, A.
Vindication of the Rights of Women, A.
Violent Bear it Away, The.
Virginia Woolf.
Virginia Woolf.
Virginia Woolf.
Vita Sackville-West-Collection of Newspaper clippings.
Voice of One Crying Out in the WIlderness, The.
Voices from Within.
Voltairine de Cleyre.
Voltairine de Cleyre.
Volunteer's Friend, The.
Von der Menschlichtkeiot in finsteren Zeiten.
Vote Yes on the Woman Suffrage Amendment November 2."
Voters Attention! A Meeting at Odd Fellows' Hall.
Voters---Take Warning!
Votes For Woman.
Votes for Women Amending State Constitutions A Study of State Constitutions Which Lack Suffrage Amendments." leaflet
Votes for Women / Rockland Assembly District League / NYState Woman Suffrage Party…Third Annual Convention and Conference…
Votes for Women a Success: North America Proves It.
Votes for Women poster.
Votes for Women: Souvenir Official Programme of the Great Demonstration.
Votes for Women! The Woman's Reason Because.
Votes for Women! The Woman's Reason Because.
Votes For Women! The Woman's Reason Because.
Votes for Women.
Votes For Women.
Votes For Women.
Votes For Women. Mass Meeting.
Votes for Women. People Say / We Say.
Votes for Women. The Woman's Reason.
"Votes for Women" pledge form.
Votive Offering, The. All Faithfulls in 2 large slipcases.
Wage-Earning Woman and…
Wages for Housework Campaign Bulletin.
Wages for Housework, Notebook No. 1.
Walka robotnicza pod Caratem.
Walter White, 2 page manuscript.
Wanderer, The.
Wanderings of a Pilgrim in Search of the Picturesque, 2 vols.
War and Peace.
War Poetry of the South.
War-Whoop, The (2 issues).
War, Peace, and the Future.
Ward 81.
Warrior's Husband, The: 250+ keybook photographs.
Wartime Scrapbook from Service on the Queen Mary.
Washington Women's Cook Book.
Watch Fob: Women's Liberty Bell / Justice / Equality.
Watch on the Rhine, The. Typescript.
Water Cup: Drink to the Success of the Empire State Campaign.
Waterfall, The.
WAVES album.
Way My Mind Works, The.
We Are All Lesbians.
We Are Many.
We Don't Buy Cushman's Products Taystee Bread or Cake.
We Need to Talk About Kevin.
We, the undersigned voters, petition the men of Oklahoma to vote Yes, on the Woman Suffrage Amendment, Nov.5, 1918.
Weeds. 2 copies.
Weeks leaflet.
Weep No More, My Lady.
Well of Loneliness, The -- program from stage adaptation.
Well of Loneliness, The -- prospectus.
Well of Loneliness, The.
Well of Loneliness, The.
Well of Loneliness, The.
Well of Loneliness, The.
Well of Loneliness, The.
Wellesley College Yearbook: Legenda 59.
Welty - Yellin correspondence file.
West of Fifth.
West Virginia Club Woman, The (6 issues).
What a Young Woman Ought to Know. Purity and Truth, Self and Sex Series.
What Are Masterpieces.
What Became of the Slaves on a Georgia Plantation?, 1863.
What Can a Woman Do?
What Dianthia Did [CPG Family Archive].
What Dianthia Did [CPG Family Archive].
What Difference Does It Make to the Women?" leaflet.
What Eight Million Women Want.
What Every Jewish Woman Should Know.
What Every Mother Should Know.
What Every Woman Knows leaflet.
What Every Woman Knows.
What Next for Richard Wright?
What Next for Richard Wright?
What President Wilson Says" - 2 copies.
What Roosevelt Thought.
What Shall We Do with Our Daughters? Superfluous Women and Other Lectures with LETTER: Autographed letter signed, to an unnamed correspondent.
What the Negro Wants.
What to Wear and When to Wear It.
What to Wear Vol. 1
What Women Might Do with the Ballot: The Abolition of Child Labor.
What Young People Ought to Know about War and Peace.
Wheel Within a Wheel, A.
When You Grow Up to Vote.
Where Garments and Americans Are Made.
Where the Two Came to their Father.
Where Women Vote.
Where Women Vote. Woman Suffrage Works Well.
Which Side Are You On?
Which Will You Believe?
Whisperings of Time.
White Heat of Mojave.
White Heron, A and Other Stories.
White House, The.
White House, The.
White Lies: A Novel.
White Mule.
White Slave Girls of Chicago, The.
White Slave Traffic, The.
Whitman: The Poet-Liberator of Woman.
Who Represents Her?
Who Shares the Cost of War?
Who Shares the Cost of War?
Who Shares the Cost of War?
Whom Shall We Hang? The Sebastopol Inquiry.
Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?
Why I Am a Republican.
Why Illinois Women Should Vote.
Why Miss World?
Why the W.C.T.U. Seeks the Ballot.
Why the Working Woman Needs the Vote.
Why Women Cry. Proof ("Wenches with Wrenches or Why Women Cry") copy AND first edition ("Why Women Cry or Wenches with Wrenches").
Why Women Do Not Want the Ballot, vol.1 rev. ed. AND vol. 2
Why Women Should Vote.
Why Women Should Vote.
Why Women Want to Vote Women Are Citizens and Wish to Do Their Civic Duty.
Why Women Want to Vote.
Why Women Want to Vote.
Why Women Want to Vote. Women Are Citizens and wish to do their civic duty.
Why Women Want To Vote. Women Are Citizens, and wish to do their civic duty.
Why Women Work.
Why Working Women Want the Vote.
Wife's Legal Agreement Not to Have Carnal Knowledge of Other Men Anymore.
Wigs on the Green.
Wild Flowers of Palestine.
Wild Seed; Survivor; Kindred.
Wilderness Tips.
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels.
Will, to Lucinda Sterling protecting her financial interests "free and clear and independent of the control, interest, meddling, or debt of her present or any future husband…"
Will; WITH Advertisement, and Catalogue of the sale of her possessions.
Willa Cather in Europe.
Willa Cather Living. Boxed with Willa Cather: A Memoir.
Willa Cather: A Biographical Sketch, An English Opinion, and An Abridged Bibliography.
Willa Cather: A Critical Biography.
Willa Cather: A Memoir. Boxed with Willa Cather Living.
William Godwin: His Friends and Contemporaries. 2 vols.
William Lloyd Garrison on Non-Resistance.
William Rathbone. A Memoir.
Willy's Holidays or, Conversations on Different Kinds of Governments.
Wilson Era, The and Shirt-Sleeve Diplomat.
Win Peace and Freedom through Nonviolent Action. Double issue (4.14).
Wind, The.
Windows on Henry Street.
Windows on Henry Street.
Winners and Losers.
Winning of the First Bill of Rights for American Women.
Winter of Artifice, The.
Winter of Artifice.
Winter of Artifice.
Winter of Artifice.
Wireless Message to Suffrage "Live Wires," A.
Wise Animals, The. File of photocopies and various letters relating to "The Wise Animals".
Wise Blood.
Woman and her Education.
Woman and Her Era. (2 vols.)
Woman and Her Needs.
Woman and Her Needs.
Woman and Labor.
Woman and Labor.
Woman and the Higher Education.
Woman and the Law.
Woman and the New Race.
Woman and the Republic. A Survey of the Woman-Suffrage Movement in the United States and a Discussion of the Claims and Arguments of Its Foremost Advocates.
Woman as a Musician.
Woman at Work: as told to Mary Winslow.
Woman Citizen, The. In two large cloth slipcases.
Woman Citizen's Library, 12 vols.
Woman Do Want the Vote.
Woman Free.
Woman from Bondage to Freedom.
Woman in American Society.
Woman in Jewish Law and Life.
Woman in the 19th Century.
Woman in the 19th Century.
Woman in the Nineteenth Century
Woman in the Nineteenth Century.
Woman Investor, The; Prospectus for Vol. 1 No. 1.
Woman is Talking to Death.
Woman Movement in America, The.
Woman Movement, The.
Woman Neglected in Education and the Causes and Effects.
Woman of the People, A.
Woman of Yesterday and To-day.
Woman Rice-Planter, A.
Woman Suffrage Amendment.
Woman Suffrage and Politics: The Inner Story of the Suffrage Movement.
Woman Suffrage and Woman's Profession.
Woman Suffrage by Federal Constitutional Amendment.
Woman Suffrage Campaign Song Book.
Woman Suffrage Co-Equal With Man Suffrage.
'Woman Suffrage Co-Equal With Man Suffrage".
Woman Suffrage Convention.
Woman Suffrage Cook Book, The.
Woman Suffrage Facts Cartooned…
Woman Suffrage History Arguments and Results.
Woman Suffrage in New Jersey.
Woman Suffrage In War Time.
Woman Suffrage in War Time.
Woman Suffrage is Here!
Woman Suffrage is Here!
Woman Suffrage Law, The.
Woman Suffrage Petition.
Woman Suffrage Reports."
Woman Suffrage Serial No. 2: Hearings before the Committee of the Judiciary…
Woman Suffrage: Hearing…on Senate Joint Resolution 81, April 19, 1910; Hearings….on S.J. Res. 1, 1913; Proceedings in the United States Senate July 31, 1913…
Woman Suffrage. Its Relation to Working Women and Children.
Woman The Twentieth Century Crusader.
Woman to Woman.
Woman Voter, The. (Vol. V, No. 10)
Woman Who Lost Him and Tales of the Army Frontier, The.
Woman Who Toils, The.
Woman Worker and the Trade Unions, The.
Woman, Church and State…
Woman, Her Education and Influence.
Woman's Bible, The, by Elizabeth Cady Stanton….Let Reflecting Women Think" broadside.
Woman's Bible, The, Part I & II.
Woman's Century Calendar.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union Ephemera.
Woman's Column, The. (broken run of vol. III)
Woman's Digest.
Woman's Example: and A Nation's Work. A Tribute to Florence Nightingale.
Woman's Handiwork in Modern Homes.
Woman's Journal and Suffrage News, 4 issues.
Woman's Journal, The. (2 bound vols)
Woman's Journal, The. Twelve issues.
Woman's Journal.
Woman's Journal.
Woman's Journal.
Woman's Journal. 18 issues,
Woman's Magazine, Special Edition, May 1907.
Woman's Manual of Law, The.
Woman's Medical Guide.
Woman's National Weekly.
Woman's Parliament.
Woman's Part, The.
Woman's Philosophy of Woman, A.
Woman's Record.
Woman's Right to Labor; or, Low Wages and Hard Work.
Woman's Rights Almanac for 1858.
Woman's Rights Convention!
Woman's Rights Documents (15), compiled by Lucy Stone.
Woman's Rights Tracts, 7 bound together.
Woman's Rights Tracts.
Woman's Rights Tracts.
Woman's Rights Tracts.
Woman's Rights Under the Law.
Woman's Suffrage (AMS), 12 pages.
Woman's Thoughts About Women, A.
Woman's Vote. How She May Use It.
Woman's Who's Who of America.
Woman's Work Among the Lowly.
Woman's Work Among the Lowly.
Woman's Work in America.
Woman's Work in the Civil War.
Women [Poll] Watcher's Certificate; with New York State Printed Temperance Act.
Women and Economics A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution. [CPG Family Archive]
Women and Economics A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution [CPG Family Archive].
Women and Economics.
Women and Oppression.
Women and Public Housekeeping.
Women and Reconstruction; Being the Report of the Committee on Social and Industrial Reconstruction of the National Women's Trade Union League of America.
Women and Sex: Sexual Experiences and Reactions of a Group of Thirty Women as Told to a Female Psychotherapist.
Women and the Civil War - six items.
Women and the Printing Arts.
Women and Their Bodies. [Our Bodies Ourselves.]
Women as Dictators
Women as Human Beings" pamphlet.
Women as Sex Vendors.
Women as World Builders.
Women at the Hague: The International Congress of Women and Its Results.
Women Authors of Our Day in Their Homes.
Women Awake!
Women Builders.
Women Do Want the Vote.
Women Do Want the Vote.
Women in City Homes.
Women in Crime.
Women in Industry.
Women in Industry.
Women in the Home / Votes for Women.
Women In The Home.
Women In The Home.
Women in the Home.
Women in the Military.
Women in the War.
Women of America, The.
Women of Israel.
Women of New York.
Women of the Future.
Women of the Renaissance, The: A Study of Feminism.
Women on the Farm broadside.
Women Plan Rights Drive.
Women Professional Workers.
Women Wanted.
Women Workers and their Dependents.
Women Workers Through the Depression.
Women Workers Want Vote.
Women Workers.
Women, Plumbers and Doctors.
Women, The.
Women's Air Force Photo Album.
Women's Army Scrapbook.
Women's Auxiliary Air Force Recruitment Poster in Hebrew.
Women's Bible, The: Review of. "Let Reflecting Women Think." 2 copies.
Women's Camping Trip
Women's Century Calendar.
Women's Congress Association of the Pacific Coast, The, pamphlet.
Women's Division of the National Amateur Athletic Federation, constitution and other pamphlets.
Women's Division United Jewish Appeal - three items.
Women's Education, 1890-1949. Items from the Board of Education Reference Library, London.
Women's International Exhibition Programme.
Women's Jobs: Advance and Growth.
Women's Journal [ie Woman's Journal?]. The, Volume VII, Numbers 1-53.
Women's League of Health and Beauty, The.
Women's League Outlook 1965 Fall Issue; with two related items.
Women's Liberation - Notes from the Second Year.
Women's Occupations Through Seven Decades.
Women's Pledge, The.
Women's Prisoner Defence League pamphlet.
Women's Rights Convention Waltz.
"Women's Rights Convention. Cleveland. Oct. 8th, 1853." Portland Daily Advertiser, Vol. 23, No. 230.
Women's Rights.
Women's Self Defense: The Art of Awareness, Prevention, Strategy, and Effective Fighting.
Women's Stake in Unions.
Women's Street Theater, The.
Women's Suffrage Deputation.
Women's Victory, The.
Women's Vote in Kansas, The.
Women's Wage Sheet from UK Shell Factory.
Women's Ways of Earning Money.
Women's Wild Oats.
Women's Yellow Pages.
Won't You Help Woman Suffrage Win This November? What Will You Do?
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole.
Woodblock prints.
Wooden postcards (12).
Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly.
Wool Gathering, with Autograph Letter to Paul Bowles.
Woolf and Orlando.
Word to the Wise, A.
Word, The.
Wordsworth and Coleridge.
Work of Colored Women, The.
Work with Material; Designing. Two items.
Work-Accidents and The Law.
Work, Wages and Education.
Working Girls and Women of Rochester, N.Y., The.
Working Hours of Women in the Pea Canneries of Wisconsin.
Working With Roosevelt.
Working With the Working Woman.
Working Women's Buying Guide to New York.
Works of Horatius Flaccus.
Works of…
Works of…
Workwoman's Guide.
World I Live in, The.
World Is Round, The.
World Movement for Woman Suffrage 1904 to 1911, The.
World of Carmel Snow, The. WITH ALS.
World Tour with a Paint Brush, A. Unpublished manuscript journal.
World War I British W.A.A.C. Albums of E. Smith.
World War II Diary
World Youth Peace Congress (report)
World's Congress Auxiliary of the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893.
World's Congress of Representative Women, The. 2 vols.
World's Own, The.
Worlds Tiniest Dog, The.
Would You Want Your Daughter To Be President?" In EVERYWOMAN'S MAGAZINE.
Writer's Britain, A.
X-Ray, The (her sorority annuals), two volumes.
Xenophon Vol II. Prospectus of the Family Classical Library; or English Translations of the Most Valuable Greek and Latin Classics.
Ye Last Sweet Thing in Corners.
Year Book 1906 - 1907 and 1911 - 1912. (2 volumes.)
Year's Progress In Woman Suffrage, The.
Yearbook for the Class of 1928. With enclosures.
Yearbook: Corolla [3 vols]
Years of Experience.
Yekl: A Tale of the New York Ghetto.
Yellow Wall Paper, The.
Yellow Wall Paper, The.
Yellow Wall Paper, The. Boxed with Moving the Mountain.
Yellow Wall-Paper, The.
Yes, Ma'am! The Personal Papers of a WAAC Private.
Yidishe Dikhteris: Antologye [Yiddish Women Poets: Anthology].
Yield to the Night.
You Learn by Living.
Young Champion, The.
Young Fighters of the Soviets.
Young Men's League, The. BOXED WITH THE WILD DUCK.
Young Pope, The.
Young Woman's Photograph Album of Pre-Israel, Tel Aviv.
Young woman's travel diary Boston to NJ, VT, NY, and NYC, including visits to Dartmouth College and insane asylums.
Young Working Girls.
Your Great Opportunity To Hear Two of the Country's Famous Suffrage Speakers.
Your Vote and How to Use It.
Youth and the Bright Medusa.
Youth's Guide in Zion, and Holy Mother's Promises. Given by Inspiration at New Lebanon, N.Y. January 5, 1842.
Z pola walki.
Zane Street Girls' Grammar School, Year Book of Facts.
Zawiadomienie Vl-ym Zjezdzie.
Zionist Convention, Program and Transcript.
Zionisten-Congress in Basel. (29. 30. Und 31. August 1897). Officielle Protocoll.
Zwiadomienie konferencji krajowej Socialdemokracji Krolestwa Polskiego I Litwy…